MOD Report
Weather Condition:
Hotel OCC:
Special Occasions:
Pre-Duty Checklist prior to starting MOD shift:
E-mailed to all Associates informing start of duty and mobile no.
Reviewed the relevant Review PRO, to discuss for initiatives or follow-up
Reviewed the previous night’s Business movements
Reviewed the previous night’s operation cases
Reviewed the daily activities and events to meet and greet
Guest / Member Engagement
Guest No.1 (please put the guest details along the guest feedback)
Guest No.2 (please put the guest details along the guest feedback)
Guest No.3 (please put the guest details along the guest feedback)
Guest No.4 (please put the guest details along the guest feedback)
Guest No.5 (please put the guest details along the guest feedback)
Employee Recognition
Tell us who impressed you during your MOD shift or someone whom you observed that went the extra mile to delight a Guest / Member and deserves to be recognised, and story shared for others to emulate:
Employee Dining Room
Is the area in a good condition?
Front Office
Is the area in a good condition?
Is the area in a good condition?
Guest Room
Is there any inspected guest rooms? If yes, please mention the findings and room number in the comment box
F&B Areas - The Restaurant
Is the setup of the area compliant with brand standards?
Is there any cleanliness issue?
Is there any mainenance needed?
F&B Areas - Luma
Is the setup of the area compliant with brand standards?
Is there any cleanliness issue?
Is there any mainenance needed?
F&B Areas - The Patisserie
Is the setup of the area compliant with brand standards?
Is there any cleanliness issue?
Is there any mainenance needed?
F&B Areas - IRD
Is the setup of the trolleys compliant with brand standards?
Is there any cleanliness issue?
Is there any mainenance needed?
Spa & Pool Areas
Cleanliness of guest areas and chaning room
Set up of guest areas and changing rooms
Pre-function Area, Boardroom & Meeting Rooms
Set up of the area
Public Area - Front of House (Walk the property, including the corridors of each floor; check the following areas)
Fire escapes are unobstructed and clean
Fire extinguishers are available, not expired and good working condition
Lifts are operating properly and clean
Staircases are free of debris and obstruction
Parking lot and dumpsters are clean and functional
Emergency escape lights are on (notify maintenance immediately if error)
Banquet and/or non-Guest/Member area doors are shut (if not in use)
Lights are switched off in areas with no human traffic to save electricity
All Employees are in their proper workplace and not found loitering
Heart Of House
Set up of the area
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is there any additional point to highlight?