Title Page
Site conducted
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Are safety glasses in use in designated areas? <br>
2. Is ear protection being worn in designated areas? <br>
3. Is PPE equipment being used appropriately by employees? <br>
4. Are aisles/floor clear of debris, pellets, water, oil? <br>
5. Are exit doors clear? <br>
5a. Are exit signs visible and illuminated?
6. Are fire extinguishers clear, charged, checked monthly, and marked with signage and/or red paint? <br>
7. Are cords controlled, no trip hazards? <br>
8. Did you find any other trip hazards? <br>
9. Are eye wash stations clear, clean, filled and checked monthly? <br>
10. Are spill response kits sealed and in designated areas? <br>
10b. Are spill kits easily accessed?
11. Are all machine guards for presses and assembly machines in place? <br>
12. Are skids on racks stable or secured with rubber bands as appropriate? <br>
13. Is the Racking system free of any visible damage? <br>
14. If equipment is being serviced, is LOTO in use? <br>
15. Are gaylords covered and marked properly to prevent mixing and contamination? <br>
16. Are pallet jacks in good condition, operating properly, and stored properly? <br>
17. Are all secondary chemical bottles labeled properly? <br>
18. Pick 1 chemical on the floor, Can you locate the SDS online? <br>
19. Are trash/recycling containers available and properly marked? <br>
20. Did you find any safety violations in your respective area? i.e. cords, drawers open <br>
21. Do any cords have ground prongs missing or any other damage? <br>
22. Are all the controls for the crane legible?
23. Is there an marking or sign that has a reference for direction of travel? (arrow pointing North)
24. Are the fire cabinets being used properly? (Only contain flammable chemicals. Non-flammable items cannot be in the cabinet)
25. Does the racking have visible load rating signs?