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Medical Infection Control Audit Report


  • Health & safety protocols including SARS-CoV-2

  • Sanitation procedures SARS-CoV-2 specific

  • Availability of disinfectants for use against SARS-CoV-2

  • Third party validation of compliance with all health & safety protocols

Healthcare Personnel Safety

  • Medical facility has an exposure control plan that is tailored to the specific requirements of the facility

  • Is the medical staff trained on preventative measures for airborne, bloodborne pathogens periodically

  • Following an exposure event, post-exposure evaluation and follow-up, including prophylaxis as appropriate, are available to the staff and are supervised by the ship's doctor.

  • Medical facility tracks staff exposure events and evaluates event data and develops/implements corrective action plans to reduce incidence of such events.

  • Medical facility follows recommendations on Immunization Practices for immunization of the medical staff, including offering Hepatitis B and influenza vaccination.

  • All medical staff receive baseline tuberculosis (TB) screening prior to joining a vessel.

  • If respirators are used, the medical facility has a respiratory protection program that details required worksite-specific procedures and elements for required respirator use, including provision of medical clearance, training, and fit testing as appropriate.<br>

  • Medical facility has well-defined policies concerning contact of medical staff with patients when medical staff have potentially transmissible conditions.

  • Medical staff educated on the importance of infection prevention measures to contain respiratory secretions to prevent the spread of respiratory pathogens.

Surveillance and Disease Reporting

  • An updated list of diseases reportable to the public health authority is readily available.

  • Medical Staff can demonstrate knowledge of and compliance with mandatory reporting requirements for notifiable diseases, and for potential outbreaks.

Hand Hygiene

  • Medical staff is required to demonstrate competency with hand hygiene.

  • Medical facility routinely audits (monitors and documents) adherence to hand hygiene.

  • Medical facility provides feedback from audits to personnel regarding their hand hygiene performance.

  • Hand hygiene policies promote preferential use of soap and water over alcohol-based hand rub.

Crew Pre-Embarkation Requirements

  • PEME

  • Covid PCR test prior to departure from home

Guest Health Screening Procedures

  • Pre-embarkation Covid-19 testing

  • undefined

  • Self-quarantine requirements at home

  • Health questionnaire at embarkation

  • Primary terminal health screening procedures

  • Secondary Medical Screening Procedures

Crew Screening Procedures

  • Pre-embarkation screening Covid-19 testing

  • undefined

  • Self-quarantine requirements at home

  • Health questionnaire at embarkation

  • Primary terminal health screening procedures

  • Quarantine at embarkation/other quarantine setting

Denial For Boarding Procedures & Disembarkation Scenarios

  • Symptomatic cases

  • Positive findings during screening process

  • System in place to isolate/hospitalize cases off the ship

  • Repatriation procedures for suspected or confirmed cases once released

  • Hospital & hotels networking itinerary based

Reporting System to the Public Health Authorities

  • CDC

  • Local Authorities

  • Health Canada

  • Anvisa

  • Other

Terminals & On Board Procedures For Covid-19 Risk Mitigation

  • Guest capacity reduction for cruising

  • Physical distancing procedures

  • Use of face masks (mandatory/optional)

  • Enough sanitation & disinfection stations in public areas

  • Touchless technology

  • Other technical measures or technology e.g. Pyure

Medical Facility

  • Medical facility isolation ward for suspected/confirmed Covid-19 cases

  • Nurse with ICU training & skills

  • RT-PCR testing capability

  • Antigen Point of Care testing capability

  • Medical facility has written policies and procedures for routine cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces, including identification of responsible personnel.

  • Medical staff is required to demonstrate competency with environmental cleaning procedures following each training.

  • Medical facility routinely audits (monitors and documents) adherence to cleaning and disinfection procedures, including using products in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions (e.g., dilution, storage, shelf-life, contact time).

  • Medical facility provides feedback from audits to personnel regarding their adherence to cleaning and disinfection procedures.

  • Medical facility has a policy/procedure for decontamination of spills of blood or other body fluids.

  • Providing space in waiting rooms and encouraging persons with symptoms of respiratory infections to sit at least 2 feet away from others as possible.

  • Medical facility has policies and procedures to contain respiratory secretions in persons who have signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection, beginning at point of entry to the facility and continuing through the duration of the visit.

  • Offering facemasks to coughing patients and other symptomatic persons upon entry to the facility, at a minimum, during periods of increased respiratory infection activity in the community.


  • PPE stock quantities sufficient for an outbreak

  • Medical staff who use PPE receive training on proper selection and use of PPE

  • Medical facility provides feedback from audits to staff regarding their performance with selection and use of PPE.

Point of Care Testing

  • Medical staff who perform point-of-care testing receive training on recommended practices

  • Medical staff is required to demonstrate competency with recommended practices for point-of-care testing following each training.

  • Medical facility routinely audits (monitors and documents) adherence to recommended practices during point-of-care testing.

  • Medical facility provides feedback from audits to staff regarding their adherence to recommended practices.

Isolation & Quarantine

  • Designated cabins for isolation (single occupancy)

  • Designated cabins for quarantine

Medical Equipment Cleaning

  • Medical facility has policies and procedures to ensure that reusable medical devices are cleaned and reprocessed appropriately prior to use on another patient.<br>

  • Medical staff is required to demonstrate competency with reprocessing procedures (i.e., correct technique is observed by trainer) following each training

  • Medical facility routinely audits (monitors and documents) adherence to reprocessing procedures.

  • Medical facility provides feedback from audits to personnel regarding their adherence to reprocessing procedures.

  • Medical facility has protocols to ensure that staff can readily identify devices that have been properly reprocessed and are ready for use (e.g., tagging system, storage in designated area).

  • Medical facility has policies and procedures outlining facility response (i.e., risk assessment and recall of device) in the event of a reprocessing error or failure.

  • Routine maintenance for reprocessing equipment (e.g., steam autoclave) is performed by biomedical personnel in accordance with manufacturer instructions; confirm maintenance records are available.

  • Date of last biomedical preventative maintenance certification done

Sterilization of Reusable Devices

  • Devices are thoroughly cleaned according to manufacturer instructions and visually inspected for residual soil prior to sterilization.

  • Cleaning is performed as soon as practical after use (e.g., at the point of use) to prevent soiled materials from becoming dried onto devices.

  • Enzymatic cleaner or detergent is used for cleaning and discarded according to manufacturer’s instructions (typically after each use)

  • After cleaning, instruments are appropriately wrapped/packaged for sterilization

  • A chemical indicator (process indicator) is placed correctly in the instrument packs in every load.

  • A biological indicator, intended specifically for the type and cycle parameters of the sterilizer, is used at least weekly for each sterilizer and with every load containing implantable items.

  • For dynamic air removal-type sterilizers (e.g., prevacuum steam sterilizer), an air removal test (Bowie-Dick test) is performed in an empty dynamic-air removal sterilizer each day the sterilizer is used to verify efficacy of air removal.

  • Sterile packs are labeled with a load number that indicates the sterilizer used, the cycle or load number, the date of sterilization, and, if applicable, the expiration date.

  • Sterilization logs are current and include results from each load.

  • After sterilization, medical devices are stored so that sterility is not compromised.

  • Sterile packages are inspected for integrity and compromised packages are reprocessed prior to use.

  • The medical facility has a process to perform initial cleaning of devices (to prevent soiled materials from becoming dried onto devices) prior to transport to the off-site reprocessing facility.

Crew Training

  • Stretcher team Covid-19 transport training & frequency

  • General crew Covid-19 training & frequency

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