Title Page

  • Yacht

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Chief/Senior engineer

  • How do the engineers access the Mini ISM & templates?

  • Are the pre departure& arrival checklists in use, is this correctly recorded in the logbook?

Standing orders

  • Are the chief engineers standing orders covering the items required in the SMS?

  • Have all the engineering staff signed these?

Permit to work

  • Is the permit to work system implemented in the engineering department?

  • Are risk assessments consulted when opening the permit to work?

  • Are permits correctly closed out on completion and filed?

Planned Maintenance System (PMS)

  • What planned maintenance system is used onboard?

  • Are the job cards sufficiently detailed?

  • Do service schedules for fire fighting & life saving equipment follow flag requirements?

  • Are there sufficient manufacturer equipment manuals available?

  • Are comments added to the system once maintenance is completed for future reference?

  • Are reports by service companies retained on file?

  • Is regular oil analysis undertaken for engines, prop shafts, thrusters, stabilisers, hydraulic systems etc., are they acted upon?

Ballast water treatment

  • Applies?

  • Is the ballast water plan approved?

  • Can the engineer explain system operation?

  • Are records correctly maintained?

MARPOL Annex 1 - Oil pollution prevention

  • Is the location of the SOPEP (or oil management plan known?)

  • Are they familiar with pollution prevention procedures?

  • 400GT+ If the yacht can operate in US waters can they locate the NTVRP manual?

Oil record book

  • Is the ORB correctly filled out (no empty lines, each page signed by captain, instructions for completion followed)?

  • Refer to the guidance in the front of the ORB for recommended template

  • Is the weekly retained on board (C11.1) record present?

  • Documented evidence for landing sludge, oily rags or fuel oil?

  • Fuel specification and MSDS held for all fuels bunkered?

Oily water seperator

  • Does the yacht have an oily water seperator?

  • Are the engineers familiar with it's operation?

  • Is the standard operating procedure for testing/operation posted with the OWS?

  • Is the overboard discharge valve secured/locked and a discharge of oil prohibited sign posted up?

  • Is the 15 ppm detection cell replaced/calibrated in accordance with manufacturer instructions?

  • Does the 3 way valve operate correctly and the alarm sound in the engine room when the 15 ppm sensor is activated?

  • Is there adequate capacity available in the holding tank?

MARPOL Annex 4 - Sewage pollution prevention

  • Is the sewage system operating correctly?

  • If there is a means to discharge directly overboard?

  • If untreated sewage is discharged are records of time/position of starting & stopping kept in the log?

MARPOL Annex 6 - Air pollution prevention

  • Are any ozone depleting substances (ODS) listed on the IAPP certificate record?

  • Is a record of topping up/loss of ODS maintained? (fridge log book)

  • Are any engineering staff trained to work on fridge systems?


  • Which type of gasoil is used onboard?

  • Does the fuel match the engine manufacturer specification?

  • Is the fuel specification obtained before bunkering?

  • Is the bunker delivery note (BDN) retained for 3 years?

  • Is the sulfur content and flash point adequate (0.1% and 60 degrees +)

  • Is the correct bunker checklist used and a copy retained for each bunkering?

  • For US waters bunker procedure in accordance with CFR 155 sub part C is onboard with letter of authority?

  • Have any letters of protest regarding fuel quality been issued?

NOx emissions reduction (Applies to all engines 130 kW+

  • Record of parts affecting emissions held?

  • Techincal files for each engine over 130 kW are available?


  • Applies?

  • What energy saving measures have been implemented since last audit?

  • Can the crew involved explain the aim of the plan (monitoring/goals/self evaluation/review)?

  • Are records maintained correctly (in metric tonnes/kW etc.)


  • Engine room and technical spaces are maintained in a clean condition?

  • Are rags correctly stowed in non combustible bins?

  • Is all equipment operational?

  • Is the lighting adequate and are emergency lights OK?

  • Is escape route & safety equipment signage in place?

  • Can the engineers demonstrate how to start the emergency generator?

  • Is storage of chemicals, oils and equipment safe and secure?

  • Are SOP's posted as required by the SMS?

  • Are the engineers aware of their muster list duties?

  • Can the engineers explain the machinery space isolation (vent, QCV, CO2 or sprinkler) release?

  • Is the permit to work system followed (General, confined space, diving, electrical works)

Confined/enclosed spaces

  • Has the yacht done a risk assessment to identify confined spaces which will only be entered with the assistance of outside contractors (gas free, atmosphere testing, access & rescue)

  • Yachts under 500 GT are not required to carry atmosphere monitoring equipment but confined/enclosed space drills do apply, to avoid these a risk assessment can be done to identify confined/enclosed spaces & state these will only be done with outside assistance. Otherwise carriage of atmosphere testing equipment is recommended.

  • Can the engineers identify the designated confined/enclosed spaces and explain safety procedure for entry?

  • Is there an ATEX appoved gas meter available?

  • Is the gas detector provided with remote sensing hose and appropriate onboard/ashore calibration equipment?

  • Can the engineers demonstrate how to use the gas detector?

  • Is confined space rescue equipment provided onboard, do the crew know how to use it?


  • undefined

  • Signed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.