Title Page

  • Site:

  • Property Name:

  • Property Address

  • Auditee:

  • Auditor:

  • Date of Audit:

Part 1 - General

Property Information

  • The purpose of this audit is to ensure the premises is meeting its statutory requirements with regards to Health & Safety.

  • Name of Service Manager?

  • Total number of Service Users:

  • Total number of MioCare staff working on site:

  • Type of property:

  • Landlord:

General Notes

Part 2 - Business Questions

2.1 - Safety Policy

  • 2.1.1 - Is there a copy of the current version of the Health & Safety Policy available?

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  • 2.1.2 - Is there a clear, written allocation of the health and safety responsibilities and are employees aware of them?

  • 2.1.3 - Are employees given specific health & safety information? e.g. employee handbook

  • 2.1.4 - How are Health & Safety matters discussed with staff?

  • 2.1.5 - Is there a Health & Safety Law poster displayed in employee areas?

  • Section 2.1 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.1 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.2 - Risk Assessments

  • 2.2.1 - Do you have access to MioCare generic Risk Assessment templates?

  • - Have you adapted these Risk Assessments to be site specific?

  • 2.2.2 - Is there evidence that risk assessments have been communicated to all relevant staff?

  • - How are risk assessments communicated to staff?

  • 2.2.3 - Are risk assessments reviewed periodically, following accidents and following changes of work practices?

  • - Who are risk assessments reviewed by?

  • 2.2.4 - The following Risk Assessment has been selected for further questioning:

  • - What controls are in place to cover this hazard/activity?

  • - Does the above answer show understanding of required controls?

  • Section 2.2 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.2 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • The answers above are based on a brief review of risk assessments at the time of this audit. An in-depth review of documentation is outside the scope of this audit, unless otherwise stated.

2.3 - Accident and Incident Reporting

  • 2.3.1 - In the last 12 month has there been any serious accidents/incidents?

  • - How are these reported and who to?

  • Section 2.3 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.3 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.4 - Emergency Arrangements

  • 2.4.1 - Does the property have a critical incident plan/similar document, in place to deal with serious and imminent danger?

  • 2.4.1a - Documents reviewed at time of audit:

  • 2.4.1.b - In the last 12 months have you had to implement this plan?

  • 2.4.1.c - Why and what actions where taken?

  • 2.4.2 - Are specific personnel aware of their responsibility in the event of an emergency?

  • 2.4.3 - Is appropriate evacuation equipment (e.g. Evac Chairs) available to deal with emergencies?

  • - Are key personnel trained in the use of evacuation equipment?

  • 2.4.4 - Are there written evacuation procedures available?

  • Section 2.4 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.4 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.5 - First Aid

  • 2.5.1 - Are there adequate numbers of trained personnel available to render first aid?

  • - Has a first aid needs risk assessment been undertaken?

  • 2.5.2 - Who is responsible for maintaining first aid boxes and records?

  • 2.5.3 - First aid supplies are readily available, well stocked and in date?

  • 2.5.4 - Are there adequate facilities available for the disposal of sharps (if required)?

  • 2.5.5. - Does the property have a defibrillator on site?

  • - Are procedures in place and records kept, for checking the status of defibrillator (including pads and battery life) on a weekly basis?

  • Section 2.5- Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.5 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.6 - Medication Procedure

  • 2.6.1 - Is there a medication policy in place?

  • 2.6.2 - Are an appropriate amount of staff authorised to administer medication?

  • 2.6.3 - Is medication stored in a locked medication cabinet or separate lockable fridge where necessary?

  • 2.6.4 - What records are in place for receiving and administering medication?

  • 2.6.5 - Where required are individual health care plans implemented?

  • - Do relevant staff have appropriate training to implement these health care plans?

  • 2.6.6 - How are out of date medicines or no longer needed medicines disposed of?

  • 2.6.7 - What procedures are in place for dealing with allergies?

  • Section 2.6 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.6 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.7 - Health Care Plans

  • 2.7.1 - Are there any service users on site who need a Health Care Plan (HCP):

  • 2.7.2 - Who writes the HCP?

  • 2.7.3 - What training has this person had?

  • 2.7.3 - After any incident, is the HCP reviewed and amended where relevant?

  • 2.7.4 - Is there a Violence & Aggression at Work policy?

  • 2.7.5 - Are procedures in place for dealing with Violence at Work?

  • 2.7.6 - Where necessary, are PEEP's in place for staff or Service Users?

  • - In practice, can the PEEP be followed at all times?

  • Section 2.7 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.7 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.8 - Security

  • 2.8.1 - What are the procedures for managing visitors on site?

  • 2.8.2 - Is the property secure?

  • 2.8.3 - Are the doors kept locked at all times?

  • Section 2.8 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.8 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.9 - General Training

  • 2.9.1 - Have all staff received Induction training?

  • 2.9.2 - Have all staff received H&S Awareness training, within the last 3 years?

  • 2.9.3 - Have all staff received Manual Handling (NOT people moving/handling) training, within the last 3 years?

  • 2.9.4 - Have all relevant staff received Working at Height awareness training, within the last 3 years ?

  • 2.9.5 - Have all staff received Fire Warden training, within the last 3 years?

  • 2.9.6 - Have all relevant staff received COSHH training, within the last 3 years ?

  • 2.9.7 - Have all relevant staff received Food Hygiene training, within the last 3 years?

  • 2.9.8 - Have all relevant staff received Risk Assessment training, within the last 3 years?

  • 2.9.9 - Have all relevant staff received Lone Working Awareness training, within the last 3 years?

  • 2.9.10 - Have all relevant staff had training in Sharps/Bio-Hazards, within the last 3 years?

  • 2.9.11 - Are appropriate training records kept?

  • Section 2.9 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.9 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.10 - Wellbeing

  • 2.10.1 - Is there a Wellbeing Policy in place?

  • 2.10.2 - Are staff aware of the Council EAP service?

  • Section 2.10 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.10 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.11 - New and Expectant Mothers

  • 2.11.1 - Is there a New & Expectant Mother policy in place?

  • 2.11.2 - Are New & Expectant Mothers covered by a risk assessment?

  • 2.11.3 - Is there evidence that managers review New & Expectant Mother Risk Assessment with individuals?

  • Section 2.11 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.11 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.12 - Bed Rails

  • 2.12.1 - Are bed rails in use:

  • 2.12.2 - Are bed rails only provided where they are the most appropriate solution to prevent falls?

  • 2.12.3 - Are risk assessments in place for the use of bed rails?

  • 2.12.4 - Are staff trained in the risks and use of bed rails?

  • 2.12.5 - Does the mattress fit snuggly between the rails?

  • 2.12.6 - Are rails correctly fitted on both sides of the bed, secured and maintained?

  • 2.12.7 - Are checks completed to ensure that gaps that could cause entrapment of neck, head and chest are eliminated?

  • Section 2.12 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.12 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.13 - Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

  • 2.13.1 - Has a DSE Self-Assessment been carried out for relevant employees?

  • 2.13.2 - Have relevant employees received DSE awareness training/instruction?

  • 2.13.3 - What procedures are in place for employees that report any pain or discomfort that may be attributed to using the DSE?

  • Section 2.13 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.13 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.14 - Moving and Handling People

  • 2.14.1 - Has the risk of moving and handling been assessed?

  • 2.14.2 - Do you have a person-centred moving and handling plans in place?

  • 2.14.3 - Are the plans reviewed periodically and when the persons needs change?

  • 2.14.4 - Have employees received moving and handling training appropriate to the tasks they carry out?

  • 2.14.5 - What moving and handling equipment is available e.g. Hoists, Slings, Wheelchairs etc.?

  • Section 2.14 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.14 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.15 - Lone Working

  • 2.15.1 - Have individuals or groups of employees been identified as Lone Workers?

  • 2.15.2 - Have specific risk assessments been undertaken, identifying the risks associated with Lone Working?

  • 2.15.3 - What procedures are in place for Lone Working?

  • Section 2.15 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.15 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.16 - Control of Contractors

  • 2.16.1 - Are contractors expected at the premises?

  • 2.16.2 - Are staff fully aware of the job being carried out?

  • 2.16.3 - Do contractors sign in/out?

  • 2.16.4 - How are contractors monitored while on site?

  • Section 2.16 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.16 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.17 - Driving at Work

  • 2.17.1 - Does the property own any vehicles?

  • Select Vehicle:

  • Minibus

  • - Are all drivers' licences checked to ensure they have the right class of license to drive a minibus (i.e. D or D1 on the license or they passed their test pre-January 1997)?

  • - Are all minibus drivers MIDAS trained?

  • - Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments carried out for the use of the minibus?

  • - Have all minibus drivers signed a disclaimer to confirm they are medically fit to drive?

  • - Are pre-use checks of the minibus carried out before each use and fully documented?

  • - Does the minibus have current road tax, insurance and MOT?

  • - Are seatbelts fitted to the minibus?

  • - Does the minibus carry a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, high-viz vest and warning triangle?

  • - Are powered lifts tested and thoroughly inspected every 6 months and documents available?

  • Other

  • Details of other:

  • 2.17.2 - Does the property allow staff to transport service users in their own private vehicles?

  • - Does the property have a risk assessment in place for staff to transport service users?

  • - Has the property checked staff who transport service users have fully comprehensive in-date insurance, with business use?

  • - Has the property checked staff who transport service users are 21 or over and have a minimum of 3 years driving experience?

  • - Has the property checked staff who transport service users, have a taxed and MOT'd vehicle?

  • - Has the property obtained a signed disclaimer to confirm staff who transport service users in their vehicles are medically fit to drive?

  • Section 2.17 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.17 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

2.18 - Hot Water/Surfaces

  • 2.18.1 - Have water temperatures, hot surfaces and the vulnerability of individuals been adequately assessed?

  • 2.18.2 - Are Type 3 TMV's or healthcare standard electric showers fitted?

  • Domestic electric showers are likely to have temperature regulation features, but water temperatures above 44 Deg. C may still occur if there are fluctuations in flow or pressures.

  • 2.18.3 - Are heat sources in reach of service users guarded? e.g. radiator covers or boxing in of exposed pipework, portable appliances etc.

  • Section 2.18 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 2.18 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Part 3 - Compliance Questions

Section 1 - Water Hygiene

  • 1.1 - Has a suitable and sufficient Legionella Risk Assessment been carried out for the premises, by a competent person?

  • 1.1.1 - Who carried out the Legionella Risk Assessment?

  • 1.1.2 - Date of Legionella Risk Assessment:

  • 1.1.3 - Have any substantial changes been made since the last Risk Assessment was undertaken i.e. change of use, changes to the systems or services, changes to the management structure?

  • 1.2 - Have all actions identified within the Legionella Risk Assessment been addressed?

  • 1.2.1 - What management plan is in place to ensure all actions identified are addressed?

  • For Oldham Council owned properties, advise MioCare to contact the Water Quality Consultant at Oldham Council.

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  • Section 1 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 1 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 2 - Asbestos

  • 2.1 - Are there any known Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM's) on site?

  • 2.2 - Has an Management Survey been carried out for the premises?

  • 2.2.1 - Who carried out the Management Survey?

  • 2.2.2 - Date of Management Survey:

  • 2.3 - Is there evidence that the Management Survey is reviewed (as necessary)?

  • 2.3.1 - Date of last review?

  • 2.4 - Have all actions identified within the Management Survey been addressed?

  • 2.4.1 - What management plan is in place to ensure all outstanding actions are addressed?

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  • 2.5 - Is there a Asbestos Management Plan for the building?

  • 2.5.1 - Is the asbestos Management Plan reviewed every 12 months?

  • 2.6 - Is there a printed copy of the Asbestos Register (containing plans/locations drawings/photographs) available at the main entrance to the building?

  • 2.7 - Is there evidence that all contractors sign in and check the Asbestos Register prior to starting work?

  • 2.8 - What procedures are in place, if asbestos is disturbed in the building?

  • 2.9 - Are relevant employees that work in the building made aware of the presence and position of asbestos?

  • Section 2 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 2 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 3 - Gas Safety

  • 3.1 - Is there evidence that 5 yearly testing of Gas Installation (Gas Installation Safety Report, Commercial Gas Testing and Purging Record & Schematic Diagram) is carried out?

  • 3.1.1 - Who carried out the last 5 yearly Gas Installation test?

  • 3.1.2 - Date of last 5 yearly Gas Installation test:

  • 3.1.a - Does the property have a current Landlord Gas Safety Record?

  • 3.1a.1 - Who issued the Landlord Gas Safety Record?

  • 3.1a.2 - Date of last Landlord Gas Safety Record:

  • 3.1a.3 - Does the Landlord Gas Safety Record, include a Gas Tightness Test (Installation Pipework)?

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  • 3.2 - Are all gas appliances subject to Annual Service/Test?

  • 3.2.1 - Who carried out the Annual Service/Test?

  • 3.2.2 - Date of last Annual Service/Test:

  • 3.3 - Is a gas shut off valve installed and are relevant staff aware of its location?

  • 3.4 - Are boiler houses free of combustible materials?

  • 3.5 - Is a suitable Carbon Monoxide detector fitted where gas appliances are present?

  • Section 3 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 3 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 4 - Electrical Safety

  • 4.1 - Is there evidence that periodic Electrical Installation Condition Reports (5 year fixed wiring tests) are carried out?

  • 4.1.1 - Who carried out the Electrical Installation Condition Report?

  • 4.1.2 - Date of last Electrical Installation Condition Report:

  • 4.1.3 - Is the overall assessment of the electrical installation 'Satisfactory'?

  • Electrical Installation 'Unsatisfactory'

  • - Have all 'dangerous & potentially dangerous' observations identified within the Electrical Installation Condition Report been addressed?

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  • - What Management Plan is in place to ensure any outstanding observations are addressed?

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  • 4.2 - Is there evidence that electrical appliances are tested (PAT/FAT) on a periodic basis?

  • 4.2.1 - Who carried out the electrical appliance testing?

  • 4.2.2 - Date of last electrical appliance testing:

  • 4.3 - Electrical panels are clearly marked, are unobstructed and have restricted access?

  • 4.4 - Cable management acceptable? (no split/taped cords)

  • 4.5 - Is there suitable control over the use of personal electrical equipment?

  • 4.6 - Do any power sockets appear to be overloaded?

  • 4.7 - Is there evidence that an annual discharge (3 hour duration) test of emergency lighting is carried out?

  • 4.7.1 - Who carried out the annual discharge test of emergency lighting?

  • 4.7.2 - Date of annual discharge test of emergency lighting:

  • Section 4 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 4 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 5 - Fire Safety

  • 5.1a - Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out for the property, by a competent person?

  • 5.1a.1 - Who carried out the Fire Risk Assessment?

  • 5.1a.2 - Date of Fire Risk Assessment:

  • 5.2a - Is it more than 12 months since the date of the Fire Risk Assessment?

  • 5.2a.1 - Is there evidence that an annual review has been carried out?

  • 5.2a.2 - Date of annual review:

  • 5.3a - Is it more than 3 years since the date of the Fire Risk Assessment?

  • 5.4a - Have all actions identified within the Fire Risk Assessment been addressed?

  • 5.4a.1 - What Management Plan is in place to ensure all outstanding actions are addressed?

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  • 5.1b - Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out that takes into account the occupants of the property, by a competent person?

  • 5.1b.1 - Who carried out the Fire Risk Assessment?

  • 5.1b.2 - Date of Fire Risk Assessment:

  • 5.2b - Is it more than 12 months since the date of the Fire Risk Assessment?

  • 5.2b.1 - Is there evidence that an annual review has been carried out?

  • 5.2b.2 - Date of annual review:

  • 5.3b - Is it more than 3 years since the date of the Fire Risk Assessment?

  • 5.4b - Have all actions identified within the Fire Risk Assessment been addressed?

  • 5.4b.1 - What Management Plan is in place to ensure all outstanding actions are addressed?

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  • 5.5 - Is there evidence that Fire Extinguishers are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?

  • 5.5.1 - Who carries out the inspection/servicing of Fire Extinguishers?

  • 5.5.2 - Date of last Fire Extinguisher inspection/service:

  • 5.6 - Is there evidence that servicing of the Fire Alarm is carried out by a competent person on a regular basis?

  • 5.6.1 - Who carried out the fire alarm service?

  • 5.6.2 - Date of last fire alarm service:

  • 5.7 - Is the building fitted with any specialist fire systems (i.e. Sprinklers, Smoke extract/ventilation, Fire/smoke dampers)?

  • 5.7.1 - Sprinkler system?

  • - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced?

  • - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?

  • - Date of last inspection/service:

  • 5.7.2 - Smoke extract/Ventilation systems?

  • - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced?

  • - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?

  • - Date of last inspection/service:

  • 5.7.3 - Fire/Smoke dampers?

  • - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced?

  • - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?

  • - Date of last inspection/service:

  • 5.8 - Are regular fire evacuation drills carried out (at least every 6 months)?

  • 5.8.1 - Date of last fire evacuation drill:

  • 5.8.2 - What was the outcome of the fire evacuation drill?

  • 5.9 - Is the fire alarm remotely monitored?

  • 5.9.1 - Remote monitoring of fire alarm is carried out by:

  • 5.9.2 - Who is tasked with calling the fire brigade in a genuine emergency?

  • 5.10 - Are external storage areas / waste bins, secured or located a suitable distance away from the main buildings?

  • 5.10.1 - How are external storage areas / waste bins managed?

  • 5.11 - Does the property have any electric vehicle charging points on site?

  • 5.11.1 - Does the Fire Risk Assessment take into account any fire risks associated with charging electric vehicles?

  • Advise MioCare that their Fire Risk Assessment need to be reviewed, to ensure risks associated with charging electric vehicles is taken into account.

  • 5.13 - Are means of escape correctly and clearly signed?

  • 5.14 - Are combustible materials kept away from heat sources?

  • 5.15 - Are fire doors and exits kept free from obstructions?

  • Section 5 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 5 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 6 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

  • 6.1 - Is there evidence of a COSHH inventory which identifies all hazardous substances used on site?

  • 6.2 - Is there a system in place to request manufacturers hazard data sheets (MSDS's) for new products introduced in the propertyl?

  • 6.3 - Have COSHH assessments been carried out for all products, substances and processes?

  • 6.4 - Have COSHH assessments been formally disseminated to relevant employees?

  • 6.5 - Are COSHH assessments reviewed on a regular basis?

  • 6.6 - Are adequate cleaning procedures in place to control the spread of infections i.e. Flu, Norovirus, COVID etc.

  • 6.7 - Are hazardous substances stored safely and suitably labelled (including Catering/Cleaning)?

  • 6.8 - Is P.P.E. available (where required)?

  • Section 6 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 6 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 7 - Lifts & Lifting Equipment

  • 7 - Are there any lifts or lifting equipment?

  • 7.1 - Is there a clear procedure to be followed in event of a person becoming trapped in the lift/equipment and are people competent to follow the procedure?

  • 7.2 - Are lifts adequately serviced/maintained?

  • 7.2.1 - Who carries out service/maintenance of lifts?

  • 7.2.2 - Date of last lift service/maintenance:

  • 7.3 - Is lifting equipment adequately serviced/maintained?

  • 7.3.1 - Who carries out service/maintenance of lifting equipment?

  • 7.3.2 - Date of last lifting equipment service/maintenance:

  • 7.4 - Are all lifts/lifting equipment thoroughly examined at statutory intervals (every 6 months for people or 12 months for loads only) by a competent person.

  • 7.4.1 - Who carried out the last lift/lifting equipment thorough inspection?

  • 7.4.2 - Date of last lift/lifting equipment thorough inspection:

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  • Section 7 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 7 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 8 - Premises Management

  • 8.1 - Are all windows above first floor fitted with suitable window restrictors?

  • 8.2 - Is there a recent Tree Safety Survey?

  • 8.3 - Are work areas adequately lit?

  • 8.4 - Is there an adequate heating system installed in the building?

  • 8.5 - What arrangements are in place for reporting defects to the building and remedial action carried out?

  • 8.6 - Are all doors protected against trapping points (where necessary)?

  • 8.7 - Are all staircases fitted with handrails/guardrails?

  • 8.8 - Is the perimeter wall/fence/railings in a good state of repair?

  • Section 8 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 8 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 9 - Housekeeping

  • 9.1 - Are communal areas clean and tidy?

  • 9.2 - Corridors/walkways clear of debris and obstructions?

  • 9.3 - Combustible materials are kept away from heat sources?

  • 9.4 - Floor coverings in good condition? (No holes or curled edges)

  • 9.5 - Are toilets & bathrooms kept clean and tidy?

  • 9.6 - Floors, stairs and walkways have non-slip surfaces where appropriate?

  • 9.7 - Items are stored correctly and empty boxes, etc are disposed of?

  • Section 9 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 9 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 10 - Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers

  • 10 - Are there any Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers on site?

  • 10.1 - Is there evidence that regular servicing of Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers is carried out?

  • 10.1.1 - Who carried out the servicing of automatic doors/gates/barriers?

  • 10.1.2 - Date of last service of automatic doors/gates/barriers:

  • Section 10 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 15 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 11 - Lightning Conductor

  • 11 - Is the building fitted with a lightning conductor?

  • 11.1 - Is there evidence that inspection of Lightning Conductors is carried out at regular intervals (not exceeding 12 months)?

  • 11.1.1 - Who carried out the annual inspection of the Lightning Conductors?

  • 11.1.2 - Date of last inspection of the Lightning Conductors:

  • Section 11 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 11 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 12 - Car Parking and Vehicle/Pedestrian Segregation

  • 12.1 - Are cars able to be parked safely?

  • 12.2 - Is there adequate vehicle/pedestrian separation within the premises?

  • Section 12 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 12 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 13 - Air Conditioning systems

  • 13 - Are there any Air Conditioning units on site?

  • 13.1 - Is there evidence that servicing of air conditioning equipment is carried?

  • 13.1.1 - Who carried out the servicing of air conditioning equipment?

  • 13.1.2 - Date of last service of air conditioning equipment:

  • Section 13 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 13 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 14 - Commercial Kitchen

  • 14 - Is there any commercial catering equipment on site?

  • 14.1 - Is there evidence that cleaning/testing of extraction fans/canopies is carried out periodically?

  • 14.1.1 - Who carried out the last cleaning/testing?

  • 14.1.2 - When was the last cleaning/testing carried out?

  • 14.2 - Are maintenance records available for Catering machines (where applicable)?

  • Section 14 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

  • Section 14 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Section 15 - Working at Height

  • 15.1 - Do you carry out work at height?

  • 15.1.1 - Is appropriate equipment available?

  • 15.1.2 - Are periodic ladder checks carried out?

Section 20 - Periodic Checks

  • Review paperwork to see if periodic checks are being carried out.

  • 20.2 - Weekly Checks:

  • 20.2.1 - Is there evidence that Fire Alarm test are carried out (using different call points, each week)?

  • 20.2.2 - Is there evidence that Fire extinguishers checks are carried out?

  • 20.2.3 - Is there evidence that Sprinkler tests (if applicable) are carried out?

  • 20.2.4 - Is there evidence that flushing of infrequently used outlets is carried out?

  • 20.2.5 - Is there evidence that Water temperature checks are carried out?

  • 20.2.6 - Is there evidence that Housekeeping checks are carried out?

  • 20.3 - Monthly Checks:

  • 20.3.1 - Is there evidence that Asbestos visual inspections (if applicable) are carried out?

  • 20.3.2 - Is there evidence that inspection of the external lighting is being carried out?

  • 20.3.3 - Is there evidence that Calorifier temperature checks are carried out?

  • 20.3.4 - Is there evidence that Emergency lighting (flick test) checks are carried out?

  • 20.3.5 - Is there evidence that Fire door checks are carried out?

  • 20.3.6 - Is there evidence that Disabled toilet alarm, Disabled refuge point alarm, Lift emergency alarm (if applicable) testing is carried out?

  • 20.3.7 - Is there evidence that Evac equipment checks (if applicable) are carried out?

  • 20.3.9 - Is there evidence that Ladder checks are carried out?

  • 20.4 - Quarterly Checks:

  • 20.4.1 - Is there evidence that shower heads and spray taps are cleaned & disinfected?

  • Section 20 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?

  • Section 20 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:

Part 4 - Summary

Flagged Items and Actions

  • At the beginning of the report you will see two boxes marked 'Flagged Items' and 'Actions'.

  • A 'Flagged Item', indicates a major non-compliance and could mean your property is unsafe or even breaking the law.

  • An 'Action', indicates issues identified during the inspection that require improvements.

  • Timescales for addressing Actions:



  • Auditors Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.