Title Page

  • The monthly audit covers basic compliance to hygienic practices, structural deficiencies and general compliance to SHOTT's food safety & quality policies and procedures. Any critical or major issues which can affect SHOTT's food safety & quality standard will be escalated immediately and appropriate actions will be taken.

  • Any non-conformances will be scored based on their risk - Critical (directly affect food safety), Major (may contaminate food or affect product quality) or Minor (not expected to have a direct effect on food safety or product quality). Corrective action must be taken with all details recorded on the report - the applicable department manager is responsible for this.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Food safety

  • Any potential food safety risk? e.g. high cross-contamination risk: loose parts or flaky paints/labels that can drop into the product

  • Any significant issues or complaints? e.g. product on hold, recall or withdrawal, non-conformance

  • Any comments or observations?

Personal Hygiene + Protective Clothing

  • All staff adhering to clothing procedures? Clean & appropriate uniforms as per our Hygiene zone requirement

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • All watches, jewellery removed? The exception is a plain wedding band but must be covered with glove.

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Are product handlers following hygienic practices? e.g. not touching the floor, washing hands when required

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Are hand and boot washers operational with sufficient paper towels, soap and sanitisers?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Any other issues which can affect the food safety & quality of our product?

  • Please describe the issue in the note section and score the issue based on its risk.

  • Any comments or observations?

Cleaning & Housekeeping

  • All equipment, working benches floors, walls, vents, drains, curtain strips & ceilings in a clean state? In good repair, smooth and able to be easily cleaned?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • No tools or loose items closer to the VATs & equipment - open product area?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Is the waste area clean and not overflowing with rubbish?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Cleaning equipment used and stored clean following the colour coding system?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • All chemicals labelled and stored correctly?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Free from any pest activities?

  • Specify where you have sighed the non-conformance

  • Any other issues which can affect the food safety & quality of our product?

  • Please describe the issue in the note section and score the issue based on its risk.

  • Any comments or observations?

Building & Repair/Maintenance

  • Are the building and its surrounding areas well maintained?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Specify where you have sighted the non-conformance

  • Glass, Hard Brittle Plastics & Wood - checked against the register and no issues? All bulbs working and covers intact?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Specify where you have sighted the non-conformance

  • Does any part of the building need repairs or maintenance? (e.g. walls, ceiling, floors) No damage, flaking paint, cracks, rust or holes?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Specify where you have sighted the non-conformance

  • Does any electrical fixture and equipment including motors need repairs or maintenance? No damage, flaking paint, cracks, chips or wear & tear

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Specify where you have sighted the non-conformance

  • Are roller doors and door seals in good condition and no gaps between the door and floor? All doors in good repair and able to be closed securely?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its risk

  • Specify where you have sighted the non-conformance

  • Any other issues which can affect the food safety & quality of our product?

  • Please describe the issue in the note section and score the issue based on its risk.

  • Any comments or observations?

Quality Systems / Documents

  • Are the FS forms completed on time?

  • Please describe the non-conformance in the note section and score it based on its severity

  • Any other issues which can affect the food safety & quality of our product?

  • Please describe the issue in the note section and score the issue based on its risk.

  • Any comments or observations?


  • Any accidents / Health & Safety issues?

  • Any sick staff? Return to work form completed?

  • Any comments or observations?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.