
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Date and time of inspection

  • Signature of person involved in inspection


  • Are work stations clean

  • Is office area clean

Exit Lights

  • Are lights working properly

  • Are lights visible and unobstructed

Walking/Working Surfaces

  • Are edges smooth around tables and sinks

  • Are all floor openings covered

  • Do all floor drains have covers

  • Is floor free from slip hazards

  • Is there adequate lighting for the workspace

  • Are lighting covers less than 7' from the floor

  • Are wet floor signs displayed while cleaning

  • Is the floor dry around ice machines

Equipment Guarding

  • Are guards in working condition

  • Are the guards on the Hobart Mixers

  • Are the guards on slicing machines

  • Are the guards set to "0" when not in use

  • Are guards on all pulleys and belts

Fire Protection

  • Are all portable fire extinguishers current (check that gauge is in the green and the card is good for one year from the date punched)

  • Is the evacuation plan displayed

  • Is the exit path clear of blockage

  • Are team members trained on evacuation procedures

  • Is the smoke detector in operating condition (light blinking)

  • Is there 18" clearance from ceiling sprinklers to storage

Extension Cords

  • Are extension cords being used for temporary power only (not more than 8 hours)

  • Are all extension cords in use equipped with a ground plug

  • Are all extension cords in use in good condition-no breaks in cover

Material Safety Data Sheet Book

  • Is the MSDS book accessible to all team members

  • Are the Material Safety Data Sheets current

Electrical Safety

  • Is there 3ft of clearance around electrical panels

  • Are wall outlets/switches in good condition (not loose or broken)

  • Are there covers on all outlets/switches

  • Are all warmers grounded and cords are in good condition

  • Are there grounds on all cords with three wires

  • Are restraints in good condition

Chemicals and Portable Containers

  • Are chemical containers labeled with warning

  • Are portable containers labeled with warning

  • Are all containers labeled (water, alcohol, acetone, etc)

Hand Tools - Knives, etc

  • Are hand tools maintained in good condition and stored properly

Posted Warning Signs

  • Are no smoking signs posted in no smoking areas

Compressed Gas Cylinders

  • Are cylinders chained or in a rack (CO2)

Walk-In Coolers

  • Are all lights on

  • Are all fans covered

  • Are walking surfaces dry

  • Are racks in good condition

  • Can all walk-in and freezer doors be opened from the inside (even if locked)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.