
  • Company Name

  • Audit Title

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by

  • MOT classes tested

  • VTS Number

1. Premises and Reception Area

  • Are all mandatory signs displayed? Are they in good condition?

  • Is the MOT viewing area presence identified to presenter?

  • Is there provision for adequate parking?

  • Is there a dedicated MOT notice board covered with a transparent covering?

  • Are all mandatory notices displayed on the MOT noticeboard?

  • Are MOT test times conducted correct and as expected

  • When booking in a vehicle for MOT, are all relevant details recorded?

  • Is there an adequate system for booking tests and loading the test bay?

  • What is the Site Risk Score (if able to access)

2. Nominated Testers and Training

  • Are there records available and up to date for NT annual training

  • Are the Nominated Testers recorded on MOT Computer still actively testing at site?

Nominated Testers and other staff roles registered to site

  • Name

  • Roles

  • If NT overall failure rate %

  • If NT average test time (minutes)

Nominated Testers and other staff roles registered to site

  • Name

  • Roles

  • If NT overall failure rate %

  • If NT average test time (minutes)

Nominated Testers and other staff roles registered to site

  • Name

  • Roles

  • If NT overall failure rate %

  • If NT average test time (minutes)

Nominated Testers and other staff roles registered to site

  • Name

  • Roles

  • If NT overall failure rate %

  • If NT average test time (minutes)

Nominated Testers and other staff roles registered to site

  • Name

  • Roles

  • If NT overall failure rate %

  • If NT average test time (minutes)

Nominated Testers and other staff roles registered to site

  • Name

  • Roles

  • If NT overall failure rate %

  • If NT average test time (minutes)

3. Administration

  • Are the emission test printouts internally retained and given to presenter/customer and does it show the correct procedures?

  • Can the VTS supply copies of all required retained documentation for 5 tests chosen randomly?

  • Has the Responsible Person confirmed that there has not been any changes to the Authorised Entity?

  • Can the VTS demonstrate that they have an effective internal QC scheme to ensure quality management ?

  • Has a current member of staff attended an MOT Scheme Management training course?

  • Can the site demonstrate that all required MOT test equipment has been calibrated and certificates are available?

  • Does the site have available 2 years records of required calibration?

  • Was all required documentation easily and readily available to view during visit?

MOT Equipment Calibration Expiry Date

  • Decelerometer

  • Headlamp Aligner

  • Diesel Smoke Meter

  • Shaker Plates (ATL OPTL only)

  • Brake Tester

  • Exhaust Gas Analyser

  • Tyre Tread Depth Gauge

  • Weighing Device (if applicable)

Bay 2 MOT Equipment Calibration Expiry Date (additional bays or equipment if applicable)

  • Decelerometer

  • Headlamp Aligner

  • Diesel Smoke Meter

  • Shaker Plates (ATL OPTL only)

  • Brake Tester

  • Exhaust Gas Analyser

  • Tyre Tread Depth Gauge

  • Weighing Device (if applicable)

4. Security, contingency and integrity

  • Are password and PIN number security adequately safeguarded?

  • Are pre-printed stocks of Contingency Certificates (CT) available?

  • Is there a system available to retain any copies of CT documentation?

  • Is there a system in place to verify tests conducted

5. Test Bay, Equipment and Tooling

  • Does the Station have all the required equipment in good working order?

  • Is the MOT ramp (or pit), inclusive of turn plates, in good working order?

  • Is the surface of the brake roller tester in a good serviceable condition?

  • Are the exhaust gas analysers and smoke meters in good working order and running up to date software?

  • Is the lighting considered to be adequate?

  • Is there an adequate inspection lamp in use?

  • Does the station have a CAT Tool, pinch bars, 1 metre rule and tyre depth gauge available?

  • Does the station have gas leak detector spray, tow bar electric test device and wheel chocks available?

  • Is a Decelerometer available for use?

  • Are all test bay markings including headlamp aim datum lines in good condition?

  • Is the test bay, equipment and surrounding areas clean and well maintained?

  • Is the test Bay Area free from obstruction?

  • Is the MOT viewing area assessable, or if camera used is this functioning?

  • Comments

5. MOT Risk Factor Observations During Visit

Section A - Disciplinary History

  • Disciplinary Events History

Section B - Satisfactory Activity History

  • Satisfactory Activity History

Section C - Risk Assessment Questions

  • i. Average Vehicle Age

  • ii. Authorised Examiner Details

  • iii. Registered Test

  • iv. System Security

  • v. Customer Area

  • vi. Test Fee Discount

  • vii. Notices and Public Information

  • viii. Workload Management

  • ix. Vehicle Documents and Handover

  • x. Scheme Changes

  • xi. Does the VTS hold a current subscription to a recognised Code of Practice?

  • xii. Staff Retention

  • xiii. Incentives

  • xiv. Quality Management Systems

  • xv. Staff Training

  • xvi. Workplace Throughout

  • xvii. Workplace Appearance

  • xviii. Equipment Management

  • xiv. Garage Hand Tool Maintenance

Section D - AE Representative Questions

  • Risk score based on the number of correct answers given

Section E - Nominated Tester (NT) Questions

  • Risk score based on the number of correct answers given

6. Observed Form

6. Observed Test

  • Nominated Tester's Name

6.1 Pre-Test & Inside Vehicle

  • a. Acceptance Check

  • b. VIN and VRM obtained from vehicle

  • c. Brake pedal & servo operation

  • d. Steering wheel & column

  • e. Steering lock operation checked

  • f. Drivers seat adjustment checked

  • g. Rock steering (solid surface) personally

  • h. Operation/security switches

  • Horn

  • Fog/hazards/light switches

  • Warning lamps/speedometer

  • i. Handbrake security & Operation

  • j. Seat and seat-belt operation and security

  • NSF

  • OSF

  • NSR

  • OSR

  • Centre

6.2 Outside Vehicle

  • a. Check operation of all front lights

  • b. Check headlamp alignment

  • c. Check operation of all rear lights

  • d. Self levelling and headlamp cleaners (if HID)

  • e. Obligatory mirror/s

  • f. Windscreen, wipers

  • g. Registration plates

  • i. Fuel cap and seal

  • j. boot/hatch opened and items inspected

6.3 Under Bonnet

  • a. Check bonnet security and fixings

  • b. Battery security

  • c. Brake components checked - use of assistant or shaker plates

  • d. Steering/suspension components checked - use of assistant or shaker plates

  • e. Fuel lines (with engine running and without)

6.4 Under Vehicle

  • a. Rock steering - use of assistant or shaker plates

  • b. Check brake hydraulic pipe hoses - use of assistant or pressurisation device

  • c. Exhaust system

  • d. Check fuel pipes with engine running and without

  • e.Examine front wheels, tyres, brakes, wheel bearings, steering and suspension components

  • OSF

  • NSF

  • Repeated with assistant whilst NT observes (if required)

  • f. Examine rear wheels, tyres, steering, suspension components

  • OSR

  • NSR

  • g. Wheel bearings

  • Front

  • Rear

  • h. Lever/bar used under front wheels (if appropriate for suspension type) (Not mandatory for OPTL/ATL)

  • OSF

  • NSF

  • Repeated With assistant whilst NT observes (if required)

  • i. Steering lock to lock (grease plates) checking operation

  • j. Steering lock to lock (grease plates) checking for fouling on full lock

  • k. Vigorous rock of suspension (ATL shaker plates used)

  • OSF

  • NSF

  • Repeated With assistant whilst NT observes (if required)

  • l. Examine vehicle structure and prescribed areas for corrosion - appropriate methods used

6.5 Emission Test

  • a. Pre checks conducted

  • b. Engine oil temperature measured (if required for type of test)

  • c. Engine purged (diesels)

  • b. Metered emission assessment conducted

  • d. Visual assessment

6.6 Brake Test

  • a. Align vehicle in rollers

  • b. Front brakes effort, balance, increase, reduction and judder assessed

  • c. Rear brakes effort, balance, increase, reduction and judder assessed

  • d. Handbrake effort

  • e. Readings recorded and entered correctly?

6.7 Use of MOT Computer

  • a. Does the NT demonstrate adequate competence in the using MOT computer?

  • b. Was the information logged onto the computer correctly?

6.8 Further actions required for NT and AE ( If advice given or shortcomings noted)

  • Was the procedural outcome of the test discussed with the NT

  • Was a recommendation made for the NT to revise items in Inspection Manual and for recheck to be made during internal NT checks

7. Company Details and Recommendation

7. Company Details

  • RMI Member Number

  • Contact Name

  • Contact Name 2

  • Telephone Number

  • E-Mail Address


  • Having completed the listed checks

  • This is to certify that on the following date the premises listed were inspected by the MOT training services representative below

  • This audit was conducted

  • MOT TRAINING SERVICES auditor signature

  • This is in accordance with the standards and procedures laid down for the MOT Training Services for MOT/QC.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.