Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1 - Cash and Security Check
1.1.1 - Reconcile floats back to the issued<br>amount at the time of Audit and agree back<br>to the float balance sheet.
1.1.6 - Reconcile any unbanked takings<br>held in the safe for banking back to cash<br>and cheques total on the dynamic P&L.<br>Agree monies held back to the bankings<br>check sheet.
1.1.11 - Verify the safe/float includes any<br>unsupported expenditure. Ensure all current<br>weeks receipts are supported by<br>signed/authorised Petty Cash vouchers.
1.1.16 - Reconcile stamped bank slips to<br>P&L reports. Ensure bankings are<br>completed daily and in sequential order.
1.1.21 - Ensure Credit/Debit card<br>transaction slips are attached to the server<br>sign off reports together with till receipts.<br>Ensure keyed transactions are supported<br>by manual vouchers.
1.1.26 - Ensure that Credit/Debit/Gift card<br>sales are correctly rung through the till.
1.1.31 - Ensure that previous weeks<br>paperwork has been sent tot the support<br>office.
2 - Security
2.1.1 - Review all controls over the<br>restaurant alarm system. Ensure that multi<br>coded systems are updated with changes<br>to the team records and safe records held<br>securely in the safe.
2.1.6 - Ensure that the alarm system is in<br>working order. Was the alarm set over<br>night.
2.1.11 - Ensure that individual safe codes<br>are in use. Ensure safe access is controlled<br>to company standards and records are held<br>in the safe.
2.1.16 - Ensure safe codes are changed on<br>a monthly basis.
2.1.21 - Ensure that alarm codes are<br>changed on a six monthly basis.
2.1.26 - Any security failures evident at the<br>time of the audit, EG Tesco vouchers,<br>CCTV Tapes out of order/Tapes not<br>changed in secure storage areas, Bill pads,<br>Till keys etc.<br>
2.1.31 - Is there an up to date key holders<br>list held in the safe.
2.1.36 - Is there evidence that the current<br>management team, including supervisors<br>have signed the finance policy and<br>procedures manual.
2.1.41 - Was the auditors ID requested<br>upon arrival.
2.1.46 - Ensure that debit/credit card<br>transaction slips and personnel files are<br>held securely in a place for which only<br>management have access.
3 - Sales Till/PC Control.
3.1.1 - Are discounts from the current week<br>supported with written management<br>explanation.
3.1.6 - Ensure that all redeemed<br>promotional vouchers have been crossed<br>out or signed as cancelled.
3.1.11 - Are level 2 & 3 Voids backed up<br>with explanations stapled to the void report.
3.1.16 - Ensure till refunds are supported<br>by a F.I.R report. We're refunds correctly<br>processed.
4 - Stock Control.
4.1.1 - Assess the closing stocks for food<br>and liquor to ensure that counts are<br>accurate. With the aid of line check<br>examine significant variances and causes.
4.1.6 - Ensure that the past three bidvest<br>deliveries and any current week petty cash/<br>transfers have been entered correctly onto<br>the stock system.
4.1.11 - Ensure that a credit ledger is in use<br>to record awaiting bidvest credits.
4.1.16 - Check weekly stock counting<br>procedures. Ensure that end of period<br>count is completed by and stock sheets are<br>signed by a senior manager.
4.1.21 - Ensure that the actual cost of sales<br>match the figures entered into the dynamic<br>P&L for the last end of period.
5 - Payroll & Personnel Files
5.1.1 - Ensure that the previous weeks<br>gratuities and service charge have correctly<br>been processed through payroll.
5.1.6 - Ensure that a written non cash tip<br>agreement is held on file. Ceck previous<br>week payroll to ensure that the policy is<br>being adhered to.
5.1.11 - Check that signed tragus customer<br>transaction handling forms are held on file<br>for team members currently June 2012.
5.1.16 - Ensure that team members have<br>the relevant documentation to allow them<br>to work in the UK and have appropriate ID's<br>held on file.
5.1.23 - Ensure team members have signed<br>contracts and where appropriate<br>recruitment packs are held on file.
5.1.26 - Ensure that the team member<br>details have correctly been entered onto<br>fourth hospitality.