Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


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  • 1. Can everyone reach his or her place of work safely.

  • 2. Are all working areas and walkways level, free from obstructions, such<br>as stored material, and waste.

  • 3. Is the lighting adequate.

  • 4. Is the site tidy, and materials stored safely.

  • 5. Are there proper arrangements for collecting and disposing of waste<br>materials.

  • 6. Are holes and openings securely guard railed, or provided with fixed,<br>clearly marked covers to prevent falls.


  • 7. Is there a current in date scaffolding Tag.

  • 8. Are scaffolds erected, altered, and dismantled by competent persons.

  • 9.Is there safe access to the scaffold platform.

  • 10. Are there double guardrails and toe boards, or other suitable<br>protection, at every edge, to prevent people falling.

  • 11. Are the toe boards at least 150 mm in height and the max gap 470mm.

  • 12. Is the upper guardrail at least 950 mm above the working area.

  • 13. Are stored materials distributed evenly.

  • 14. Are brick guards provided to prevent materials falling from scaffolds.


  • 15. Does the platform have guardrails and toe boards to prevent falling.

  • 16. Are harnesses worn by personnel in ‘baskets’.

  • 17. Have precautions been taken to prevent people being struck by the<br>moving platform, projections from the buildings or falling materials i.e.<br>exclusion zone.

  • 18. Are the operators trained and competent.

  • undefined


  • 19. Are ladders used as a means of access in good condition.

  • 20. Are they secured to prevent them slipping sideways or outwards.

  • 21. Do ladders rise about a meter above their landing places.


  • 22. Is there adequate support for the excavation.

  • 23. Are there guardrails or equivalent protection to stop people falling in.

  • 24. Could the excavation affect the stability of neighbouring structures.

  • 25. Are stacked materials, spoil, or plant stored near the edge of the<br>excavation likely to cause a collapse of the side.


  • 26. Can the handling of heavy objects be avoided.

  • 27. Are hoists, telehandlers, wheelbarrows and other plant or equipment<br>used so that manual handling is kept to a minimum.


  • 28. Is the hoist protected by a substantial enclosure to prevent someone<br>from being struck by any moving part of the hoist or falling down the hoist<br>way.

  • 29. Are gates provided at all landings.

  • 30. Are the controls arranged so that the hoist can be operated from one<br>position only.


  • 31. Are there barriers or other edge protection to stop people or materials<br>falling.

  • 32. Are people excluded from the area below the roof work.

  • 33. If this is not possible, have additional precautions been taken to stop<br>falling debris.


  • 34. Is the crane on a firm level base and the outriggers extended.

  • 35. Are slinger / signallers controlling lifting operations.

  • 36. Are people prevented from working or walking under a raised load.


  • 37. Have separate pedestrian and vehicle access points and routes been<br>provided.

  • 38. Have one-way systems or turning points been provided to minimise the<br>need for reversing.

  • 39. Where vehicles have to reverse, are they controlled properly by<br>banksmen.


  • 40. Have emergency procedures been developed.

  • 41. Is there a way of raising the alarm.

  • 42. Are the escape routes adequately lit and signed.

  • 43. Are there proper storage areas for flammable liquids and gases i.e.<br>LPG and solvents.

  • 44. Are adequate bins or skips provided for storing waste.


  • 45. Is ear protection provided and used in ‘Hearing Protection Zones.


  • 46. Have suitable toilets been provided and are they kept clean.

  • 47. Are there clean washbasins, warm water, soap, and towels.

  • 48. Are there facilities for changing, drying, and storing clothing.

  • 49. Is drinking water provided.

  • 50. Is there a site hut or other accommodation where workers can sit,<br>make tea, and prepare food.


  • 51. Are the public protected from the works.

  • 52. Is the perimeter fencing secure and undamaged.

  • 53. Are the gates secured at the end of the working shift.


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  • undefined

  • Signature

  • Date and Time

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.