Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Has a Start Works Notice been received?
Please detail weather conditions and any concerns or revelations pertaining to past or future weather conditions that may concern the build or the inspection.
Take photo if desired.
Is there a Start Works Notice on File?
Is there a safe entry into the building?<br>
Do step and landing dimensions comply with the NCC Part 3.9.1? Are they consistent? Includes requirement for landings for more than 3 risers, or 570mm high.
Take photo of compliant or non compliant access
Have external doors been sealed for thermal efficiency?
This includes bottom weather seals.
Have required facilities been installed?
Includes a Kitchen sink and facilities for the preperation and cooking of food and a bath or shower, a washtub and space for a washiung machine, and a W-C / washbasin.
Take photo if deemed necessary.
Have smoke alarms been installed in compliance with the NCC Part 3.7.2 and Approved documentation and certification?
If Class 1b check for evacuation lighting and smoka alarm connection - test!
Is there an open fireplace installed and if so, does it comply with the NCC Part
Take photo if deemed necessary.
Is there a freestanding woodheater installed and if so have you received a Heater Compliance Certificate as well as a Heater Installation Compliance Certificate?
Are there glazing Compliance stickers evident on proprietary window frames?
For internal stairs, do they comply with the NCCPart 3.9. Do stairs over 1m have handrail installed and is it continuouys?
Are internal stairs non slip?
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Do internal landings comply in terms of length? Minimum of 750mm before dooor thresholds?
Take photo of any areas of concern.
Do ceiling heights comply with the NCC Part 3.8.2 throughout?
For windows over 1m from internal FFL, and over 4m from internal FFL, has the opening been restricted to 100mm maximum?
Does the restricted opening impact on natural ventilation? Please also make note if so.
Does natural light and ventilation appear compliant with the NCC Part 3.8.4 / 3.8.5?
If no to habitable rooms... why. If no to non habitable rooms, have they had mechanical ventilation installed and is it ducted externally?
Have all fans installed been ducted externally?
Take photo of external vents or roof ventilating devices.
If no, which fans still require ducting to outside, or, is mechanical ventilation going to be installed?
Does construction of sanitary compartment satify the requirements of the NCC Part
Note, if the door opens inwards and does not have a clear space from the hinge line to a 1200mm arc, door must have lift+off hinges installed.
Have wet areas been sealed around fixtures and tile junctions with an impervious and flexible sealant?
Take photos general.
If the wet areas contains open showers, do they have walls and floors protected (waterproofed) and falled to 1500mm of the shower rose junction with wall? If so, is the floor falled by 1 in 80 or .8 degrees minimum_
Take photo of situation
Have splashbacks been installed to 150mm behind fixtures within 75mm of wall?
Is there glazing Compliance stickers evident on all shower screens?
Are shower and bath spindles and service penetrations been sealed around pipe to wall finish with silicone?
Is wall lining behind shower and bath fixtures water resistant?
Did you undertake prick test, or rely on Builders verbal response, or other?
For concrete or compressed fibre cement sheet flooring, has floor been treated with water resistant product application?
For timber, or particleboard, or other timber based flooring materials outside shower area, has the floor been waterproofed?
For All types of floor substrate, all floor wall junctions must be waterproof Where there is a bath installed.
Has a waterstop been installed around bath ledge, or at door threshold?
Do all external door thresholds comply with the NCC Part 3.9.1? Or are there decks still to be constructed?
Take photos of any areas of concern.
Are there any decks to be constructed that you know of that require amended plans?
Check if landing is required if there are more than 3 risers or 570mm or higher for stairs outside external doors.
Does deck balustrading and stair construction comply with the NCC Part 3.9?
Do deck stair treads have brackets, or supports, or are they checked in?
Take photo of any areas of concern.
Are fixtures in treated pine galvanised protected?
For timber floor construction is subfloor ventilation adequate?
Take photo if deemed necessary
Where DPC has been installed for masonry construction, have weepholes been installed at 1.2m maximum centres?
Take photo if deemed necessary.
Make sure DPC has been installed.
Do external levels slope away from the Building?
Take photo if necessary.
Has external paving been constructed? If not an advisory condition should be added to Occupancy Permit.
Take photo if necessary.
If unrendered masonry veneer, have weepholes been installed?
Have flashings been installed for un rendered masonry?
Are window sills 10degrees minimum fall?
Have window / door perimeters been sealed?
Take photo where there is non compliancy.
Have required articulation joints been installed?
Have external windows and door openings been installed in substantially accordance with approved plans?
Take photos where there are discrepencies.
If external Block veneer or cement sheet product, is the veneer weather protected in accordance with suppliers specifications?
Take photo if deemed necessary.
For externalk claddings and fixings, if the development is subject to close proximity of salt water, have the fasteners been purchased and installed as appropriate for these conditions? Refer NCC Part
Take photo if non compliance is a concern.
If evidence is required from Builder, it maay be prudent to ask for a Statutory Declaration.
If the development incorporates a wastewater system, has the sytem been commissioned by a suitably qualified person?
If the answer is Yes or no, you need to have a written consent from councils Health Officer that they are satisfied thyat commisssioning is valid.
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Does the development incorporate a composting toilet system?
If so, does the airlock provide 8000mm or 1 500th of the floor area? And is the floor impoervious? NCC Part
Are there any earthworks close to building that require retaining or stabilising, including subfloor cuts?
Take photo if the answer is yes.
Is the Building subject to Bushfire prone areas (AS3959) requirements? If so, have all requirements been satisfied for the BAL level as determined?
Have all external hardwoods been protected for weather resistance?
Have all the conditions of the Planning Permit been satisfied? NOTE - if there is a Planning Permit in Place, you must receive a copy for file / for check.
Make comment where required
Take photo of overall site.
Have all required inspections been undertaken by the Building Surveyor? If not, what evidence has been relied upon by other professionals. If inspection was not undertaken by the Building Surveyor, a Statutory Declaration may be required.
If answer is no, please ensure all reports and declarations are in place prior to the issue of a Certificate of Final Inspection.
If specialized glazing has been specified for the purposes of energy efficiency, has evidence been provided from the supplier? Does this correlate with any Bushfire Prone areas requirements?
Have all Planning conditions been addressed?
Additional comments, client or builder statements?
Client or Builder Present
On site representative.
Kim Dale Eagling