Title Page

  • Site conducted`

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by

Q2 Changes - Each change is in the relative section

  • FOG being disposed of incorrectly, clear separation of FOG types not evident & restaurant
    team cannot clearly describe process.

  • Non-halal chicken found in halal restaurant

  • First microwave reheat temperature not recorded on Grillers’ temperature check sheet

  • No evidence of scheduled, logged food donation for the week prior on Foodiverse

  • Safety comms from this month’s The Sauce not clearly displayed for staff to see



  • High risk food from unapproved suppliers (specify what)


  • Cold food transferred from another restaurant in unrefrigerated transport.

  • Hot food transferred from another restaurant not in hot box.

  • No paperwork available for any transferred food.

  • Food on site not from approved local purchasing guide list.



  • Chilled Food delivered above 8oC (ROI 5oC)

  • Frozen Food delivered above –12oC (ROI -18oC)

  • Non-halal chicken found in halal restaurant


  • Delivery vehicle unclean

  • Raw meat stored above ready to eat foods

  • Temperature of delivery not written on delivery note

  • Temperatures written on delivery note outside target ranges

  • Blown cans accepted

  • Risk Assessment for delivery vehicles not being followed



  • Food in fridge above 8oC (ROI 5oC)

  • Raw food above or touching cooked/ready to eat

  • Food past manufacturers use by date (specify what and date marked)


  • Food not rotated (but nothing out of date)

  • Product stored uncovered

  • Product stored at risk of cross contamination

  • Food defrosting unrefrigerated

  • Food stored on floor in walk in fridge or freezer

  • Ready to eat food in freezer above -12oC (ROI -18oC)

  • Food in fridge above 5oC (but below 8oC, ROI 5oC)

  • Food in fridge above 8oC (ROI 5oC) (but managed as per refrigeration breakdown procedure)

  • Goods beyond manufacturer’s BBE date.

  • Open food not stored in appropriate food grade containers.

  • Livers not in suitable gastronomes.

  • Safety Manual process for food donations not followed correctly.

Food Labelling


  • Manufacturer's marked "Use By" date extended by labelling.

  • Goods in fridge beyond in-house “use by” label.


  • Unlabelled food found in storage

  • Food labelled incorrectly (specify).

  • Pre-portioning process not followed for creamy mash

  • Pre-portioning process not followed for desserts



  • Raw and cooked/ready to eat foods preparation inadequately seperated

  • • Work surfaces or utensils not sanitised after handling raw products

  • Hands not washed/ gloves not changed/apron not worn and discarded after handling raw product

  • • Pre-portioning not discarded at end of day


  • Preparation in unclean area

  • Preparation in area with risk of foreign body contamination

  • Preparation in area with risk of chemical contamination

  • Preparation with utensils presenting risk of bacterial contamination.

  • Product prepared at risk of cross contamination.

  • Chilled food left out at ambient unnecessarily

  • Insufficient contact time allowed for sanitiser to be effective

Front Kitchen/Cashier Area


  • Standards of cleanliness may adversely affect Food Hygiene Rating (specify why)

  • Rating (specify why)

  • Four or more cleanliness issues indicates breakdown in cleaning management in front kitchen/cashier area


  • • Detailed cleaning required to walls (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to floors (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to ceilings (pls specify)

  • • Detailed cleaning to doors or doorframes (please specify)

  • • Detailed cleaning required to wall-floor junctions

  • • Detailed cleaning required beneath hot holding equipment.

  • • Detailed cleaning required to food contact surfaces (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to food preparation equipment (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to refrigerators

  • • Detailed cleaning required to filters or canopy (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to hand contact surfaces (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to shelving/ utensil storage areas (pls specify)

  • • Detailed cleaning to equipment cabling, (specify which)

  • • (Internal) bin requires cleaning.

  • • Oil spillages/ leaks on walls or floors.

  • • Food service utensils dirty/ kept in dirty water

  • • Plates for food service not properly clean (e.g. food debris baked on).

  • • Glassware not properly clean (e.g. lipstick/ smears).



  • Chicken products probed after cook below 75oC

  • Rice not reheated to 75˚C throughout

  • Out of date product being cooked


  • Cooking equipment or utensils unclean

  • • Cooking equipment not set at the correct settings or reached operating temperatures

  • • Raw materials in unsatisfactory condition

  • • Recipe specifications not followed

  • • Butterfly or whole chicken cooked in mixed load programme.

  • • Oil tester not in use for acrylamide controls

  • • First microwave reheat temperature not recorded on Grillers’ temperature check sheet

Temperature Probe Care/use


  • No working temperature probe available for use.

  • • No effective antibacterial wipes available for use.

  • • Probe used for direct food test without being sanitised first.


  • Probe insufficiently clean.

  • • Unsatisfactory reading taken & not reported to manager on duty.

  • • Probe inaccurate (but last calibration checks satisfactory).

  • • Spare probe defective/ unavailable.

  • • Staff observed using probe incorrectly.

Cooled Pulled Chicken


  • Chilled pulled chicken temperature above 8°C

  • • Portioning of cooled chicken taking place at risk of

  • contamination from raw meat products


  • Detailed cleaning required to chicken cooling rack

  • • Portioned pulled chicken pots not individually labelled

  • • Portioned pulled chicken pots labelled incorrectly (see Product Matrix)

  • • Chicken on cooling rack not covered

  • • Chicken cooling rack stored at risk of cross contamination

  • • No record of temperature of chicken in walk-in fridge on Weekly HACCP Checks

  • • Portioning of pulled chicken taking place in a non-food prep area

Hot Hold


  • Hot held chicken below 63oC (Safety Manual procedure not used)

  • • Hot held burgers below 63oC (Safety Manual procedure not used)

  • • Hot held wings below 63oC (Safety Manual procedure not used)

  • • Hot held rice below 63oC (Safety Manual procedure not used)

  • • Hot held double breasts below 63˚ (Safety Manual procedure not used)

  • • Hot held chicken thighs below 63˚ (Safety Manual procedure not used)

  • • Hot held food below 63ºC not discarded in 2 hours

  • • Hot holding equipment in use to reheat food


  • Hot holding equipment not turned on before being used

  • • Chicken below 63ºC but identified for sale within 2 hours.

  • • Burgers below 63ºC but identified for sale within 2 hours.

  • • Wings below 63ºC but identified for sale within 2 hours.

  • • Double Breasts below 63ºC but identified for sale within 2 hours.

  • • Chicken thighs below 63ºC, but identified for sale within 2 hours

  • • Rice below 63ºC but identified for sale within 2 hours.

  • • Hot held food below 63ºC but identified for sale within 2 hours.

  • • Drawers for hot hold equipment left open unnecessarily

  • • Chicken products not held in smallest practicable containers.

  • • 2-hour rule incorrectly applied.

  • • Water added to warmer drawers

Foreign Body Contamination


  • Food available for use found to be contaminated (Specify what)


  • Glass in food areas not kept on lowest shelf possible.

  • • Wine/beer de-boxed in walk in chiller but not in a container.

  • • Glasses or food containers not stored upside down.

  • • Chopping block pitted, presenting risk of contamination.

  • • Food prepared in areas with overhead damage to walls or ceilings.

  • • Damaged utensils, containers or crockery in use.

  • • Cracked or chipped glassware in use.

  • • Olive sign not displayed

  • • Lights in food prep areas not protected with diffusers.

  • • Staples or drawing pins used in food preparation areas

  • • Silicone basting brushes not in use.

  • • Presence of any other item posing a risk of foreign body contamination.

Cleaning Procedures


  • No cleaning rota available

  • • Chemicals decanted into food containers


  • Cleaning equipment inadequate (please specify).

  • • Cleaning equipment dirty.

  • • Items missing from cleaning rota

  • • Cleaning rota lacks necessary detail (e.g. frequency, method, PPE or chemical).

  • • Cleaning tasks signed off recently but not completed satisfactorily.

  • • Colour coded equipment used in incorrect locations.

  • • Red cleaning equipment stored in food prep areas.

  • • Manager not aware of when it is appropriate to put in place enhanced cleaning measures

  • • Aprons and gloves not available for enhanced cleaning purposes



  • Defective equipment being used without corrective action

  • being taken.

  • • Defective structural issues impacting safety not reported to the helpdesk/access maintain

  • • Restaurant trading with no hot water


  • Damaged floors not permitting effective cleaning in food preparation areas.

  • • Damaged walls not permitting effective cleaning in food preparation areas.

  • • Damaged ceilings not permitting effective cleaning in food preparation areas.

  • • Ventilation leaks or failing to extract cooking smoke.

  • • Oven seals split

  • • Other maintenance issue impacting food safety (please specify)

  • • Other maintenance issue impacting health & safety (please specify)

  • • Health & Safety or Food Safety related maintenance outstanding, but on timed schedule of planned works

Personal Hygiene


  • • Staff working when ill with diarrhoea, vomiting, or unprotected skin infections

  • • Staff fail to wash their hands at the appropriate time

  • • Staff smoke, eat, or spit in food handling areas.


  • • Hand wash basin used for anything other than hand washing.

  • • Hand wash basin obstructed, or hot water too slow.

  • • Correct hand washing procedure not followed (please specify).

  • • Customer hand wash sink ill equipped (lacks soap, paper towel or hot water to slow - please specify)

Pest Control


  • Recommendations of pest contractor not actioned by managment team

  • • Evidence of pests found on site (in food areas) not reported to contractor

  • • Enhanced pest control protocol not in use when appropriate.


  • Manager on duty unable to access Pest Alert system

  • • Evidence of pests found on site: reported to contractor.

  • • Evidence of pests found on site (in non food areas): not reported to contractor

  • • Fly killer not clean.

  • • Fly killer sited, but inoperative.

  • • No routine pest control visit recorded in the last 12 weeks.

Back Kitchen


  • Standards of cleanliness may adversely affect Food Hygiene rating (specify why)

  • • Four or more cleanliness issues indicates breakdown in cleaning management in back kitchen


  • • Detailed cleaning required to walls (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to floors (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to ceilings (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to light fittings (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning to equipment cabling, (specify which)

  • • Detailed cleaning to doors or doorframes (please specify)

  • • Detailed cleaning required to wall-floor junctions

  • • Detailed cleaning required to framework, legs and feet of equipment.

  • • Detailed cleaning required to food contact surfaces (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to food preparation equipment (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to refrigerators

  • • Detailed cleaning required to hand contact surfaces (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to filters or canopy (pls specify).

  • • Detailed cleaning required to shelving/ utensil storage areas (pls specify)

  • • Detailed cleaning required to sink

  • • Dishwasher not clean (not just current shift: check e.g. nozzles, limescale build-up on walls).

  • • Dishwasher pipework and fog trap surfaces not clean.

  • • Blocked drains.

  • • Ponding water.

  • • Chicken dollies require cleaning.

  • • (Internal) bin requires cleaning.

  • • Oil spillages/ leaks on walls or floors.

  • • No chemical in dishwasher.

  • • Plates not leaving dishwasher hot enough to air dry.

  • • Plates for food service not properly clean (e.g. food debris baked on).

Walk in Fridge


  • • Detailed cleaning required to floors

  • • Detailed cleaning required to walls including fan guard

  • • Detailed cleaning required to ceiling

  • • Detailed cleaning required to shelving

Walk in Freezer


  • Detailed cleaning required to floors

  • • Detailed cleaning required to walls including fan guard

  • • Detailed cleaning required to shelving

Dry Store/Coke Room


  • Detailed cleaning required to floors

  • • Detailed cleaning required to walls

  • • Build up of syrup on shelving or pipes

Bin Store/Back Yard


  • • Standards of cleanliness may attract enforcement action (specify why)


  • Bins damaged/ missing lids.

  • • Bins dirty.

  • • Bins uncovered/ overflowing

Assessment of closedown


  • Four or more cleanliness issues in this area (not from a single poor closedown)


  • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures under/behind hot hold units

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures for hot hold equipment

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures under/behind fridges

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures for fridges

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures for equipment / skirting to floor junction

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures for bain marie

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures for toasters

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures for fat fryers

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures under front grill support shelf

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures for chopping block

  • • Unsatisfactory closedown procedures of voids in kitchen/ grill area



  • Standards of cleanliness may attract customer complaints (specify why)


  • Detailed cleaning required to walls/floors/ ceilings (pls specify)

  • • Dust seen on ledges or shelves.

  • • Cutlery streaked or dirty.

  • • Tables/ Chairs inadequately cleaned before service.

  • • Tables/ Chairs inadequately cleaned during service.

  • • Yoghurt machine inadequately cleaned before service.

  • • Ice machine inadequately cleaned before service.

  • • Soft drink dispenser nozzles inadequately cleaned before service.

  • • Ketchup & Condiment bottles/ pourers inadequately cleaned before service.

  • • Ketchup/ Condiment bottles/ pourers inadequately cleaned during service.

  • • Plates for food service not properly clean (e.g. food debris baked on).

  • • Cupboard under coke machine not free of liquid, syrup or food debris

  • • Detailed cleaning required (pls specify)

Customer Toilets


  • Detailed cleaning required to baby changing facilities.

  • • Broken or dangerously loose toilet seats (in any cubicle).

  • • Missing soap (in any dispenser).

  • • Missing toilet paper (in any cubicle).

  • • Hand drying facilities inadequate (either gender toilet).

  • • No hot water available (either gender toilet).

  • • Detailed cleaning required (please specify).

Staff Toilets/Staff Room


  • Standards of cleanliness may attract enforcement action (specify why)


  • Detailed cleaning required to hand wash basins.

  • • Detailed cleaning required to toilet bowls or cubicles.

  • • Missing toilet paper (in any cubicle).

  • • Staff belongings not stored tidily.

  • • Toilets provided for staff out of use.

  • • Detailed cleaning required.

Plant Room


  • Grease build-up in catch trays under extraction ducting/motor

  • • Leaking extract ducting

  • • Excessive items stored



  • Staff using chemicals without appropriate PPE

  • • Sanitiser not available for use


  • Chemicals found in unmarked containers.

  • • Chemicals found in incorrectly labelled containers.

  • • Chemicals found without COSHH data sheets.

  • • Cleaning rota task completed with the wrong chemical.

  • • Chemical cupboard accessible to the public unlocked.

  • • PPE defective/ not available/ unfit for use.

  • • Spray sanitiser not available in food preparation areas.

  • • Blue roll in use, not stored in a handheld dispenser or wall mounted dispenser



  • Fire Exit Routes obstructed


  • Original Fire Risk Assessment not available.

  • • Over one year since most recent documented review of FRA.

  • • Corrective action from FRA/Review not completed.

  • • No documented fire drill completed in the last 6 months.

  • • Fire-fighting equipment being used inappropriately.

  • • Cooking equipment turned on without all extract filters being in place.

  • • Fire exit restricted.

  • • Staff unaware of fire assembly point

  • • Manager unable to explain how to test fire alarm

  • • Fire door wedged or propped open

Allergy Management


  • Nuts on display without dome in place

  • • Manager on duty unable to explain allergy procedure (including takeaway procedure)


  • Digital "Food & Menu Specifications" file not available.

  • • Allergy stickers not available

  • • Nut dome opening facing customers

  • • Cashier not aware of cleaning procedure for nut display

Risk Assessments


  • Risk Assessments not available.

  • • Risk Assessments not being followed- immediate risk. (Please specify)

  • • Nandoca completing task covered by a risk assessment without having been trained


  • Risk assessments not reviewed in last year.

  • • Action required by risk assessments has not been completed by stated deadline.

  • • Action required by risk assessments completed but RA not updated.

  • • Nandoca under 18 has not had a specific young persons RA completed. (Please note name of Nandoca involved)

  • • Pregnant/ nursing Nandoca has not had a specific Maternity RA completed. (Please note name of Nandoca Involved)

  • • Up to date LOLER certificate not available.

  • • Signage or documentation required by Risk Assessment not displayed/available.

  • • Risk Assessments not being followed (no immediate risk). (Please specify)

Safety Training


  • No evidence available of "Safety Essentials" training (any Nandoca who has not passed the FS and H&S test)

  • • Food Safety e-learning not completed within 12 weeks (any Nandoca with start date post 28/2/11 or started after the opening)

  • • Trainee Nandoca has not started FS training e-learning. (Allow a week for new Nandocas to be uploaded onto the e-learning package)

  • • No trained "buddy trainer" available at the restaurant.

  • • New Safety and Compliance training sign off sheets not in use for any new trainees from October 2022

Paperwork (Food Safety) - Previous 13 weeks


  • Management weekly checklist not being completed.


  • • Critical limits breached on previous grillers records: no corrective action (c.a.) noted.

  • • Critical limits breached on previous cooking records: no c.a. noted.

  • • Previous week's cooking records incomplete: no c.a. evident.

  • • Previous week's grillers record incomplete: no c.a. evident.

  • • Paperwork not immediately available for inspection when requested.

  • • Management weekly checklist paperwork review not being fully completed. *

  • • Management weekly checklist inspection not being fully completed. *

  • • Management weekly checklist calibration checks not being correctly completed.

  • • Manager on duty unable to explain management checks and use of records

  • • Consistent issue in cooking records not being resolved by management action*

  • • Consistent issue in grillers records not being resolved by management action*

  • • Safety Manual incomplete/ out of date*

Paperwork (Food Safety) - Current Week


  • Current week's cooking records incomplete: no corrective action (c.a.) evident.

  • • Current week's hot hold records incomplete: no c.a. evident.

  • • Critical limits breached on cooking records: no c.a. noted.

  • • Critical limits breached on grillers records: no c.a. noted.

  • • Current weeks grillers records incomplete: saladette temperatures not checked and recorded.

  • • Current weeks grillers records incomplete: frozen yoghurt temperatures not checked and recorded

  • • No evidence of scheduled, logged food donation for the week prior on Foodiverse

EHO/HSE Management


  • • Issue/ behaviour noted on last EHO/HSE visit observed (please specify-except R&M)


  • Most recent EHO/HSE visit report not available.

  • • Actions from last EHO/HSE visit outstanding.

  • • Manager on duty unable to explain EHO/HSE visit management procedure

Complaints Management


  • Manager on duty unable to explain AFP procedure.

  • • Manager on duty unable to explain foreign body procedure

Safe Working Practice


  • Gas or electrical equipment being repaired "in house"


  • Damaged cabling to electrical equipment.

  • • First aid box incomplete. Burns cream should not be available.

  • • Dangerous work practice observed (please specify: 1 pt for each practice seen)

  • • Work practice observed/workplace presenting slip/ trip hazard (please specify: 1 pt for each practice seen)

  • • Incorrect floor cleaning procedure observed.

  • • Work practice observed presenting risk of violence.

  • • Holes in oven gloves.

  • • CO2/He cylinders unrestrained.

  • • Manager/staff observed working alone.

  • • Highchairs missing safety features.

  • • A-boards being moved when not flat.

  • • No sharps kit available.

  • • Staff not following RA for contact with heat when disposing of FOG from ovens where observed

  • • FOG being disposed of incorrectly, clear separation of FOG types not evident & restaurant team cannot clearly describe process

  • • Personal items being plugged in and used in kitchen areas.



  • Management quarterly H&S checklist not being completed.


  • Management quarterly H&S checklist not being fully completed. (Please explain deductions)

  • • Manager on duty unable to explain management checks and use of records for checks for which that manager has signed for

  • • H&S e-learning not completed within 12 weeks (any Nandoca with black shirt - start date post 28/2/11 or trained during an opening)

  • • Trainee Nandoca has not started H&S training e-learning. (Allow a week for new Nandocas to be uploaded onto the e-learning package

  • • New Safety and Compliance training sign off sheets not in use for any new trainees from October 2022

Corrective Action


  • Any outstanding critical contravention


  • • Each outstanding standard contravention

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.