Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Dates (Co-ord, BG, Grill Freezer, Till Fridge, Roo Pod, Walk ins, Dry Store)

  • Has all dates been checked, in date and rotaated (ensure that tubs are clean) any T/A prep discarded

  • Has all fridges and co-ord freezer been cleaned properly (including seals)

Closedown grills/Co-ord (General)

  • Has all tongs in grill area been cleaned with no residue left on them (check for cracking)

  • Has the floor been scrubbed, wet vac and free of debris (including any corners, behind fridges, fryer and freezer, under shelving and drystore)

  • Has all scourers/scraggy blue rolls been removed

Closedown Floor

  • Has the whole floor been swept and free of debris

  • Are all tables cleaned and free from jucie rings/stains

  • Are all seats clear of debris

  • Has all bins been emptied

  • Has the roo pod, been swept and cleared of any rubbish, and has all prep been discarded?

  • Is the host stand clear of all rubbish (check bin pockets)

  • Has the carpet been hoovered

  • Has the outdoor furnitre been brought in

  • Does the customer hand sink have soap and Z folds available

  • Has the customer undersink bin been emptied

  • Has the water machine been cleaned and free of sticky residue

  • Has the juice machine been cleaned with nozzles properly cleaned (are the levers free of sticky juice)

  • Has all condiment sauces been cleaned, filled, lids back on and cling filmed

  • Has the condiment area been cleaned (including shelfs)

Closedown Toilet Checks (female)

  • Has the handryers been cleaned (inside and around)

  • Has all toilets been cleaned with toilet roll restocked

  • Has the sink been cleaned and is free of any gunk

  • Has the yellow sink area cleaned and free of dust

  • Has the mirrors been cleaned

  • Has the bins been emptied and replaced with a new bin liner

Closedown toilet Checks (Male)

  • Has the handryers been cleaned (inside and around)

  • Has all toilets been cleaned with toilet roll restocked

  • Has the sink been cleaned and is free of any gunk

  • Has the yellow sink area cleaned and free of dust

  • Has the mirrors been cleaned

  • Has the bins been emptied and replaced with a new bin liner

Closedown Disabled Toilet

  • Has the handryers been cleaned (inside and around)

  • Has all toilets been cleaned with toilet roll restocked

  • Has the sink been cleaned and is free of any gunk

  • Has the yellow sink area cleaned and free of dust

  • Has the mirrors been cleaned

  • Has the bins been emptied and replaced with a new bin liner

Closedown Tills

  • Has the till area wiped down

  • Has all three glass housing areas been wiped and free of debris

  • Has the hydration area been cleared and is free of any debris/glasses and cleaning materials

  • Is the sink area cleaned and restocked with Z folds and handsoap

  • Is the front microwave cleaned inside and out (including top roof), and cleaned underneath

Closedown Co-ord

  • Has all takeaway boxes been cleaned and wiped out

  • Is all ramikins tidy and upside down (gastro/tray free of debris) and shelves wiped down

  • Is the PERi Salt Shaker clean

  • Is all co-ord tiers clean including touch points

  • Is the bain marie free of debris in heat element (to be hoovered out)

  • Is the bin holes to at side of co-ord fridge wiped down, top and sides

  • Is the co-ord printer free of debris and grease

  • Are all microwaves cleaned inside and out (including top roofs), and cleaned underneath

  • Has the fryer VATS been properly skimmed and cleaned out

  • Is the fryer dump. heater and surrrounding areas free of grease

  • Is the canopy and filters clean

  • Are all bins cleaned and sprayed out

  • Are all warmer drawers cleaned inside and outside

Closedown Back Grill

  • Is the grill sink clean, blue roll filled up and handsoap available

  • Is under the sink area clean of debris

  • Is the canopy and filters clean (no yellow staining)

  • Has the back grill been pulled out and both sides cleaned

  • Is the frame bars behind grill clean

  • Is the grill & clam shell clean (including front, touch points and lip)

  • Has the grill wall been cleaned (including silver wall next to toaster)

  • Has the waste drawer been emptied and cleaned

  • Has all packaging shelfs been cleaned down (including wrap holder)

  • Has the toaster area been cleaned (including toaster vents)

  • Has the grill screen and bump bar been cleaned

Closedown Front Grill

  • Has the chopping block been cleaned, and salted (includes trolley)

  • Is the waste drawer clean and the inside

  • Are all grill brushes clean with no baste on them

  • Has the grill frame been cleaned

  • Are all feet free of debris

  • Has the grill screen and bump bar been cleaned

  • Is the pitta holder and shelf been cleaned

  • Has the plates moved and area cleaned

  • Has the grill been turned back down to 5 from the burn off (synergy)

Closedown Kitchen

  • Is the blue roll holder clean and filled

  • Has the ovens been cleaned (top, sides and front including handles)

  • Has the canopy been cleaned (including filters)

  • Has all racks been cleaned and free of chicken

  • Has all white walls been cleaned (including freezer and fridge door)

  • Has the veg prep sink been cleaned (inside and out, including shelf below)

  • Has HACCP been checked

  • Is the shelf racking clean of all debris

  • Has all tongs been cleaned with no residue left on them (check for cracking)

  • Are the gastros free of debris and organised (all sharps separate)

  • Is the mop sink clean and free of debris (including kick plate)

  • Walk in fridge floor clean and free of debris with all chicken dated and covered

  • Has pulled chicken been done

  • Are all trolleys and fridge walls clean and free of chicken juice

  • Is the dishwasher cleaned inside and out (including the inside and side lips, wash arms clear of cocktail sticks)

  • Is the Sink and surrounding areas clean

  • Glass rack clean of sticky juice (including underneath)

  • All food in freezer covered

  • Is the gastro lids clean and free of old chalk marks/stickers

  • Are all spotsweeps cleaned and emptied (and back on wall)

  • All bins cleaned inside and out

  • Is the external bin shed clear of debris and bins not overflowing (bins should be fully closed)

  • Has the floor been scrubbed, wet vac and free of debris (including any corners) - check behind ovens aswell.

Staff Room/Staff toilets and COSHH Cupboard

  • Is the staff room clear of plates/cups and sauces and been swept

  • Has the staff toilets been cleaned, with toilet roll refilled (no toilet roll left on top)

  • Is the chemical cupboard cleaned and free of marks or debris

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.