Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are offices, work area, storage, areas and meeting rooms clean and orderly?
Are floors, walkways, and other paths clean and orderly?
Are areas dry, free of spilled material and liquids or an accumulation of dust?
Aisles and Walkways
Are aisles wide enough to navigate safely?
Are work areas and walkways well illuminated?
Area aisles and walkways clear and free from obstructions (boxes, chairs, etc.)?
Are surfaces if steps on stairways slip resistant and free of clutter?
Are all container labeled as to the contents inside?
Are consumer products used to clean work stations, desk, counter tops, etc. done so only as the manufacturer intended?
Are all chemicals in the break room stored away from all food, utensils and dishes?
Fire Prevention
Is combustible debris stored safely and removed promptly?
Is the minimum vertical distance between sprinklers and materials below at least 18 inches?
Are fire extinguishers mounted, located, and identified so that they are readily accessible?
Are all fire exits, access stairs,and fire equipment up obstructed?
Are all doors or stairways that are neither exits nor access to exits, and could be mistaken for exits appropriately marked "NOT AN EXIT"?
Are switches, receptacles, etc. provided with tight-fitting covers or plates?
Is electric equipment/appliances (e.g., microwaves, coffee makers, vending machines) free from recognized hazards (e.g., frayed cords)?
Are all power strips only plugged directly into receptacles and not in other strips?
Are multiple plug adapters prohibited?
Are extension cords used on a temporary basis only and not as a permanent power supply?