Legal Compliance Audit Information Page
Conducted on
Client Business Name
Physical Address of Business
Name and Surname of Company Representative
Prepared by
LabourNet Branch
Assessment of Workplace Compliance with OHS Act No. 85 of 1993
Occupational Health and Safety Act no. 85 of 1993 and Administrative Requirements
Notice of inspection/outstanding improvement or contravention notices/exemption documents. Have you rectified or are free of contravention / safety violation issued by a DOL Inspector? (Section 29/30, GAR 2)
Company registered with Compensation Fund (COID Act) - Latest Letter of Good Standing available?
Is the Health and Safety policy signed by the CEO or the 16(1) and is there arrangements for reviewing the policy? (Section 7)
Company Health and Safety Policy, statement of intent, prominently displayed? [Section 7(3)]
OHS Inductions done. All employees informed of their duties, rights and responsibilities? (Attendance Register) (Section 8 & 13)
CEO assignment of duties? [Section 16(2)]
Is a line supervisor trained and appointed in writing? [Section 8(2)(i)]
Health and Safety Representative elected and designated in writing? (if more than 20 employees) (Section 17 & GAR 7)
Health and Safety Representative training as agreed upon? (Attendance Register / Certificate) [Section 19(7) and GAR 6(e)]
Health and Safety Representative monthly inspection report available. [Section 18(1)(g)]
Employer nominees designated in writing as members of the Health and Safety Committee (workplace – if more than 50, shops and offices if more than 100) (Section 19)
Health and Safety Committee established and meeting once every 3 months. Proof of the meeting minutes and attendance available? [Section 20(2) & GAR 5(2)]
Are all Mandatary control documents in place? [contractor agreements section 37(2)]
Has the facility applied for and obtained a valid exemption permit and are the conditions of the exemption being complied with? (Section 40 and GAR 3)
Risk Assessment conducted and reviewed annually?(hazard/risk/remedial action/control)(Section 8)
General Administrative Regulations
Are copies of the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 and the applicable Regulations available and displayed in the workplace? (GAR 4)
Are all reportable incidents and occupational diseases submitted to the Department of Employment and Labour as required? [Section 24(1) & GAR 8(1)(a)] WCL 1 or WCL 2
Are incidents properly recorded and maintained in an incident register and are Annexure 1 documents available? (GAR 9(1) & Section 24)
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- No IOD Reported for the last 12 Months
Has an investigator appointed in writing and are all reportable incidents investigated? (GAR 9(2))
General Safety Regulation
Has personal safety equipment been issued and record kept? (Registers) (GSR 2 & HBA 11 & NIHLR 12 & HCA 11 & EMR 3)
Are designated first aiders appointed and certified? [GSR 3(4)]
Are first aid kits fully stocked and accessible in all designated areas? (Registers available) [GSR 3(2)]
Are emergency procedures for first aid clearly communicated and displayed? [GSR 3(6)]
Has the first aiders name/s been displayed in the workplace? [GSR 3(6)]
Has a prominent sign been displayed indicating where the first aid box/es are kept? [GSR 3(6)]
Has a designated, competent person been appointed to inspect and supervise confined space entries and adequately trained in confined space safety procedures and hazards? [GSR 5(1)]
Are confined space entry inspections documented and maintained for reference? (GSR 5)
Are articles stacked in a manner that ensures stability and safety? (GSR 8)
Stacking neat, stable and controlled in warehousing. Stacks correctly erected? (NB : remember maximum height – 3 x shortest base distance) [GSR 8(4)(b)]
Has a stacking and storage supervisor been appointed in writing when racking systems are used? (GSR 8)
Has active monitoring/inspection been completed when racking systems are used? (Inspection Register) (GSR 8)
Is welding, flame cutting, soldering and similar operations taking place? If so, are precautionary measures in place? (GSR 9)
Are ladders on the premises being inspected? If so, are precautionary measures in place? (Inspection Register)(GSR 13A)
Is there a fall protection plan in place for employees working at heights?
Is the appropriate fall protection equipment available, and is its selection based on the identified risks?
Have employees working at heights received adequate training on the proper use of fall protection equipment and associated safety procedures?
Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents
Has a risk assessment for HBA been established? (HBA 6)
Has the Employee been trained on the HBA on an annual basis? [HBA 4(3) & HBA 4(4)]
Is an Exposure monitoring plan in place and not exceeding 24 months? (Survey) (HBA 7)
Has a Medical Surveillance plan been established? (Medical fitness certificate) (HBA 8)
Has all HBA's been labelled, packaged, transported, stored and disposed of in the manner prescribed within HBA 14 & 15.
Environmental Regulations
Are light sources, both natural and artificial, positioned to minimize glare, reduce shadows, and avoid hazards? (ERW 3)
Are lighting systems, both natural and artificial, regularly inspected and maintained to ensure compliance? (ERW 3)
Is emergency lighting provided and maintained where required? (ERW 4)
Is ventilation adequate either natural or artificial? (ERW 5)
Is general housekeeping condition acceptable (ERW 6)
Facilities Regulations
Have all sanitation requirements been met? (Toilet paper, toilet seats, hand towels, hand soaps, signage on the doors for each gender, and ventilation) (FR 2)
Has lockers been provided for safekeeping of personal belongings? (Excluding Offices) (FR 3)
Has Canteen/dining rooms been provided? (Tables, chairs and related equipment) (FR 5)
Has smoking areas been designated and is signage available? (FR 6)
Has drinking water been provided? (FR 7)
Has the conditions of the facilities maintained? (Clean, hygienic, safe, whole and leak free) (FR 9)
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulations
Has the Employee been trained on the NIHL on an annual basis? (NIHL 4)
Is an NIHL monitoring plan in place and not exceeding 24 months? (Survey) (NIHL 7)
Has a Medical Surveillance plan been established? (Medical fitness certificate) (NIHL 8)
Ergonomics Regulations
Has a risk assessment for Ergonomics been established? (ER 6)
Has the Employee been trained on the Ergonomics assessment on an annual basis? (ER 3)
Has a Medical Surveillance plan been established? (Medical fitness certificate) (ER 8)
Asbestos Abatement Regulations
Is an asbestos management plan in place and not exceeding 24 months? (Survey) (AAR 6)
If asbestos has been removed, does the company have the Disposal certificate? (AAR 21)
Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Agents
Has a risk assessment for HCA been established? (HCA 6)
Has the Employee been trained on the HCA on an annual basis? (HCA 3)
Is an assessment of exposure been completed not exceeding 24 months? (Survey) (HCA 5)
Has a Medical Surveillance plan been established? (Medical fitness certificate) (HCA 7)
Is a list of all HCA available and do they have the accompanied safety data sheets? (HCA 14A)
Has all HCA's been labelled, packaged, transported, stored and disposed of in the manner prescribed within HCA 14B & HCA 14C and HCA15
Driven Machinery Regulations
Is there a maintenance plan in place to address all revolving machinery? (Operations, repair, modifications, maintenance, inspection and testing) (DMR 2 & 3)
Were all lifting attaching equipment Ropes, chains, hooks or other attaching devices, sheave, and brakes inspected by a competent person not exceeding 6 months? [DMR 18(6)]
Were all lifting machinery maintained and inspected by a competent inspector not exceeding 12 months? (DMR 18(5)(a)(b)
Has the Employee been trained on the specific driven machinery on an annual basis? (National Code of Practice 6 & 7)
Has a Medical Surveillance plan been established? (Medical fitness certificate) [National Code of Practice 9(2)(a)]
General Machinery Regulations
Has a general machinery supervisor been appointed in writing and certified as a competent person? [GMR 2(1)]
Safeguarding of machinery in place? (GMR 3)
Has the Employee been trained on the specific operation of the machinery on an annual basis? (GMR 4)
Were all machinery maintained and serviced by a competent person? (GMR 5)
Have all machinery been fitted with a start or stop device? (GMR 6)
Lifts, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations
Has the lifts and lift safety gear, over speed governor and buffers been inspected by a competent lift service provider not exceeding intervals of 12 months?
Pressure Equipment Regulations
Is the installation and pressure test inspection report available and completed annually? (PER 11)
Electrical Installation Regulations
Is there a valid Electrical Certificate of Compliance (COC) available? (Annexure 1) (EIR 7)
Is there certification available for any additional installations and supply? (Annexure 1) [EIR 7(4)]
General Compliance Requirements
Has the emergency evacuation floor plan been displayed within the workplace?
Have fire drills been completed at the prescribed intervals? (ER 9]
Risk Assessment conducted and reviewed annually (hazard/risk/remedial action/control)? (Section 8)
Local authority by laws – complied with (flammable liquids / health certificate of acceptability / building occupancy / evacuation / pollution). Have you rectified or are free of contravention issued?
Fire fighters trained and designated in writing in accordance with hazards and risks within the workplace?
Has fire equipment been checked monthly?
Is fire equipment free of obstruction?
Emergency exits accessible and passageways clear?
Fire detection/alarm system available and in order? (service certificates)
Fire Equipment Serviced? (Service Certification)
First aid box/es free of obstruction?
Are distribution boards free of obstruction?
Onsite activities and conditions
Is roofing, walls and general structure in good condition?
Is there any broken or cracked windows?
Is flooring and/or carpets in good condition?
Are ramps within specification?
Are stairs and stairs ways in specification?
Are elevated platforms within specification?
Is electrical fittings, switches and cabling in good working order?
External Conditions
Is the parking and yard area free from superfluous materials?
Is the roadway and walkways in good state of repair?
Are redundancy materials stored in designated areas?
Is there regular removal of waste, disposal certificate available?
Lids provided and used of bins?
No stacking on cupboard tops or in passage ways?
Offices and store rooms including server rooms tidy?
Are Notices and signs prominently displayed
Emergency signs
Fire equipment signs
Forklift signs
Electrical warning signs
PPE mandatory signs
Unauthorised signs
Smoking signs
Noise Zone signs
Assembly points
Generator warning signs
Compressor warning signs
HCA warning signs
Overview and Sign-Off
LabourNet OHS Consultant
Name and Surname of Company Representative