
  • Hotel

  • Department:

  • Site Details

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Health and Safety Inspection


  • Have any incidents occurred this week?

  • What were the incident details?

  • Has this been reported and management informed?

Main Inspection Criteria

  • Entity Policy on Display

  • Access to Appropriate SOP's and Risk Assessments?

  • Access to Appropriate Procedure and Forms for reporting Hazards and Incidents?

  • Evidence of all staff completing appropriate OHS Training?

  • General OHS Training

  • Hazard Specific Training

  • Risk Assessment

  • Hazard and Incident Reporting

  • Specific site Induction developed

  • All Colleagues Inducted?

  • General and Site - Specific?

  • Consultation and Communications?

  • Department represented on the OHS Committee

  • Receives OHS Communications

  • Staff involved in Risk Assessment/Investigation/Other consultative activities

  • Site Specific Emergency Plan in Place?

  • Clearly Marked Emergency Requirements?

  • Emergency Escape Route

  • Assembly Points

  • Fire Fighting Equipments

  • First Aid Supplies

  • First Aid Personnel

  • Exits

  • Safety Signage in Place:

  • PPE Requirements

  • Hazardous Areas

  • Restricted Areas

  • Site Security:

  • Appropriate Perimeter Fence

  • Security Guard

  • Visitor Sign In Procedure

  • Traffic Management and Parking

  • Housekeeping:

  • General Site /Building Conditions

  • Waste Containers

  • Flooring

  • Hazardous Materials Storage:

  • Appropriate Size and Design

  • Separation / Segregation of Materials

  • Safety Signage

  • Current SDS for Each Material

  • Disposal Methods (Registered ESP)

  • Housekeeping

  • Appropriate Welfare Facilities:

  • General

  • Dining

  • Washing /Toilets

  • Lighting

  • Waste ( Registered ESP)

  • Plant and Equipments:

  • Maintained ( Manufacturers Specifications)

  • Certifications/Registers Available

  • Training and Competencies

  • Other Observations if any:

Audit Team

  • Auditor Name:

  • Auditor's Signature

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.