Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Safeworker Name
Safeworking Officer Name
RIW/MTA Card number
Worksite Location
Rail Network Type
What Network is the Safeworking Officer conducting work in?
Does the Client have a third-party application permit for the works being conducted?
What is the Worksite Protection method being utilised?
- Work in Corridor
- Lookout Working
- Absolute Signal Blocking
- Track Occupancy Authority
- Track Work Authority
- Local Possession Authority
- Working within an Authority
- Work in a Shunting Yard
Has the appropriate sighting distance calculations been carried out?
You should never access track if working under LOW and the appropriate assessment has not been implemented. Please ensure that you calculate your worksites minimum warning time as per ANPR 711 - Using Lookouts
Pre-Work Briefing
Does the Safeworking Officer have the appropriate pre-work breifing?
You must always ensure that you have the relevant pre-work briefing document available. This is essential as this is used to brief your workers on the hazards, control and protection arrangements for the worksite.
Is the briefing date correct?
Ensure that you are always using a fresh pre-work brief and show diligence when preparing this information
Has the work description been clearly identified?
Are the relevant Hazards Identified?
As the Protection Officer, you must clearly identify any local hazards that can affect the safety of your work-crew. Once you have identified the Hazards, you must implement relevant Controls to manage the Hazards.
Are the appropriate Controls Identified?
The controls you implement must be relevant and effective for the purpose of eliminating the risk of the hazard you've identified from occurring, or reducing the risk to the lowest reasonable practicable level.
Worksite Protection Plan
Has a Worksite Protection Plan been included?
Is the work activity described in a recognised Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) or Safe Work Instruction?
You must always ensure that when working in the Danger Zone, you effectively prepare a Work-site Protection Plan and clearly describe the method of protection to be adopted based on the required safety assessment.
There is no proof of an adequate safety assessment being undertaken. This is unacceptable and may be deemed as "at-risk / Reckless behaviour" if you allowed workers on track. -
Was the SWMS or SWI included in the documentation?
There is no proof of an adequate safety assessment being undertaken. This is unacceptable and may be deemed as "at-risk / Reckless behaviour" if you allowed workers on track.
Correct Date Shown?
Please ensure that you are always using a fresh worksite protection plan, relevant to your scope of works on the day/night, to ensure that you adequately conduct a suitable risk assessment, that will protect your workers from harm.
Has the Signaller been recorded?
Ensure that whenever you discuss matters with the Signaller, you obtain their name for recording purposes.
Has the relevant Signal Box and Phone Number been identified?
Please ensure that you
identify the Signal Box & Phone Number with respect to your worksite, so in the event that the work
scope changes or in the event of an
emergency, you will be readily prepared. -
Has the Protection Officer adequately filled out all PO details?
What was not included in Protection Officer details?
- PO Name
- PO Signature
- PO Contact number
- PO RSW/RIW number
- PO Designation
Please ensure you include all of your details on your Worksite Protection Plan to provide an accurate record of the individual conducting the risk assessment and implementing protection arrangements.
Has the Workplace Supervisor been identified?
Always list the details of your Workplace Supervisor so that you have a record in case of an emergency/auditing purposes.
Has the type of work been Identified?
Is it consistent with the work identified in the pre-work briefing?
You must always ensure that you brief your workers on the same type of work that you will be implementing protection arrangements for. If your scope of work changes after your briefing, you must stop, reassess and re-brief workers on new arrangements.
You must always ensure that you adequately identify the type of work you are undertaking, as this needs to be clearly communicated to the Signaller, so that the appropriate level of protection is implemented correctly, in accordance to the type of work being conducted.
Which Worksite Protection Plan has been used?
- NRF015A
- NRF015B
- NRF015C
- NRF015D
- CRN014 - Worksite Protection Plan
- ARTC RLS-FM-006 - Worksite Protection Plan
- No WPP Required
Has non-applicable Work-site Protection Methods been crossed out?
Please ensure that you clearly identify the work-site protection method that you are going to implement, by crossing out non-applicable work-site protection methods.
Has the Work-site location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures?
Please ensure that when identifying your work-site location for your protection, you adhere to the requirements of the Network Rules & Procedures for LPA and working within a Maintenance Centre of Stabling Yard. When implementing a TOA, as per NWT304, you must identify your work-site as
being between any two of the following locations:
− signal
− platform
− a set of points.
Signals and points must be identified by their numbers, and
platforms must be identified by the station name and
platform number. Although the new NRF015A form (V6.0) does not allow for "Completely within" , As per NWT304, it can still be utilised if you are working completely within a nominated dead end siding, or
• completely within the limits of a platform. -
Has the Work-site location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures?
Please ensure that when identifying your work-site location for your protection, you adhere to the requirements of the Network Rules & Procedures as per NWT310 and NPR 711.
Did the Protection Officer consult the "Lookout Working Prohibited Locations Register"?
As per NS-1450 - Protection Officer Performance Standard, The Protection Officer must identify local hazards and implement the controls specified in the PLookout Working Prohibited Locations Register
Have the appropriate warning methods for Lookouts to use been identified?
As per NPR711 - Using Lookouts, Lookouts need to have two independent forms of effective communication with
workers. This has to be specified on NRF015B and communicated to all workers prior to work commencing. -
Has the maximum track speed been identified?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating minimum warning time, When calculating minimum sighting distance, the Protection Officer must establish the maximum track speed for the affected portion of
track. Please ensure you only use the maximum track speed to ensure you have provided adequate time for your workers to remove themselves from track in the event of approaching rail traffic. -
Have the number of Lookouts been identified?
As per NWT310 - Lookout Working, The Protection Officer must determine the number and locations of Lookouts needed to
protect the work. -
Have any additional Lookouts been identified?
Has the Protection Officer added 5 seconds to the SEE time in their Minimum Warning Time (MWT) Calculation?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time, The PO must add five seconds to the MWT if an additional Lookout is used. This is because when using an additional lookout, it will take more time for the message to be received to the worksite PO that there is rail traffic on approach, so that they can move into a safe place.
Has the location of Lookouts been identified?
As per NWT310 - Lookout Working, The Protection Officer must determine the locations of Lookouts where they can effectively protect the work.
Have the MWT & MSD been calculated in accordance to NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time,
MWT must be calculated using three key components:
• the See time or Detect time which is a minimum of two seconds for the time it might take a
Lookout to see approaching rail traffic (See time), or
− a minimum of seven seconds for the time it might take
an ATWS to detect approaching rail traffic (Detect
- If an additional Lookout is used, 5 Seconds must be added to the SEE time.
• the Move time is the time taken for all workers to move themselves and their equipment to a safe place, and
• the Safe time is the time all workers and equipment are in a
safe place before rail traffic enters the worksite, a minimum
of ten seconds.
Minimum Sighting Distance (MSD) is the minimum distance
at which approaching rail traffic can be seen by a Lookout or
detected by an ATWS. This distance will vary dependent upon
the calculated MWT and the maximum track speed for the
affected portion of track.
Protection Officers must use an approved Minimum Warning
Time Calculator, Sighting Distance Calculator or Sighting
Distance Table (As outlined in NPR 751) when determining:
• the sighting distance required by a Lookout, or
• the distance an ATWS sensor must be placed from the
If a track speed or a MWT is not listed in the following table
use the next highest value shown. -
Has the Safe Place for the Lookouts and Workers been identified?
As per NWT 310 - Lookout Working, You as the Protection Officer, must tell workers about the locations of Safe Places, and this should be done but correctly documenting the safe places within your Worksite Protection Plan.
Has the Worksite Location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures? (NWT308)
As per NWT 308 - Absolute Signal Blocking, The Protection Officer must identify the line and define the worksite location as being between
- Two Signals
- A Signal & Set of Points
- A Signal & the End of Terminal Line
- A Set of Points & the End of a Terminal Line
Signals & Points must be identified by their numbers. -
Has the Protection Officer specified the Protection to be used?
The Protection Officer must clearly cross out any Protection Methods which are not applicable.
Has the Protection Officer correctly recorded relevant Assurances and Authorisation from the Signaller?
Has the Protection Number been correctly recorded?
Before entering the Danger Zone, You must accurately record the Protection Number in the field specified in NRF015C, to ensure that the Protection Number has been issued by the Signaller.
Has the Protection Officer temporarily suspended the ASB?
Is the Suspension & Re-establishment of the ASB accurately recorded on NRF015C?
You must ensure that when suspend an ASB, it is conducted within the parameters of NWT308, specifically, that ASBs may only be suspended to allow rail traffic movements over the affected portion of track. The Protection Officer may ask to re-establish the ASB if agreed to by the Signaller and there is no change to the Protection Arrangements or the Worksite Location.
Has the Protection Officer specified which Worksite Protection type has been implemented?
Please ensure you clearly identify between TWA or Signal Key Switch Blocking, by ticking the applicable Worksite Protection Type.
Has the Worksite Location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules (NWT306 or NWT320)
As per NWT 306 Track Work Authority, The Protection Officer must identify the line and define the worksite location as being between
- Two Signals
- A Signal & Set of Points
- A Signal & the End of Terminal Line
- A Set of Points & the End of a Terminal Line
Signals & Points must be identified by their numbers.
As per NWT 320 - Signal Key Switch Blocking, The Protection Officer must identify the Line, and define the worksite location as being between two signals.
Signals must be identified by their numbers. -
Has the Handsignaller details been accurately recorded?
You must ensure that you identify a Handsignaller location in a place where the Handsignaller, and Operators of rail traffic can clearly see each other.
Have the assurances been correctly recorded?
as per relevant Network Rules and Procedure, you must confirm with the Signaller , and read-back the following;
- Train Running Information provided
- The identification number of the last rail traffic to enter the affected portion of track and its last known location
- Confirm there is no rail traffic approaching the worksite. -
Has the Protection Officer kept an accurate log of the rail traffic that has passed through the worksite?
The Protection Officer must ensure that they keep and accurate record, in permanent form, on NRF015D as to the details of any rail traffic that is managed to safely pass through the worksite whilst the Protection is in place.
Has the Worksite Rule been identified?
Has the Protection Officer signed the WPP?
Has the Supervisor signed the WPP?
Has the Network Controller details been included?
Has the Rail Safety Worker signed the WPP?
Has the Rail Safety Worker identified the relevant Worksite Protection Method?
Has the Network Controller details been included?
Has the Worksite Location been correctly identified?
Track Diagram
Is the Worksite Location shown?
How can you effectively show your workers under your care, the appropriate protection measures in place, if they cannot depict where they are working? This is an essential piece of information that must be recorded on your track map, irrespective of the type of protection/authority you are working under. Please ensure this is provided in future works.
Has a Safe Place been identified?
Please ensure that you always identify a safe place, that is easily accesible
Is the Safe Place easily reached?
Please ensure that the safe place that you identify is always easily reachable
Has the Danger Zone been identified?
Please ensure that you always identify the danger zone in the surrounding areas you are working in and that this is clearly communicated to the workers under your care.
Has the Protection Arrangements for the works been illustrated?
Please ensure that irrespective of the type of Protection you are using, that you always identify the protection arrangements (Signals, RTS, Point Clips, Flags, Lights - if applicable)
Has the Emergency Assembly Point been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified an EAP, so you can communicate this to your workers.
Has the Access & Egress points been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified an easily reachable access and egress point, so you can communicate this to your workers.
Has the first aid location been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified the first aid kit locations, so you can communicate this to your workers.
This is a poor depiction of your worksite and protection arrangements. Ensure that in all future works, you clearly outline the necessary components required to enable your workers to have a clear understanding of the worksite, the surrounding areas and protection arrangements in place
Has a diary been utilised?
You must ensure that you always utilise a diary, this is for the purpose of record-keeping in the event you may be required to recall an event that occurred whilst you were conducting work.
Is there a record of the relevant authority being spoken to about access and protection arrangements?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific times and conversation made for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
Is there a record of the worksite bring briefed on access and protection arrangements?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific time you briefed your worksite for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
Is there a record of when the work has commenced?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific time the work has commenced for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
Personal Protective Equipment
Is the Safe Worker wearing the correct PPE?
Are audible Warning Devices present (Whistle/Horn)?
Has the Protection Officer spoken to the Corridor Safety Centre?
What is the CSS Number?
When are you are implementing a Method or Authority withing Sydney Trains Territory, you must always ensure you obtain a CSS number before implementing worksite protection with the Signaller or Network Controller
What is the Worksite Protection method being utilised?
- Work outside Danger Zone (WODZ)
- Lookout Working
- Absolute Signal Blocking
- Track Occupancy Authority
- Track Work Authority
- Local Possession Authority
- Working within an Authority
Has the appropriate sighting distance calculations been carried out?
You should never access track if working under LOW and the appropriate assessment has not been implemented. Please ensure that you calculate your worksites minimum warning time as per NPR 751 - Calculating minimum warning time
Pre-Work Briefing
Does the Safeworking Officer have the appropriate pre-work breifing?
You must always ensure that you have the relevant pre-work briefing document available. This is essential as this is used to brief your workers on the hazards, control and protection arrangements for the worksite.
Is the briefing date correct?
Ensure that you are always using a fresh pre-work brief and show diligence when preparing this information
Has the work description been clearly identified?
Are the relevant Hazards Identified?
As the Protection Officer, you must clearly identify any local hazards that can affect the safety of your work-crew. Once you have identified the Hazards, you must implement relevant Controls to manage the Hazards.
Are the appropriate Controls Identified?
The controls you implement must be relevant and effective for the purpose of eliminating the risk of the hazard you've identified from occurring, or reducing the risk to the lowest reasonable practicable level.
Worksite Protection Plan
Has a Worksite Protection Plan been included?
Is the work activity described in a recognised Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) or Safe Work Instruction?
You must always ensure that when working in the Danger Zone, you effectively prepare a Work-site Protection Plan and clearly describe the method of protection to be adopted based on the required safety assessment.
There is no proof of an adequate safety assessment being undertaken. This is unacceptable and may be deemed as "at-risk / Reckless behaviour" if you allowed workers on track. -
Was the SWMS or SWI included in the documentation?
There is no proof of an adequate safety assessment being undertaken. This is unacceptable and may be deemed as "at-risk / Reckless behaviour" if you allowed workers on track.
Correct Date Shown?
Please ensure that you are always using a fresh worksite protection plan, relevant to your scope of works on the day/night, to ensure that you adequately conduct a suitable risk assessment, that will protect your workers from harm.
Has the Signaller been recorded?
Ensure that whenever you discuss matters with the Signaller, you obtain their name for recording purposes.
Has the relevant Signal Box and Phone Number been identified?
Please ensure that you
identify the Signal Box & Phone Number with respect to your worksite, so in the event that the work
scope changes or in the event of an
emergency, you will be readily prepared. -
Has the Protection Officer adequately filled out all PO details?
What was not included in Protection Officer details?
- PO Name
- PO Signature
- PO Contact number
- PO RSW/RIW number
- PO Designation
Please ensure you include all of your details on your Worksite Protection Plan to provide an accurate record of the individual conducting the risk assessment and implementing protection arrangements.
Has the Workplace Supervisor been identified?
Always list the details of your Workplace Supervisor so that you have a record in case of an emergency/auditing purposes.
Has the type of work been Identified?
Is it consistent with the work identified in the pre-work briefing?
You must always ensure that you brief your workers on the same type of work that you will be implementing protection arrangements for. If your scope of work changes after your briefing, you must stop, reassess and re-brief workers on new arrangements.
You must always ensure that you adequately identify the type of work you are undertaking, as this needs to be clearly communicated to the Signaller, so that the appropriate level of protection is implemented correctly, in accordance to the type of work being conducted.
Which Worksite Protection Plan has been used?
- NRF015A
- NRF015B
- NRF015C
- NRF015D
- CRN014 - Worksite Protection Plan
- ARTC RLS-FM-006 - Worksite Protection Plan
- No WPP Required
Has non-applicable Work-site Protection Methods been crossed out?
Please ensure that you clearly identify the work-site protection method that you are going to implement, by crossing out non-applicable work-site protection methods.
Has the Work-site location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures?
Please ensure that when identifying your work-site location for your protection, you adhere to the requirements of the Network Rules & Procedures for LPA and working within a Maintenance Centre of Stabling Yard. When implementing a TOA, as per NWT304, you must identify your work-site as
being between any two of the following locations:
− signal
− platform
− a set of points.
Signals and points must be identified by their numbers, and
platforms must be identified by the station name and
platform number. Although the new NRF015A form (V6.0) does not allow for "Completely within" , As per NWT304, it can still be utilised if you are working completely within a nominated dead end siding, or
• completely within the limits of a platform. -
Has the Work-site location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures?
Please ensure that when identifying your work-site location for your protection, you adhere to the requirements of the Network Rules & Procedures as per NWT310 and NPR 711.
Did the Protection Officer consult the "Lookout Working Prohibited Locations Register"?
As per NS-1450 - Protection Officer Performance Standard, The Protection Officer must identify local hazards and implement the controls specified in the Lookout Working Prohibited Locations Register
Have the appropriate warning methods for Lookouts to use been identified?
As per NPR711 - Using Lookouts, Lookouts need to have two independent forms of effective communication with
workers. This has to be specified on NRF015B and communicated to all workers prior to work commencing. -
Has the maximum track speed been identified?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating minimum warning time, When calculating minimum sighting distance, the Protection Officer must establish the maximum track speed for the affected portion of
track. Please ensure you only use the maximum track speed to ensure you have provided adequate time for your workers to remove themselves from track in the event of approaching rail traffic. -
Have the number of Lookouts been identified?
As per NWT310 - Lookout Working, The Protection Officer must determine the number and locations of Lookouts needed to
protect the work. -
Have any additional Lookouts been identified?
Has the Protection Officer added 5 seconds to the SEE time in their Minimum Warning Time (MWT) Calculation?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time, The PO must add five seconds to the MWT if an additional Lookout is used. This is because when using an additional lookout, it will take more time for the message to be received to the worksite PO that there is rail traffic on approach, so that they can move into a safe place.
Has the location of Lookouts been identified?
As per NWT310 - Lookout Working, The Protection Officer must determine the locations of Lookouts where they can effectively protect the work.
Have the MWT & MSD been calculated in accordance to NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time,
MWT must be calculated using three key components:
• the See time or Detect time which is a minimum of two seconds for the time it might take a
Lookout to see approaching rail traffic (See time), or
− a minimum of seven seconds for the time it might take
an ATWS to detect approaching rail traffic (Detect
- If an additional Lookout is used, 5 Seconds must be added to the SEE time.
• the Move time is the time taken for all workers to move themselves and their equipment to a safe place, and
• the Safe time is the time all workers and equipment are in a
safe place before rail traffic enters the worksite, a minimum
of ten seconds.
Minimum Sighting Distance (MSD) is the minimum distance
at which approaching rail traffic can be seen by a Lookout or
detected by an ATWS. This distance will vary dependent upon
the calculated MWT and the maximum track speed for the
affected portion of track.
Protection Officers must use an approved Minimum Warning
Time Calculator, Sighting Distance Calculator or Sighting
Distance Table (As outlined in NPR 751) when determining:
• the sighting distance required by a Lookout, or
• the distance an ATWS sensor must be placed from the
If a track speed or a MWT is not listed in the following table
use the next highest value shown. -
Has the Safe Place for the Lookouts and Workers been identified?
As per NWT 310 - Lookout Working, You as the Protection Officer, must tell workers about the locations of Safe Places, and this should be done but correctly documenting the safe places within your Worksite Protection Plan.
Has the Worksite Location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures? (NWT308)
As per NWT 308 - Absolute Signal Blocking, The Protection Officer must identify the line and define the worksite location as being between
- From one Signal to another Signal
- From a Signal to the End of aTerminal Line
Signals & Points must be identified by their numbers. -
Has the Protection Officer specified the Protection to be used?
The Protection Officer must clearly cross out any Protection Methods which are not applicable.
Has the Protection Officer correctly recorded relevant Assurances and Authorisation from the Signaller?
Has the Protection Number been correctly recorded?
Before entering the Danger Zone, You must accurately record the Protection Number in the field specified in NRF015C, to ensure that the Protection Number has been issued by the Signaller.
Has the Protection Officer temporarily suspended the ASB?
Is the Suspension & Re-establishment of the ASB accurately recorded on NRF015C?
You must ensure that when suspend an ASB, it is conducted within the parameters of NWT308, specifically, that ASBs may only be suspended to allow rail traffic movements over the affected portion of track. The Protection Officer may ask to re-establish the ASB if agreed to by the Signaller and there is no change to the Protection Arrangements or the Worksite Location.
Has the Protection Officer specified which Worksite Protection type has been implemented?
Please ensure you clearly identify between TWA or Signal Key Switch Blocking, by ticking the applicable Worksite Protection Type.
Has the Worksite Location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules (NWT306 or NWT320)
As per NWT 306 Track Work Authority, The Protection Officer must identify the line and define the worksite location as being between
- Two Signals
- A Signal & Set of Points
- A Signal & the End of Terminal Line
- A Set of Points & the End of a Terminal Line
Signals & Points must be identified by their numbers.
As per NWT 320 - Signal Key Switch Blocking, The Protection Officer must identify the Line, and define the worksite location as being between two signals.
Signals must be identified by their numbers. -
Has the Handsignaller details been accurately recorded?
You must ensure that you identify a Handsignaller location in a place where the Handsignaller, and Operators of rail traffic can clearly see each other.
Have the assurances been correctly recorded?
as per relevant Network Rules and Procedure, you must confirm with the Signaller , and read-back the following;
- Train Running Information provided
- The identification number of the last rail traffic to enter the affected portion of track and its last known location
- Confirm there is no rail traffic approaching the worksite. -
Has the Protection Officer kept an accurate log of the rail traffic that has passed through the worksite?
The Protection Officer must ensure that they keep and accurate record, in permanent form, on NRF015D as to the details of any rail traffic that is managed to safely pass through the worksite whilst the Protection is in place.
Has the Worksite Rule been identified?
Has the Protection Officer signed the WPP?
Has the Supervisor signed the WPP?
Has the Network Controller details been included?
Has the Rail Safety Worker signed the WPP?
Has the Rail Safety Worker identified the relevant Worksite Protection Method?
Has the Network Controller details been included?
Has the Worksite Location been correctly identified?
Track Diagram
Is the Worksite Location shown?
How can you effectively show your workers under your care, the appropriate protection measures in place, if they cannot depict where they are working? This is an essential piece of information that must be recorded on your track map, irrespective of the type of protection/authority you are working under. Please ensure this is provided in future works.
Has a Safe Place been identified?
Please ensure that you always identify a safe place, that is easily accesible
Is the Safe Place easily reached?
Please ensure that the safe place that you identify is always easily reachable
Has the Danger Zone been identified?
Please ensure that you always identify the danger zone in the surrounding areas you are working in and that this is clearly communicated to the workers under your care.
Has the Protection Arrangements for the works been illustrated?
Please ensure that irrespective of the type of Protection you are using, that you always identify the protection arrangements (Signals, RTS, Point Clips, Flags, Lights - if applicable)
Has the Emergency Assembly Point been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified an EAP, so you can communicate this to your workers.
Has the Access & Egress points been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified an easily reachable access and egress point, so you can communicate this to your workers.
Has the first aid location been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified the first aid kit locations, so you can communicate this to your workers.
This is a poor depiction of your worksite and protection arrangements. Ensure that in all future works, you clearly outline the necessary components required to enable your workers to have a clear understanding of the worksite, the surrounding areas and protection arrangements in place
Has a diary been utilised?
You must ensure that you always utilise a diary, this is for the purpose of record-keeping in the event you may be required to recall an event that occurred whilst you were conducting work.
Is there a record of the relevant authority being spoken to about access and protection arrangements?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific times and conversation made for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
Is there a record of the worksite bring briefed on access and protection arrangements?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific time you briefed your worksite for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
Is there a record of when the work has commenced?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific time the work has commenced for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
What Work Access Permit is being utilised?
Does the PICOW have a copy of the Isolation Control Form?
Please ensure that you always carry a copy of the ICF form on you. This has to be completed by the Authorised Person Traction Power (APTP) and you must send the completed copy to slr.permits@transdev.com.au.
Does the PICOW have a copy of the Work Access Permit?
Please ensure that you always carry a copy of the Work Access Permit on you. This is what you use to brief your workers on and implement the authority, Without it, you cannot access the SLR. You must send the completed copy to slr.permits@transdev.com.au.
Has the PICOW phoned the OCC to activate the Work Access Permit?
Please ensure that you always activate the permit before commencing any work within the light rail corridor.
Is it documented that the PICOW has briefed the work crew on the rail safety component of work?
You must ensure that before any work starts in the light rail corridor, that you brief the work crew onto the permit limits and they understand the rail hazards involved for the job.
Is the PICOW wearing the appropriate PPE?
What is the Worksite Protection method being utilised?
- Work in Corridor
- Lookout Working
- Route Control Blocking
- Track Occupancy Authority
- Track Work Authority
- Local Possession Authority
- Working within an Authority
Has the Protection Officer demonstrated the RCB through the ETW Application?
As per CNWT300 - Planning Workin the Rail Corridor, an RCB can only be granted and obtained using the ETW application.
Pre-Work Briefing
Does the Safeworking Officer have the appropriate pre-work breifing?
You must always ensure that you have the relevant pre-work briefing document available. This is essential as this is used to brief your workers on the hazards, control and protection arrangements for the worksite.
Is the briefing date correct?
Ensure that you are always using a fresh pre-work brief and show diligence when preparing this information
Has the work description been clearly identified?
Are the relevant Hazards Identified?
As the Protection Officer, you must clearly identify any local hazards that can affect the safety of your work-crew. Once you have identified the Hazards, you must implement relevant Controls to manage the Hazards.
Are the appropriate Controls Identified?
The controls you implement must be relevant and effective for the purpose of eliminating the risk of the hazard you've identified from occurring, or reducing the risk to the lowest reasonable practicable level.
Worksite Protection Plan
Has a Worksite Protection Plan been included?
Is the work activity described in a recognised Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) or Safe Work Instruction?
You must always ensure that when working in the Danger Zone, you effectively prepare a Work-site Protection Plan and clearly describe the method of protection to be adopted based on the required safety assessment.
There is no proof of an adequate safety assessment being undertaken. This is unacceptable and may be deemed as "at-risk / Reckless behaviour" if you allowed workers on track. -
Was the SWMS or SWI included in the documentation?
There is no proof of an adequate safety assessment being undertaken. This is unacceptable and may be deemed as "at-risk / Reckless behaviour" if you allowed workers on track.
Correct Date Shown?
Please ensure that you are always using a fresh worksite protection plan, relevant to your scope of works on the day/night, to ensure that you adequately conduct a suitable risk assessment, that will protect your workers from harm.
Has the Signaller been recorded?
Ensure that whenever you discuss matters with the Signaller, you obtain their name for recording purposes.
Has the relevant Signal Box and Phone Number been identified?
Please ensure that you
identify the Signal Box & Phone Number with respect to your worksite, so in the event that the work
scope changes or in the event of an
emergency, you will be readily prepared. -
Has the Protection Officer adequately filled out all PO details?
What was not included in Protection Officer details?
- PO Name
- PO Signature
- PO Contact number
- PO RSW/RIW number
- PO Designation
Please ensure you include all of your details on your Worksite Protection Plan to provide an accurate record of the individual conducting the risk assessment and implementing protection arrangements.
Has the Workplace Supervisor been identified?
Always list the details of your Workplace Supervisor so that you have a record in case of an emergency/auditing purposes.
Has the type of work been Identified?
Is it consistent with the work identified in the pre-work briefing?
You must always ensure that you brief your workers on the same type of work that you will be implementing protection arrangements for. If your scope of work changes after your briefing, you must stop, reassess and re-brief workers on new arrangements.
You must always ensure that you adequately identify the type of work you are undertaking, as this needs to be clearly communicated to the Signaller, so that the appropriate level of protection is implemented correctly, in accordance to the type of work being conducted.
Which Worksite Protection Plan has been used?
- NRF015A
- NRF015B
- NRF015C
- NRF015D
- CRN014 - Worksite Protection Plan
- ARTC RLS-FM-006 - Worksite Protection Plan
- No WPP Required
Has non-applicable Work-site Protection Methods been crossed out?
Please ensure that you clearly identify the work-site protection method that you are going to implement, by crossing out non-applicable work-site protection methods.
Has the Work-site location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures?
Please ensure that when identifying your work-site location for your protection, you adhere to the requirements of the Network Rules & Procedures for LPA and working within a Maintenance Centre of Stabling Yard. When implementing a TOA, as per NWT304, you must identify your work-site as
being between any two of the following locations:
− signal
− platform
− a set of points.
Signals and points must be identified by their numbers, and
platforms must be identified by the station name and
platform number. Although the new NRF015A form (V6.0) does not allow for "Completely within" , As per NWT304, it can still be utilised if you are working completely within a nominated dead end siding, or
• completely within the limits of a platform. -
Has the Work-site location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures?
Please ensure that when identifying your work-site location for your protection, you adhere to the requirements of the Network Rules & Procedures as per NWT310 and NPR 711.
Did the Protection Officer consult the "Lookout Working Prohibited Locations Register"?
As per NS-1450 - Protection Officer Performance Standard, The Protection Officer must identify local hazards and implement the controls specified in the PLookout Working Prohibited Locations Register
Have the appropriate warning methods for Lookouts to use been identified?
As per NPR711 - Using Lookouts, Lookouts need to have two independent forms of effective communication with
workers. This has to be specified on NRF015B and communicated to all workers prior to work commencing. -
Has the maximum track speed been identified?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating minimum warning time, When calculating minimum sighting distance, the Protection Officer must establish the maximum track speed for the affected portion of
track. Please ensure you only use the maximum track speed to ensure you have provided adequate time for your workers to remove themselves from track in the event of approaching rail traffic. -
Have the number of Lookouts been identified?
As per NWT310 - Lookout Working, The Protection Officer must determine the number and locations of Lookouts needed to
protect the work. -
Have any additional Lookouts been identified?
Has the Protection Officer added 5 seconds to the SEE time in their Minimum Warning Time (MWT) Calculation?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time, The PO must add five seconds to the MWT if an additional Lookout is used. This is because when using an additional lookout, it will take more time for the message to be received to the worksite PO that there is rail traffic on approach, so that they can move into a safe place.
Has the location of Lookouts been identified?
As per NWT310 - Lookout Working, The Protection Officer must determine the locations of Lookouts where they can effectively protect the work.
Have the MWT & MSD been calculated in accordance to NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time?
As per NPR 751 - Calculating Minimum Warning Time,
MWT must be calculated using three key components:
• the See time or Detect time which is a minimum of two seconds for the time it might take a
Lookout to see approaching rail traffic (See time), or
− a minimum of seven seconds for the time it might take
an ATWS to detect approaching rail traffic (Detect
- If an additional Lookout is used, 5 Seconds must be added to the SEE time.
• the Move time is the time taken for all workers to move themselves and their equipment to a safe place, and
• the Safe time is the time all workers and equipment are in a
safe place before rail traffic enters the worksite, a minimum
of ten seconds.
Minimum Sighting Distance (MSD) is the minimum distance
at which approaching rail traffic can be seen by a Lookout or
detected by an ATWS. This distance will vary dependent upon
the calculated MWT and the maximum track speed for the
affected portion of track.
Protection Officers must use an approved Minimum Warning
Time Calculator, Sighting Distance Calculator or Sighting
Distance Table (As outlined in NPR 751) when determining:
• the sighting distance required by a Lookout, or
• the distance an ATWS sensor must be placed from the
If a track speed or a MWT is not listed in the following table
use the next highest value shown. -
Has the Safe Place for the Lookouts and Workers been identified?
As per NWT 310 - Lookout Working, You as the Protection Officer, must tell workers about the locations of Safe Places, and this should be done but correctly documenting the safe places within your Worksite Protection Plan.
Has the Worksite Location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules & Procedures? (NWT308)
As per NWT 308 - Absolute Signal Blocking, The Protection Officer must identify the line and define the worksite location as being between
- Two Signals
- A Signal & Set of Points
- A Signal & the End of Terminal Line
- A Set of Points & the End of a Terminal Line
Signals & Points must be identified by their numbers. -
Has the Protection Officer specified the Protection to be used?
The Protection Officer must clearly cross out any Protection Methods which are not applicable.
Has the Protection Officer correctly recorded relevant Assurances and Authorisation from the Signaller?
Has the Protection Number been correctly recorded?
Before entering the Danger Zone, You must accurately record the Protection Number in the field specified in NRF015C, to ensure that the Protection Number has been issued by the Signaller.
Has the Protection Officer temporarily suspended the ASB?
Is the Suspension & Re-establishment of the ASB accurately recorded on NRF015C?
You must ensure that when suspend an ASB, it is conducted within the parameters of NWT308, specifically, that ASBs may only be suspended to allow rail traffic movements over the affected portion of track. The Protection Officer may ask to re-establish the ASB if agreed to by the Signaller and there is no change to the Protection Arrangements or the Worksite Location.
Has the Protection Officer specified which Worksite Protection type has been implemented?
Please ensure you clearly identify between TWA or Signal Key Switch Blocking, by ticking the applicable Worksite Protection Type.
Has the Worksite Location been identified in accordance with relevant Network Rules (NWT306 or NWT320)
As per NWT 306 Track Work Authority, The Protection Officer must identify the line and define the worksite location as being between
- Two Signals
- A Signal & Set of Points
- A Signal & the End of Terminal Line
- A Set of Points & the End of a Terminal Line
Signals & Points must be identified by their numbers.
As per NWT 320 - Signal Key Switch Blocking, The Protection Officer must identify the Line, and define the worksite location as being between two signals.
Signals must be identified by their numbers. -
Has the Handsignaller details been accurately recorded?
You must ensure that you identify a Handsignaller location in a place where the Handsignaller, and Operators of rail traffic can clearly see each other.
Have the assurances been correctly recorded?
as per relevant Network Rules and Procedure, you must confirm with the Signaller , and read-back the following;
- Train Running Information provided
- The identification number of the last rail traffic to enter the affected portion of track and its last known location
- Confirm there is no rail traffic approaching the worksite. -
Has the Protection Officer kept an accurate log of the rail traffic that has passed through the worksite?
The Protection Officer must ensure that they keep and accurate record, in permanent form, on NRF015D as to the details of any rail traffic that is managed to safely pass through the worksite whilst the Protection is in place.
Has the Worksite Rule been identified?
Has the Protection Officer signed the WPP?
Has the Supervisor signed the WPP?
Has the Network Controller details been included?
Has the Rail Safety Worker signed the WPP?
Has the Rail Safety Worker identified the relevant Worksite Protection Method?
Has the Network Controller details been included?
Has the Worksite Location been correctly identified?
Track Diagram
Is the Worksite Location shown?
How can you effectively show your workers under your care, the appropriate protection measures in place, if they cannot depict where they are working? This is an essential piece of information that must be recorded on your track map, irrespective of the type of protection/authority you are working under. Please ensure this is provided in future works.
Has a Safe Place been identified?
Please ensure that you always identify a safe place, that is easily accesible
Is the Safe Place easily reached?
Please ensure that the safe place that you identify is always easily reachable
Has the Danger Zone been identified?
Please ensure that you always identify the danger zone in the surrounding areas you are working in and that this is clearly communicated to the workers under your care.
Has the Protection Arrangements for the works been illustrated?
Please ensure that irrespective of the type of Protection you are using, that you always identify the protection arrangements (Signals, RTS, Point Clips, Flags, Lights - if applicable)
Has the Emergency Assembly Point been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified an EAP, so you can communicate this to your workers.
Has the Access & Egress points been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified an easily reachable access and egress point, so you can communicate this to your workers.
Has the first aid location been illustrated?
Always ensure that you have clearly identified the first aid kit locations, so you can communicate this to your workers.
This is a poor depiction of your worksite and protection arrangements. Ensure that in all future works, you clearly outline the necessary components required to enable your workers to have a clear understanding of the worksite, the surrounding areas and protection arrangements in place
Has a diary been utilised?
You must ensure that you always utilise a diary, this is for the purpose of record-keeping in the event you may be required to recall an event that occurred whilst you were conducting work.
Is there a record of the relevant authority being spoken to about access and protection arrangements?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific times and conversation made for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
Is there a record of the worksite bring briefed on access and protection arrangements?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific time you briefed your worksite for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
Is there a record of when the work has commenced?
You must ensure you record this information as it is critical to record the specific time the work has commenced for record-keeping purposes, and can potentially protect you in the event of an incident/accident.
Additional Feedback / Corrective Action