Site conducted
v10( Dec 1013)
Integrated audit
Site name and code:
Conducted on
Prepared by
Other auditors or assisting persons:
Are non conformances recorded on site? If so how? E.G. By fax, email, file note, communication book or any other way.
Is record keeping adequate(Communication books, )? Is record keeping documents up to date? (What was checked).
Are keys/swipe cards managed in accordance with site requirements?
Are breakages and building maintenance issues reported? E.g. Roof leaking, pest activity. If so How?
Are Springmount OH&S manuals on site and up to date? What is the condition of manuals?
Are all company policies on site, displayed and known by all Springmount employees?
Are site documents controlled correctly and header and Supervisor Folder etc?
Are Duty Roster/Job Descriptions on site and up date for all staff?
Does the Duty Roster/Job Descriptions reflect the requirements of the contract specifications?
Is all stock delivery procedures followed?
Are colour coded wipes being used correctly?
Has a tool box with C1 been conducted focusing on Risk( slip/falls)
Has the site Documented wet weather procedures, has staff signed off?
Tool Box meetings taking place and are they being documented?
Have staff been inducted in Manual handling?
Have Manual handling tasks been identified.
Fire and Evacuation
Are evacuation and emergency procedures display edge.g. Cleaners room or building common area? And does it relate to our workers?
Are there fire extinguishers and signage in place? (Including exit signage)
Are exits clear of obstructions? List the area that was checked.
Are floors and stairwells in good condition? E.g. No cracks, no damage to floors or handrails. (Slips, trips and falls) ?
Are stairwells free from obstructions
Is there adequate lighting in place for Springmount employees to complete there work?
Do Springmount employees on site know how to report incidents and near misses? Name if person (s) who was questioned.
Are the clients electrical cords and outlets visible to Springmount employees in good condition?
What Heavy Machinery is on Site?Attach photos
What condition is the equipment in? Attach photos
External Areas
Is Sunscreen and SunSmart hats available to all staff
Staff wearing SunSmart uniforms?<br>
Are staff in hi-vis clothing?<br>
Is appropriate PPE(hearing protection,eye protection and hand protection) available and being used.<br>
Are staff that use pressure washers wearing wet weather gear?
Is wet weather gear available for all staff.
Is all flammable liquids stored safely?
Cleaning Rooms
Is there a first aid kit? Is it accessible and properly stocked or a sign stating the Springmount can use the clients and where it is stored?
Is the cleaners room neat and tidy?
Are hazardous chemicals contained in some form of bundling?
Are materials and substances stored correctly?
Is there current SDS (dated within 5 years) for every substance?
Are chemicals clearly labelled, decanted safely and handled safely?
Is there current risk assessments (dated within 5 years) for every hazardous substance plus a chemical register listing all chemicals on site?
Are all Springmount electrical items tested and tagged and in date?
Are all Springmount electrical items labelled out of service when faulty? Were Danger Do Not Use tags found?
Is there adequate PPE in place and in good condition?
Does the Roster reflect what is happening on site
Has the Roster hours been changed from Budget?
Is the company policy for Annual Leave clearly visible above sign on book?
Is there a Sign off book for staff to use, is it being filled out correctly?
Are timesheets on site and being correctly filled out by staff.
Work Amenities
Do staff have lunch and toilet facilities?<br>
Is the area clean and tidy?
Are all electrical appliances test/tagged and current?
Action plan
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.
List area of concern, control measure and who is responsible. Tick this off once completed.