Example of report name: ADV - May 2022 - Operations Insp. Report
Report Name
Voyage Number
Vessel Master
Vessel Location
Date Conducted:
Prepared by:
Operations Inspection
Vessel Condition Status
Objective is to provide a repersentative set of photos to show condition of paint coating. If intrisically safe camera not available. Provide photos of the deck and superstructure from the bridge or other location inside the house that provides the best overview of the coating condition.
Main Deck Coating in Good Condition?
Provide details of poor condition and action items vessel is doing to rectify
If N/A, provide reason
Superstructure Coating in Good Condition?
Provide details of poor condition and action items vessel is doing to rectify
Reason for not looking at superstructure coating
House Interior in Good Condition?
Provide details of poor condition and action items vessel is doing to rectify
Activities Undertaken
Please provide details of each question in the follow up questions to each topic. If there are any
Review Coating Maintenance Plan?
Is the vessel on track with their Coating Maintanence Plan?
Are there any challenges and / or Issues?
Review and Discuss Operational MOC/CARs for vessel(s) and Company?
Were you able to identify any CAR/MOC's that you could help close while onboard?
Reviewed QAO Inspections
Were there any deficiencies noted in the cargo paperwork?
Were they addressed appropiately?
What can be done to address the problem?
Were there any deficiencies noted in the Bunker paperwork?
Were they addressed appropiately?
What can be done to address the problem?
Other Topics Discussed
Provide comments
Cargo Inspection
Is all of the cargo equipment in good working order?
What equipment is not in good working order? and provide action plan for repair.
Is there any overdue maintenance on the cargo equipment?
Is the overdue maintenance within the grace period?
Provide reason for overdue maintenance.
Was Cargo Operations being conducted at time of inspection?
Did the crew follow start up, shut down, COW procedures?
Mooring Inspection
Is the Mooring and Ground Tackle equipment in good working order?
What equipment is not?
Is there any overdue maintenance on the mooring and ground tackle equipment
Is the overdue maintenance within the grace period?
Provide reason for overdue maintenance
Expectation is to attend all tool box meetings while onboard in the Deck, Engine, and Galley Departments
Attended Safety Toolbox Meetings?
Are the crews engaged in the safety discussions?
Are Stop Audits being performed?
Are Life Saving Rules being discussed during tool box safety meetings?
Expectation is to complete at least one LSR verification per day while onboard. Preference is to conduct an LSR in different onboard departments
Life Saving Rule Verification Conducted?
What LSR Verification(s) were conducted onboard
Was Coaching was required?
Details of coaching provided
If no LSR verifications were conducted, explain why