Title Page

  • Store

  • Store Leader

  • Conducted on

  • Visit Conducted by

  • Location


  • Assess the inspiration and energy levels of the morning meeting held by the Store Leader?

  • Check how well a sample of team members knows the Company Vision Statement as well as the Company Strategy.

  • Are all team members in the correct uniform with badges and can the leader provide proof that an order was done for any new team members?

  • Is the store leader completing one Dare selling or cashier evaluation per day?

  • Is the store leader and every team member aware of the store performance, their performance, and all promotions in the store?


  • Assess if every customer's journey starts with being greeted by a team member stationed just inside the front door?

  • Observe 3 sales interactions on the sales floor and rate the overall service levels (Indicate the names of the team members assessed in the note section and only tick off actions that were displayed during the interaction).

  • Observe 1 interaction at the cash desk and rate the overall service level (Indicate the name of the team member assessed in the note section and only tick off actions that were displayed during the interaction).

  • Assess the "Friends and Family" interaction from the team with the customer(only tick off actions that were displayed during the interaction)

  • Interact with at least 3 customers on the sales floor and ask them how they would rate our service - World Class - Average or Poor. (Remember to introduce yourself to the customer and state what your role is in the company).

  • Are the Fitting rooms clean and merchandise-free with the "ring bell" sign up (no security tags hidden behind the mirrors)?

  • Check the maintenance of the customer order book and rate compliance.


  • Are the front windows clean and implemented as per the VM brief, are banners correct and steamed where needed, and is all lighting in the windows working?

  • Are all mannequins dressed with the correct stock and as per the styling guide?

  • Are the correct details, pricing, and template used for items displayed in the window?

  • Assess if all equipment is displayed within headquarters, within categories, and within brands as per the VM HO COMMS.

  • Are all equipment headquarters signage in use and visible (Hydration/Lighting etc.)

  • Are front and secondary tables implemented as per the VM brief?

  • Assess that all apparel departments (Leisure/Technical/Foul Weather/Accessories) have been laid out/merchandised according to the latest VM Comms/Planogram

  • Assess the level on which rails and fixtures have been aligned as not to obstruct customer flow in the store.

  • Has the hanger quantity VM ignite document been implemented and adhered to in the store to have the product displayed on the sales floor but not overfilling fixtures (Pull and not Push model)?

  • Are all display cabinet merchandise displayed by category with the features of the product shown and priced correctly with the correct font style and size on all displays?


  • Rate the level on which customers can interact with the equipment samples on the sales floor (Display out of box/ lights switched on?) Add notes and photos of optimizations identified.

  • Check if applicable promotions for the week is implemented correctly in the store with the relevant marketing/ signage. Add notes and photos of issues and optimizations identified.

  • Check if all "Always On" promotions are implemented correctly in the store with the relevant marketing/ signage. Add notes and photos of issues and optimizations identified.

  • Store lights working and set up correctly and has the timer for the storefront lighting been checked and adjusted if required?

  • Check a selection of 10 rails/ wall bays of apparel for size curving disciplines?

  • Are backpacks/sleeping bags displays full, layout correct, and are all display units priced? (Has the new backpack VM Ignite document been followed?)

  • Are footwear and sock walls full, priced correctly, and is the updated product/layout in place?

  • Is the headwear section merchandised as per the updated layout?

  • Is the travel and commute section merchandised as per the updated layout instructions?

  • Identify all maintenance issues in the store and assess the level that the leader is attending to or following up on issues with proof?

  • Are the store aircons working set at optimal temperature?

  • Have all the points on the Daily Floor Walk Checklist been checked, ticked off, and signed off since the last store visit was conducted?

  • Assess the overall cleanliness and housekeeping of the store.

  • Check that all stock in the cage has samples displayed in the cabinet and that all knives and tools that are hung on pegs also have samples displayed in the cabinet.

  • Is the OPC schedule up and does it reflect the actual staffing in the store upon the visit?

  • Is a planogram for the store displayed in the back office indicating which team member is responsible for which department?

  • Is a copy of the Company Strategy placed up in the back office indicating Service, Selling, and Leading?

  • Check a sample of 20 items from the stockroom: Are they represented on the sales floor? (Take pictures of every item and use the draw function on IAUDITOR to indicate items not on the sales floor).

  • PTG: Check to see if items on the sales floor that had been reduced are merchandised on separate rails, have the correct marketing/signage, and is kept within categories per arm so customers can identify the stock easily.

  • Check a sample to see if all items that have been reduced have been marked with the correct "reduced" price stickers so customers can see the previous and current reduced price only.


  • Rate the UPT performance of the store against the monthly average of the area.

  • Rate the Basket size performance of the store against the monthly average of the area.

  • Rate the Growth Percentage of the store against the monthly average of the area.

  • Rate the Omni Performance Percentage of the store against the monthly average of the area.

  • Rate the Omni Performance Percentage of the store against the required 3% of total sales from the company.


  • Rate the POS area implementation as per the VM Ignite layout

  • Has the snake que implementation been completed as per the latest VM ignite communication?

  • Assess the neatness and cleanliness of the POS area and check cupboards and drawers for clutter?


  • Check if recent price adjustment instructions from HO have been actioned (HO COMMS instructional mails actioned).

  • Check if recent HO stock consolidations have been actioned (HO COMMS instructional mails actioned).

  • Has the store leadership submitted their daily replenishment checks on the group every day since the last store visit?

  • Have all odd items (1 - 3 units of a style) been moved to the last of the best seller section and are these sections highlighted by the relevant signage?

  • In cases where the store has excess marked down and odd items - has the Store/Ops leader communicated with Outlet stores/Planner/Other stores to move items around?


  • Assess the overall standards and cleanliness in the stockroom - must mirror the sales floor.

  • All old comms is to be removed from back-office notice boards and replaced with the most recent comms

  • All lighting in the stockroom is to be checked and proof of follow up available for issues picked up.

  • VM elements to be stored in one area and all outdated elements are to be discarded.

  • Stockroom floors and surfaces to be cleaned 100%

  • All containers are to be opened and checked and any leadership and team members are to be knowledgeable on the contents and purpose of containers

  • Staff set asides to be checked and removed from the stockroom if not noted.

  • Customer set asides and lay-aways checked for expiration and relevant paperwork.<br>

  • Shoe storage/sizing to be as per expectation

  • Apparel stock to be housed in gender/department/size and flatpack standards to be floor ready.

  • Equipment stock to be housed in categories and floor-ready

  • Stock Management - All excess and odd stock consolidated to surrounding stores that sells it well.

  • All electronics/binoculars/high value items to be kept in the security cage.

  • Areas under basins, cupboards, in fridges etc has been cleaned out

  • All redundant fixtures were removed from stockrooms after comms with the relevant HO contacts.

  • Has all admin from the previous year been destroyed, removed from the stockroom and dumped as per the retention policy?


  • Check a sample of 15 refund checks: Are the refund checks being done daily with physical and system stock indicated and signed off by leadership as checked?

  • Physically check 3 refund transactions - Does the system S.O.H balance with the actual units in the store and make sure to report to Precious on these transactions.

  • Assess the security tagging disciplines of the store?

  • Check that equipment cabinets (Including Gopro stands/DJI stands etc.) locks are in working condition with live units on display and note any calls logged/follow up on maintenance needs.

  • Check that alarms for security units on live watch displays are in working condition with live units on display and note any calls logged/follow up on maintenance needs.

  • Assess if weekly hazard counts are being conducted as per the count schedule and if losses are written off by leadership.

  • Have all ladders been removed from the sales floor when not actively in use?

  • Are the fire extinguisher services up to date?

  • Is every section on the sales floor covered by a team member to observe attempted shoplifting at all times and is the leadership not taking days off in succession?

  • Does the store have a Stock loss Action Plan up in the back office area, signed off by all team members in the store and is there evidence that points get checked as per comms from the Area Leader?

  • Question the staff on the stock loss action plan and check for understanding?

  • Are the correct emergency details displayed on the window on the correct template?

  • Does the store have a copy of the OHASA QR code used to log any health and safety issues up in the back office?

  • Are all the ladders in the store in working condition and has any issues been logged using the QR code?

  • Does the store have a certified first aider appointed? (staff compliment of 10 and above)

  • Is the first aid kit in the store fully stocked as per the register that needs to be kept in the kit and is all usage logged using the OHASA QR code?

  • Does the store have a certified Health and Safety representative appointed? (Staff compliment of 20 and above)

  • Have all team members been trained on how to use the fire fighting equipment by the store leader during a morning meeting and is a copy of the signed-off training register on file?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.