KCM Inspection - Harm from energy released during Live Line Works
Origin Operations Area ( i.e. Combabula)
Detailed Location
Conducted on
Inspection Team
Describe Task or Activity being Conducted.
Harm from energy released during Live Line Works - Planning
A detailed scope and task specific risk assessment (TRA) has been developed and communicated to the work crew. <br><br> (A high score indicates that the work team understand the purpose of the task risk assessment. The work team would understand any job/task specific actions/ controls that may have been proposed)<br><br><br><br>
The work teams have access to and can demonstrate an understanding of the emergency response plan and emergency isolation plan. <br><br> (A high score indicates that the isolation points and emergency plans have been discussed and identified)<br><br><br><br>
When planning the ‘Live Dig’, reference to Spatial, Quality Management Systems and ‘As Built’ construction data was consulted (Brownfields).<br><br> (A high score indicates that the work team can confirm that previous construction and quality data has been consulted when working on Brown Field Sites)<br><br><br><br>
During planning, possible deterioration due to the age of pipes & fittings has been considered and controls put in place (Brownfields). <br><br>(A high score indicates that the work team can confirm that previous construction and quality data and pipe age has been determined when working on Brown Field Sites)<br><br><br><br>
Before the task commences topsoil has been removed and the location of underground services has been marked/ pegged. <br><br>(A high score indicates that the work team understand the requirement to remove topsoil and mark up all underground service locations.)<br><br><br>
Harm from energy released during Live Line Works - Hazard ID
Training & competency is examined prior to commencing the ‘Live Line’ task. Only suitably authorised workers are allocated to the work team.<br><br> (A high score indicates that training and competency of the work team has been consulted before work commences)<br>
On the Job/ on the day hazards including SIMOPs, traffic management & job location is adequately addressed in the site safety review. <br><br> (A high score indicates team have identified site location specific risks that may impact the live line works have been identified and controls put in place. <br>
Environmental hazards including water ways, dust, weed and seed and vegetation related hazards are adequately addressed. <br><br> (A high score indicates team have identified site specific environmental risks that may impact the live line works and controls put in place.<br>
The team understand they are directed to ‘Stop the Job’ if unmarked or degraded assets are uncovered during the excavation process.<br>(A high score indicates the team understand and are willing to ‘Stop the Job’ should unmarked or degraded assets be uncovered during the dig.)<br>
Harm from energy released during Live Line Works - Controls
ISSoW Permit signed by Asset Manager and all sections are correctly completed by competent persons.<br><br> (A high score indicates the permit is correctly filled out ,co-signed by the Asset Manager and the scope is correctly described. Workers could explain permit requirements & how they are implemented)<br>
Isolations including boundary isolations are in place & documented. <br><br> (Isolations are not always in place on live dig sites however a high score would indicate the isolation plan is in place, and its contents have been discussed with the work crew. Work team can demonstrate location and knowledge of isolations)<br>
Evidence on site of vacuum excavation, slot trenching and ground proofing as required. <br><br> (A high score indicates that after identification of underground hazards the location has been ground proofed by vacuum excavation and slot trenches dug to identify possible services in the work area)<br>
The vacuum truck staff have had their competency verified & can identify the correct pressure for safe excavation around identified services. <br><br> (A high score indicates that the Vacuum Truck team can nominate the different water blaster lance pressures for different services and have been VOC’d)<br>
Clear visibility of existing underground services is maintained at all times when conducting the ‘Live Line’ excavation. <br><br> (A high score indicates that while ‘Live Line’ works progress services are kept exposed and teams have a clear line of sight to these services.)<br>
Team are using non-mechanical excavation in areas where excavation is required closer than 500mm to the service.<br><br> (A high score indicates non-mechanical means is used for the excavation closer than 500mm.)<br>
A qualified and competent Origin Live Line Supervisor is in attendance during all excavation activities during the ‘Live Line’ task<br><br> (A high score indicates a competent Origin client Live Line Supervisor is in attendance at all times while Live Line excavation and Vacuum Excavation continues.)<br>
The Gas monitor is bump tested, operated in accordance with ISSoW Permit directions and records of readings are logged. <br><br> (A high score indicates gas monitors are calibrated and fit for purpose.)<br>
Excavation site is effectively barricaded and signage in place. Bellhole checklist complete?<br><br>(A high score indicates the excavation is suitably barricaded and warning signs are in place)<br>
Work Team has the ability to effectively respond to an Emergency?<br>(A high score indicates workers could explain/describe – Communication protocols, Emergency <br>Contacts, on site First Aiders , Muster Point and location of emergency equipment e.g. First Aid Kits etc.)<br>
Harm from energy released during Live Line Works - Learning
Records of new work is recorded by survey and added to as built drawings?<br><br>(A high score indicates that the work team have used site survey to record as built data.)<br>
Where the location of an existing service is proven to be incorrect ground proofing and re-survey information is provided for Origin to update GIS drawings.<br><br>(A high score indicates that survey teams have surveyed existing services and where necessary provided Origin with accurate data to update incorrect drawings.)<br>
Additional Comments
Photo of Work Site being Assessed
Inspection Team
Contractor Representative
Origin Energy Representative