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Did you complete eta the night before ? If no provide details
Did you update eta to customer of any delays where applicable ? If no provide details
Did you complete walk through with customer and discuss dish location, cable runs and areas for drilling ? If no provide details<br>
Did you inform and explain to customer the need for eye bolt to be drilled ? If no provide details
Did you change old and rusty dishes ? Provide media. If no provide details
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Did you change all f conns to compression fit where possible ? Provide media. If no provide details
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Did you use new hdmi lead and power lead? If not did you escalate to TM? If no provide details
Did you data log at dish and stb? Provide media. if no provide details
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Did you seal all cable entry holes ? Provide media. If no provide details
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Did you wear overshoes ? If no provide details
Did you use dust pan and brush for all internal drilling ? If no provide details
Did you use internal grommets for cable entry ? If no provide details
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Did you showcase fully to the customer ? If no provide details
Did you check customer subs and offer current sts discounts where possible ? If no provide details
Did you inform customer of all the great extras we have to offer ? I.e. On demand, box sets etc. If no provide details
Did you use iknow2 as a reference guide ? If no provide details
Did you use the chrome app to check the mesh ? Provide media .if no provide details
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Did you promote the nps survey ? If no provide details
Did you issue the customer with all relevant telephone help numbers ? If no provide details
Did you take away old dishes, cable and clean up site ? If no provide details
Please enter details of anything relevant on this job which may have an impact on nps or generate a revisit
Please email this audit directly to your TM . This audit will be used as a reference for post check carried out on this job