
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Inspecting Officer

Section I Premises Details

  • Name and Address of Licencee

Section 2 Inspection Details

  • Is the accommodation adequate in size, type and position for the animals to be kept?

  • Comments

  • Is there suitable ventilation and lighting and temperature controls for the animals to be kept? (Condition 1)

  • Comments

  • Is there effective prevention of cross contamination of cages with water, food and excreta? (Condition 2)

  • Comments

  • Are the different species to be kept provided with adequate food and drink?

  • Comments

  • Are there satisfactory arrangements for feeding when the premises are closed?

  • Comments

  • Are satisfactory arrangements made for cleaning of accommodation? (Condition 3)

  • Comments

  • Are mammals sold only after weaning age? (Condition 4)

  • Comments

  • Are display cages, hutches, boxes etc suitably sited? (Conditions 5 & 6)

  • Comments

  • Are suitable arrangements made for storage and collection of excreta? (Condition 7)

  • Comments

  • Are you satisfied. With the method of disposal of waste material?

  • Comments

  • Method of disposal - if known

  • Are precautions satisfactory to prevent the entry of rodents, insects and other pest? )condition 8)

  • Comments

  • Are storage facilities available for food suitable?

  • Comments

  • Is adequate space available for storage of bedding, litter and food?

  • Comments

  • Are arrangements for transport of animals as specified in the schedule satisfactory? (Condition 10)

  • Comments

  • Are adequate arrangements made to ensure that a responsible person is in, or within reasonable distance of the premises for the purpose of giving warning and taking other necessary steps in the event of an emergency?

  • Comments

  • Is a responsible person appointed to have custody of a key and is his/her name displayed in legible characters on the front door of the premises, and has it been notified to the local fire brigade and police? (Condition 11)

  • Comments

  • Are all reasonable precautions taken to prevent and control the spread of disease among animals?

  • Comments

  • Are the entrances and exits from the premises clear of obstructions?

  • Comments

  • Are isolation facilities available?

  • If YES please enter brief details.

  • Are all reasonable precautions taken to prevent unauthorised access to, or escape of, animals?

  • Comments

  • Are the proprietor and his or her staff conversant with the general safety of the premises?

  • Comments

  • Has adequate advice been taken on fire precautions and are fire fighting appliances readily available?

  • Comments

  • Is the proprietor suitable and qualified either by experience or by examination to hold a licence?

  • Comments

Section 3 Inspection Conclusions

  • In your opinion, should a licence to keep a pet shop be issued?

  • If NO, on what grounds do you consider a licence should not be issued?

  • What conditions should receive particular attention at future inspections?

  • When do you recommend re-inspection should be carried out?

  • Select date

  • Comments

  • Are the proposed numbers and type of animals to be kept as indicated on the schedule reasonable?

  • Animal Schedule agreed:-

  • Name of person interviewed

  • Inspected on

  • Licence to take effect:

  • Signature of officer

  • Date and time

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.