
  • Audit Report No.

  • Persons present

  • Project name

  • Date

  • Auditor

Project Management Plan

  • 1.1 Has a site specific Project Management Plan been developed for the project?

  • 1.2 Is the Plan the current version?

  • 1.3 Is the Plan approved by the Construction Manager?

Signage & Security

  • 2.1 Is signage in place which shows Schiavello as the Principal Contractor, phone number including after hours and location of the site office.

  • 2.2 Is the signage clearly visible from outside of the site?

  • 2.3 Is the site suitably secure from unauthorised access?

  • 2.4 Is access and egress safe and segregated from hazards such as mobile plant?

  • 2.5 Are risks of carrying out works in client's workplace identified and suitably controlled?

  • 2.6 Are construction materials safely stored and kept within the construction zones?

  • 2.7 Are surrounding footpaths/roadways kept clear?

  • 2.8 No risk of falling objects onto the public?


  • 3.1 Is the current WHS Policy statement displayed on the noticeboard?

  • 3.2 Is the WHS Policy statement communicated to site personnel, including contractors/subcontractors through induction?

  • 3.3 Are details of Workers Compensation Insurer displayed on the noticeboard?

Site Registration and Induction

  • 4.1 Is the site sign-on sheet in place and in use? (No. of personnel and subcontractors on site)

  • 4.2 Have all workers been inducted into the site specific PMP including site rules, emergency procedures, first aid, consultation arrangements etc.?

  • 4.3 Are induction records fully completed with evidence of competency attached?

Roles and Responsibilities

  • 5.1 Are the names, positions and WHS responsibilities for all workers documented and communicated?

  • 5.2 Has the project team signed into their responsibility statements? (Annexure B)

  • 5.3 Is the PMP organisational chart up to date and resources allocated as per PMP requirements?


  • 6.1 Is the project training register up to date? (Annexure F)

  • 6.2 Have training needs of project personnel been identified and if so, has the training been booked with an approved provider?

  • 6.3 Are records of training and training evaluations available?

  • 6.4 Are training needs and evaluations reviewed on a monthly basis? (PMP Review)

  • 6.5 Are changes/updates to the training register communicated to the IMS team?


  • 7.1 Are arrangements for consultation, communication and coordination of activities in relation to compliance with duties under the legislation and PMP in place?

  • 7.2 Is the site noticeboard established? Does it display all items listed in the PMP?

  • 7.3 Is there evidence of the Project Manager attending a Toolbox Talk or Site Safety Walk/Inspection at least once a month?

  • 7.4 Is there evidence of a senior manager participating in safety related activity as per PMP requirements? If so, list details.

  • 7.5 Has a schedule of client and subcontractor meetings been developed?

  • 7.6 Is there a process to inform adjoining and surrounding occupancies of the WHS impacts/changes due to the project works?

Risk Management

  • 8.1 Has the project Risk Register been reviewed monthly and updated to include all current trades on site including the finding of Safety in Design Risk Assessment? (List version #)

  • 8.2 Are identified risks eliminated or minimised as far as reasonably practicable in accordance with the hierarchy of control?

  • 8.3 Is a higher level of control over high risk work activities in place including risk assessment and permit system?

  • 8.4 Does the Risk Management Process:<br>- Apply throughout the project;<br>- Allow for effective hazard identification;<br>- Include risk assessment and hierarchy of risk control; and<br>- Ensure monitoring and review of all hazards and controls?

  • 8.5 Where required, has expert advise (e.g. geotech or structural engineer) been obtained as per PMP requirements?

  • 8.6 Does the risk register include controls for health monitoring and surveillance identified as applicable during the PRA?

  • 8.7 If applicable, has a demolition plan been developed and implemented?

  • 8.8 Are scaffold drawings, engineer sign offs etc. valid?

Safe Work Method Statements

  • 9.1 Are arrangements for the collection, assessment, monitoring and review of SWMS in place as per PMP requirements?

  • 9.2 Are SWMS review forms (for each SWMS) fully completed by a competent person and signed off prior to commencement of work?

  • 9.3 Are SWMS reviewed and consistent with the project Risk Register and Legislation Reference Register? (Annexure D and Annexure C)

  • 9.4 Do all contractors/subcontractors on site have an approved SWMS?

  • 9.5 Have the workers on site been consulted and inducted into their relevant SWMS?

First Aid and Emergency Planning

  • 10.1 Is there an emergency evacuation procedure posted on site showing muster point and instructions if a site evacuation is required?

  • 10.2 Is First Aid equipment provided and suitable as per legislative and PMP requirements?

  • 10.3 Do workers have access to the First Aid facilities for the administration of First Aid?

  • 10.4 Are an adequate number of workers trained to administer First Aid and are their details prominently displayed and known to workers?

  • 10.5 Has an emergency plan been developed for the project in accordance with the legislation and PMP requirements?

  • 10.6 Have emergency procedures been tested?

  • 10.7 Are trained emergency wardens identified and known to workers?

  • 10.8 Are adequate facilities provided for workers including toilets, drinking water, washing and eating facilities?

  • 10.9 Are facilities clean, safe and accessible?

Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods

  • 11.1 Is the Chemical Register maintained with SDS current and available to workers?

  • 11.2 Have chemical risk assessments been completed for hazardous substances/dangerous goods?

  • 11.3 Is storage of chemicals suitable and in accordance with SDS, PMP and legislative requirements, including labelling, segregation and safe quantities?

  • 11.4 Have workers been trained in the use and appropriate PPE for the chemical being used and evidence sighted?

  • 11.5 Workers are not exposed to a substance or mixture in an airborne concentration that exceeds the exposure standard? (if applicable, air monitoring is in place)

  • 11.6 If applicable, results of air monitoring are communicated to workers.

Inspection of Site

  • 12.1 Are inspection activities carried out as per the PMP activity and records schedule?

  • 12.2 Are arrangements in place to coordinate contractor/subcontractor activities and review contractors risk assessments, SWMS and their safety performance etc.?

  • 12.3 Are contractors/subcontractors involved in safety walks/inspections?

Inspection of Plant and Equipment

  • 13.1 Have plant risk assessments been carried out on all items of plant and safe operating instructions produced, which include competency, maintenance, service and inspection dates? Are plant certification records completed?

  • 13.2 Are plant operators verified as being licensed and/or competent to operate mobile plant?

  • 13.3 Are plant inspections and maintenance occurring as per manufacturer's recommendations? Are records available for all plant on site?

  • 13.4 Is plant observed being operated safely and properly (warning devices fitted and operational, operators wearing seatbelts, plant/people separation etc.)?


  • 14.1 Is earth leakage protection provided on all electrical supply and installations, and where portable generators are used, earthing mechanisms are employed as necessary?

  • 14.2 Is electrical equipment regularly inspected, tested and tagged in accordance with the legislation?

  • 14.3 Are electrical leads up off the ground, adequately protected and less than 30m in length?

  • 14.4 Are CBs for sub circuits emanating from main and distribution boards adequately identified at their origin?

  • 14.5 Is there a documented lock out/tag out process for isolation of electrical energy sources?

  • 14.6 Are workers prevented from coming within an unsafe distance from any overhead powerlines or live electrical installations?


  • 15.1 Has traffic movement been assessed (including public, plant and person) and traffic management plans and controls been established?

  • 15.2 Are workers responsible for implementing traffic management suitably licensed and trained?

  • 15.3 Has the relevant local authority approved traffic management plans?

  • 15.4 Is traffic movement in accordance with the approved plan/s?

  • 15.5 Do trained spotters control reversing vehicles?


  • 16.1 Has shoring and battering been designed by a suitably qualified person (engineer) and are there relevant drawings indicating the methods to be used (SWMS and shoring mandatory for excavations >1.5m)

  • 16.2 Have suitably barriers, signage and/or fencing been established in and around the trench in accordance with statutory requirements and is spoil/materials clear of the excavation edge?

  • 16.3 Are trenches regularly inspected by a competent person to ensure controls remain adequate?

  • 16.4 Does the excavation have a safe means of access and egress and confined space aspects have been suitably identified and controlled?

  • 16.5 Have risks associated with mobile plant working in and around the excavation and the safety of surrounding structures been assessed and controlled?

  • 16.6 Have possible water sources been identified and control measures implemented to remove the risk of flooding and/or engulfment due to water infused soil instability?

Confined Space

  • 17.1 Have confined space aspects been identified and suitably controlled in accordance with AS2865?

  • 17.2 Have emergency procedures been developed specifically in relation to the confined space?

  • 17.3 Is the atmosphere continually monitored?

Working at Heights

  • 18.1 Are all areas where there is a risk of a person falling more than two metres identified and controlled in accordance with the hierarchy of control?

  • 18.2 Have risks associated with falling objects been assessed and adequate protection structures been installed?

Incidents/Non Conformances and Corrective Action

  • 19.1 Do significant findings result in the issuing of a CAPAR, and are CAPARs closed out?

  • 19.2 Are Non Conformances identified added to the site corrective actions register and closed out within recommended time frame?

  • 19.3 Are high risk non conformances or issues not addressed within the recommended time frame escalated via the CAPAR system?

  • 19.4 Are incident and hazard reporting processes in place and known to workers?

  • 19.5 Are arrangements in place to ensure the timely reporting of notifiable incidents in accordance with legislative and PMP requirements?

  • 19.6 Are incident investigations carried out by a competent person with findings and recommendations for improvement communicated?

WHS Audits

  • 20.1 Has an internal audit schedule been established for the project?

  • 20.2 Have audits been performed in accordance with the schedule?

  • 20.3 Have all non conformances raised by the audit been closed out and signed off?

Legislation/Records Management

  • 21.1 Are project records being maintained as per the requirements of the IMS?

  • 21.2 Are applicable Legislation, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards readily available to all site staff?

  • 21.3 Are works being carried out in accordance with legislative and PMP requirements?

  • 21.4 Is the legislation reference register up to date? (provide date of current version)

  • 21.5 Are legislative changes reviewed for the impact of the change and communicated to workers affected by the change?

  • 21.6 Are arrangements in place for maintaining WHS records?


  • 22.1 Is access to the site clear/clean and unobsteructed?

  • 22.2 Are walkways clear and the site tidy? (no slip and trip hazards, penetrations etc.)

  • 22.3 Is rubbish segregated and regularly disposed of? Are bins provided?

  • 22.4 Is lighting suitable?


  • 23.1 Is PPE provided and worn by workers as per legislative and PMP requirements (site rules)?

  • 23.2 Is PPE suitable for the work being carried out, worn properly and maintained in good condition?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.