Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Names of Site Team
Details of Task
Hazards relevant for work
Identify all relevant hazards associated with the work
- Slip, trips and falls
- Falls from height
- Lone working
- Adverse weather conditions
- Poor light /visiblity
- General public
- Working in highways
- Overhead power lines
- Heat, fire or explosion
- Fumes
- Noise
- Electricity
- Dust
- Asphyxiation/ drowning
- Stored energy
- Trees or hedgerows
- contact with stationary object
- Use of mechanical pant & equipment
- Falling/ flying objects
- Mechanical lifting
- High or low temperatures
- Manual Handling
- Invasive plant species
- Protected animal or plant species
- Chemicals / hazardous substances
- Vibration
- Excavation
- Confined Spaces
- Object overturning/ collapse
- Asbestos
- other
State nature of hazard
Control Measures - identify type of work and relevant controls from the list
Does the work involve site set up
Identify relevant controls
- Undertaken Streetworks Assessment prior to set up
- Jurassic Fibre information board provided with the correct Streetworks permit number clearly indicated
- Works undertaken with road closure
- Works undertaken with traffic light control set up
- I have checked the area and there are no high risk groups (schools, residential homes etc) like to be affected.
- Suitable warning signage provided - ln accordance with Red Book -Safety at Street Works and Road Works Code of Practice.
- The barriers provide a suitable enclosed site with fixed barriers
- The site is secure during working hours and ensure no significant risk for members of public.
- Herras fencing provided to secure the site.
- If site set up to be left unattended it is secure, all plant and equipment contained within fencing and safe for general public.
- Road / foot plates provided to protect excavations and permit access
- Inspection of site set up to ensure it remains safe and secure whilst work not being undetaken
- Knocked on doors before work begins to provide property owners information and check they are aware of works.
- Welfare arrangements provided on site including washing arrangements
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
Does the work involve excavation and need to locate buried services
Identify relevant controls
- I have checked the utility plans and they are the correct scale and I understand them.
- I have undertaken checked for signs of buried utilities eg scars on road, street furniture, utility boxes.
- I have a CAT and Genny which is within service date and calibrated
- I have received training and experience in operating the CAT and Genny
- I have undertaken the CAT and Genny survey using all 4 modes, power, radio, Genny and avoidance.
- I will continue use the CAT and Genny as I dig at intervals of least every 150mm
- Completed a permit to dig
- Undertaking trial holes
- Details available from site surveys previously undertaken -eg ground radar etc.
- Identified services marked with appropriate coloured paints or flags
- Safe place to break ground is indicated
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
Are you using of Plant or Power tools (environmental controls should be covered in Environmental section)
Identify relevant controls
- I understand the training and competency requirements for the plant and power tools used.
- I understand the vibration levels associated with the power tools and how this contributes to the daily exposures of the members of the team
- Mechanical tools have been services and are in good working order
- The blade or bits on cutting tools are sharp and suitable type for materials being used on.
- Daily inspections undertaken and equipment safe to use, service, calibrations and LOLER inspections in date.
- Electrical tools are in good condition and there is no sign of scorching, burning, cracks or other damage
- Electrical equipment has been PAT tested within the last 3 months.
- I understand the noise levels associated with the tool and level of hearing protection required.
- Has the work area been considered and the work area is sufficient to avoid other equipment, site members
- Banksman is being used to assist the operator
- Buried and overhead utilities have been identified and considered before agreeing work methods
- The work methods have been discussed and the operators understand controls and communication methods.
- I have the correct additional PPE required for use of Power tools eg Face mask, ear defenders, goggles etc.
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
Does the work involve Manual handling activities
Identify relevant controls
- Vehicles positioned to reduce the need to carry equipment and materials long distances.
- All site personnel have received manual handling training and understand the importance of following ergonomic techniques
- Mechanical lifting equipment will be used to aid lifting.(answer mechanical lifting section)
- Lifting and carrying equipment will be used to help with the movement of equipment and materials
- We will be undertaking manual handling having regard for safe weights - considering that 25kgs is the safe weight for the average male at waist level but reduces if stretching or twisting is required.
- 2 man or multiply person lifts are required and will be undertaken in a controlled manner.
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
Mechanical lifting controls
- Not applicable
- Lifting plan provided
- Communication means agreed and tested
- Trained operators undertaking the lift and banksma
- LOLER inspections completed and in date.
- Daily inspection of equipment undertaken and it fit for the proposed lift.
- other
Add any additional controls - photo lift plan etc.
Does the work involve Dust Generation Operations
- Yes
- No
Identify relevant controls
- Disc-cutter/ road saw blade fitted by trained operator
- The cutting equipment is suitable for the amount of cutting required - Disc-cutter only used for small runs
- Blade, cutting bit is suitable for the task ensuring this operation is efficient
- Suitable dust suppression system provided and will be used for duration of operation
- Suitable RPE (respiratory protection equipment) is worn.
- RPE equipment provided with suitable face-fit test.
- Powered RPE hood worn and does not require face fit.
- None disposable RPE is inspected before use and has a recorded monthly inspection.
- All users of RPE which relay on face seal understand the reduction of protection when facial hair is present
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
Are there additional controls required due to weather conditions / light levels
- Yes
- No
Identify relevant controls
- Additional artificial lighting is provided to enable work to continue.
- Weather conditions such as driving rain, icy and snow of fog which reduce the visible for drivers and pedestrains have been considered and stopping distances considered in site set up.
- Ice and snow increase risk of slips and trips so work area treated with grit and salt.
- Work force ensuring their skin is covered to avoid sun burn - sun cream worn to protect exposed areas.
- Working in high temperatures and work force know to drink plenty of water and rest in shade when possible.
- Suitable warm clothing provided and worn as weather conditions cold - especially gloves for use of power tools
- Due to windy conditions barriers and signs have been weighted down with sandbags.
- All site members know they should stop work if conditions are so poor that it affects their ability to work safely.
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
Are you using hazardous substances during the work
- Yes
- No
Identify relevant controls
- Fuel and hazardous substances used or stored on site has appropriate COSHH assessment and controlled to reduce the risk.
- Fuel is stored in a suitable bund which provides 110% capacity.
- Hazardous gasses and fumes have been identified and controls recorded.
- The presence of Hazardous gases in excavation identified and working continued as confined space working.
- Asbestos containing materials could be present, but not anticipated that they will be disturbed.
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
Identify any relevant environmental controls
- Refuelling is undertaken on tray or nappy sack to prevent spills contaminating ground /water courses
- Petrol run equipment stored on nap sacks within vehicles and on site.
- Trees on site have been identified and safe digging practices understood and used to avoid damaging roots.
- Hedgerows on site have been identified and suitable controls taken to prevent damage to vegetation and potential nesting birds.
- The work is close to water courses and suitable controls undertaken to ensure no contaminated run off water or chemicals will cause pollution.
- Invasive species on site and suitable control measures agreed and will be followed.
- Protective species are know to be close to digging area and suitable controls agreed and will be followed.
- Significant environmental risk identified and watching brief in place and will be followed.
- Digging will be undertaken using air pick or Vac excavation to avoid damage to roots.
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
General Safety and House-Keeping
- Site maintained tidy to avoid trip hazards
- Spoil stores safely on site at a suitable distance for the excavation to prevent surcharge risk
- Spoil stored on boards to protect the ground and prevent contamination
- Plant and vehicles kept away from the edge to avoid it over turning or excavation collapse
- Safety zone maintained around mechanical plant to avoid personnel or equipment being hit by flying materials.
- Suitable edge protection provided where there is a fall from height risk
- Ladders provided to enable access to the excavation.
- other
Add any additional controls you are undertaking
Identify any additional controls not previously listed
Sign off Section -POWRA is an important part of any site work and it is essential that everyone is aware of the details of this document and the agreed safe working methods. It is good practice to get everyone involved in POWRA as this ensures engagement and understanding plus can improve quality.
All personnel listed on the POWRA understand the hazards and control measures detailed
Site Team Member sign to show the have understood POWRA
Site Team Member sign to show the have understood POWRA
Site Team Member sign to show the have understood POWRA
Site Team Member sign to show the have understood POWRA
I confirm that the control measures above will be followed and I will ensure everyone site will follow the agreed safe methods of work agreed.
Jurassic Fibre Supervisor or SHE Advisor on site and reviewed POWRA
Contractors Supervisor, Manager or SHE Advisor on site and reviewed POWRA