
  • Practical Assessment - Front End Loader

  • Candidate

  • Date

  • Location

  • Assessor

  • Level IV Assessor

Element 1. Plan and prepare

  • The employee knows what their task is for the shift

  • Required PPE is worn

  • Understands or can access applicable SOP's

  • Identifies, manages and reports actual / potential hazard at workplace

Element 2: Pre Start Checks

  • Carries out required pre shift inspection checking as FEL Pre Start Checklist.

  • Understands functions & operation of all instruments and controls

  • Uses three points of contact when mounting the machine

  • Adjusts seat & steering & mirrors to suitable position to allow good vision & access to all controls

  • Checks for Isolation tags

  • Attaches & wears seatbelt

Element 3: Start Engine

  • Checks park brakes are applied

  • Ensures transmission is in neutral position

  • Sounds horn & allows 5 seconds before starting

  • Allows engine self diagnostic check to complete

  • Accelerator not depressed on engine start up

  • Starter releases as engine fires

  • Monitors instruments for correct operation

  • Allows engine to warm up under own power

  • Conducts hydraulic warm up

  • Checks foot brake & steering operation

Element 4: Practical Demonstration

  • Identifies and addresses workplace hazards

  • Approved hand signals used

  • Safe lifting and sling procedures

  • Ability to estimate the weight of a load

Practical Demonstration: Bucket

  • Connect bucket to IT

  • Can efficiently use the bucket to complete identified tasks

  • Can carry out levelling and clean up operation efficiently using correct technique

Practical Demonstration: Forklift

  • Understands equipment limitations when using the fork attachment

  • Can connect the forks

  • Observe lifting a load

  • Can unload a load using the fork attachment, assess for correct technique and safe methods

Practical Demonstration: JIB

  • Understands the equipment limitations when using the JIB

  • Can connect the jib

  • Observe the slinging and lifting of a load

  • Assess the correct lifting techniques and safe methods

Practical Demonstration: Man Cage

  • Understands equipment limitations when using the man cage

  • Can connect the man cage

  • Check that the proper safety and operational procedures are being applied

  • Observe raising and lowering of man cage attachment

  • Observe knowledge of hand signals

  • Assess for correct technique and safe methods

Element 5. Shutdown Equipment

  • Ensures work area is clean

  • Suitable area is selected for parking

  • Engages park brake

  • Neutralises equipment controls

  • Attachments lowered to the ground

  • Allows to idle down ( cool ) / stops engine

  • Turns ignition off

  • Closes cab

  • Dismounts correctly using three points of contact

Element 6. Operator Maintenance

  • Check and top up compartment fluid levels (if required)

  • Conducts visual check of engine and engine bay for faults

  • Conducts walk around tyre and equipment check

  • Faults identified during inspections and operation are recorded and reported

  • Fixes minor faults (when time permits)

Sign Off / Authorisation

  • Candidate is assessed as

  • Requires Further Training?

  • Candidate agrees with the outcomes identified within the assessment

  • Authorised trainer / assessor have suitably assessed the candidate and agree with the assessment outcomes

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.