Checking items/检查信息
Level 楼层
Panel No. 板块号
Checking Date 检查时间
Final inspection pass or fail<br>最终检查是否合格
QC Inspector 检查人员
Checking list/检查内容
- 板块
Panel No. 板块号
1.Setting Block Correctly Installed/No-Visible Defects<br>托块/位置正确、外观无缺陷
2.The steel part model is correct, and the dimensions for installation are properly aligned.<br>钢件型号正确,进出尺寸安装到位
3.Silicone injection is properly administered and positioned<br>硅胶施打及位置正确
4.The panel is installed correctly according to the blueprint.<br>面板按图纸安装正确
5.The types and installation positions of glass press plates are correct<br>玻璃压板种类及安装位置正确
6. No visible scratch/damage<br>无可视划伤/损坏
7.The panel protective film is properly attached<br>面板保护膜是否贴到位
8. Is the panel installation qualified<br>面板安装完成是否合格,合格需拍一张整体照片