Project Number
Project Name
Project Supervisor
Project Manager
Client Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Crew Size
1.1 - Hazardous materials survey on site?
1.1.1 - Has the survey been reviewed with the crew?
1.1.2 - Is it easily accessible for the crew to review?
1.1.3 - Are the crew asbestos awareness trained?
Identify the person who has been contacted to get a copy of the survey onto site. Once received, get confirmation from Supervisor that it has been reviewed and that it is easily accessible to the crew.
1.2 - Has a Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) been prepared?
1.2.1 - Has it been reviewed with the crew?
1.3 - Are OSHA 300 Logs posted?
1.4 - Are OSHA and State posters posted on site?
2.1 - Has a Safety Meeting been completed within the last 7 days?
2.1.1 - Is the Safety Meeting adequate for the work being performed on site?
2.1.2 - Has the entire crew attended the Safety Meeting?
Which tasks are missing a pre-task plan?
3.2 - For the Pre-Tasks which have been completed, do they identify ALL known hazards and controls?
Name the hazards and/or controls which were missed.
3.3 - Have the Pre-Tasks been reviewed with ALL applicable employees?
Name the employees missed (and task).
3.4 - Are the controls identified in the pre-task plan being followed?
4.1 - Does the supervisor have a current first aid card?
4.2 - Are adequate first aid supplies on site?
4.3 - Has an adequate emergency egress plan been developed?
4.3.1 - After questioning a representative sample of employees, do you feel they have an understanding of what to do in the event of an emergency?
4.4 - Is emergency egress route clear and well lit?
5.1 - Hard Hats
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.2 - Class II Vest
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.3 - Hi-Visibility Clothing
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.4 - Adequate Gloves
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.5 - Safety Boots
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.6 - Arm Guards
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.7 - Hearing Protection
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.8 - Safety Glasses
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.9 - Face Shield
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.10 - Chainsaw Chaps
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
5.11 - Knee Pads
Name the employee(s) not wearing as required.
6.1 - Are we using hazardous chemicals, as defined by the Hazard Communication Regulations?
6.1.1 - Are we maintaining a list of chemicals on site?
6.1.2 - Do our employees have easy access to Safety Data Sheet?
6.1.3 - Has the requirements of the Safety Data Sheet been reviewed with the crew?
6.1.4 - Chemical being used safely (PPE, spill prevention, spill response)?
6.1.5 - Are chemicals being stored safety?
6.1.6 - Are employees trained in the new Hazard Communication (SDS) requirements?
7.1 - Are pathways clear throughout the project?
7.2 - Have impalement hazards been removed?
7.3 - Are equipment, tools, and materials being stored safely?
7.4 - Is debris being managed safely?
7.5 - Is adequate lighting available throughout our work area?
8.1 - Based on the work area size and hazards present, is adequate fire fighting equipment readily available?
8.2 - Are fire extinguishers in good condition?
8.3 - Have fire extinguisher inspection tags been completed?
8.4 - Is a Hot Work Permit required?
8.4.1 - Has it been completed and approved?
8.4.2 - Is it adequate for the hot work task?
8.4.3 - Is the Hot Work Permit located next to the hot work area?
8.5 - Are flammable liquids being stored safely, in accordance with applicable regulations, i.e. quantities, cabinets, and containers?
9.1 - Are people being protected from impalement hazards?
9.2 - Are people being protected from falling onto dangerous equipment or debris piles?
9.3 - Are fall hazards greater than 4 feet present?
9.3.1 - Have adequate guardrails been installed?
9.3.2 - Have warning lines been installed?
9.3.2(a) - Have warning lines been installed 15-feet back from unprotected edge inside the building?
9.3.2(b) - Have warning lines been installed 6-feet back from unprotected roof edge?
9.3.2(c) - Is rope, or similar strength material, being used for warning line?
9.3.2(d) - Are warning lines flagged at least every 6-feet?
9.3.2(e) - Are warning lines installed in a manner that prevents sagging below 36-inches?
9.3.3 - Have floor holes or floor openings been adequately protected/isolated?
9.4 - Is fall restraint or fall arrest equipment being used?
9.4.1 - Has a fall protection plan been prepared?
9.4.1(a) - Does it clearly identify the scope of work and fall hazards present?
9.4.1(b) - Does it clearly identify the type of fall arrest/restraint equipment to be used for the specific hazard?
9.4.1(c) - Does it clearly identify how and where the anchor point will be set up?
9.4.1(d) - Does it clearly identify how we will protect other trades/employees who will pass through or under out work area?
9.4.1(e) - Does it identify an appropriate rescue plan?
9.4.1(f) - Is the fall protection plan being followed?
9.4.1(g) - Has the fall protection plan been reviewed with everyone associated with the fall hazard?
9.4.2 - Is fall protection equipment being worn properly?
9.4.3 - Has fall protection equipment been inspected?
9.4.4 - Is the selected anchor point strong enough?
9.4.5 - Is the anchor point in the correct position?
9.4.6 - Is lanyard adequate for fall hazard and height?
9.4.7 - Are crews fall protection trained?
9.4.8 - Is fall protection equipment being stored safety when not in use?
10.1 - Has equipment been inspected today?
10.2 - Are operators competent?
10.3 - Is equipment being operated on suspended slab?
10.3.1 - Has engineering been performed to confirm equipment use on suspended slab?
10.3.2 - Are the limitations on the engineers calculations (distance between machines, weight limits etc.) being followed?
10.4 - Is work area safe for the operation of equipment (housekeeping, delineated, other trades, spotter, flagger)?
10.5 - Is equipment being operated safely?
10.6 - Is the equipment operating next to an unprotected edge?
10.6.1 - Are unprotected edge hazards identified and controlled (cable, signage, wheel stop etc)?
10.6.2 - Is the method of protecting the equipment sufficient?
10.6.3 - Can the supervisor provide evidence that the edge protection is being inspected AT LEAST once per day?
11.1 - Electrical equipment and cords in good condition?
11.2 - Proper GFCI being used?
11.3 - Are cords and equipment being properly protected from damage?
12.1 - Is tool in good condition (clean, decals etc)?
12.2 - Is the tool the correct tool for the task?
12.3 - Is the tool being used properly?
12.4 - Is the operator competent?
Is asbestos abatement being performed on this project?
13.1 - Competency
13.1.1 - Is the project being supervised by a licensed asbestos abatement supervisor?
13.1.2 - Are the asbestos workers licensed/certified?
13.2 - Medical Clearance
13.2.1 - Are asbestos medical clearances current for all abatement personnel on site?
13.2.2 - Are respiratory medical clearances current for all abatement personnel on site?
13.3 - Respirator Use, Maintenance, and Fit Testing
13.3.1 - Are asbestos personnel fit tested (within last 12 months) for the type of respirators being worn?
13.3.2 - Are respirators being cleaned as required?
13.4 - Asbestos Monitoring (Personal, Area, etc)
13.4.1 - Has comparable pre-abatement sampling been performed for indoor abatement operations?
13.4.2 - Has representative and sufficient personal exposure monitoring been performed for asbestos operations?
13.4.3 - Has outside work area monitoring been performed daily (other trades working adjacent to regulated area) or every other day when no other trades are present?
13.4.4 - Has monitoring been performed at the exhaust of the negative air machine (every other day)?
13.4.5 - For those regulated areas cleared, was the clearance obtained from same location as pre-abatement, and did it meet applicable clearance limits?
13.5 - Work Controls (All Classes)
13.5.1 - Have the work areas been regulated using appropriate signage/banner tape?
13.5.2 - Are vacuums HEPA filtered?
13.5.3 - Are appropriate wet methods being used?
13.6 - Decontamination
13.6.1 - Is an appropriate change area set up for abatement activities?
13.6.2 - Does the abatement work require a shower to be provided?
13.6.2(a) - Has a working shower (warm water, shampoo, etc.) been set up?
13.6.2(b) - Is shower water being filtered to at least 5 microns?
13.6.3 - Are equipment/"dirty" room/area set up properly?
13.6.4 - Are equipment/"dirty" room/areas being used properly?
13.6.5 - Are personnel following the required decontamination processes?
13.7 - Class I Asbestos Abatement
13.7.1 - Is Class I abatement being performed?
13.7.1(a) - Have critical barriers been installed over ALL openings to the regulated area?
13.7.1(b) - Have fixed objects inside the regulated area been covered and protected to prevent contamination?
13.7.1(c) - Have floor surfaces been protected with poly?
13.7.1(d) - Does the negative pressure enclosure maintain at least 4 air changes per hour?
13.7.1(e) - Do manometer records show we are maintaining a minimum of -0.02 column inches of pressure differential, relative to outside pressure?
13.7.1(f) - Is the alarm set to be audible?
13.7.1(g) - Is air flow within the negative pressure enclosure being directed away from ALL employees within the enclosure, and toward the HEPA filtered negative air machines?
13.7.1(h) - Do supervisor records show evidence of daily enclosure inspections (prior to the start of each shift)?
13.8 - Class II Asbestos Abatement
13.8.1 - Is Class II asbestos abatement being performed?
13.8.1(a) - Is material being removed intact?
13.8.1(b) - Is material being kept wet, especially at point of contact?
13.9 - Glove Bagging
13.9.1 - Is glove bag abatement being performed?
13.9.1(a) - Is the glove bag at least 6-mil thick?
13.9.1(b) - If the glove bag is being used on elbows and other connections - has it been designed for that purpose?
13.9.1(c) - Does the glove bag cover the entire circumference of the item being abated?
13.9.1(d) - Do supervisor records show evidence that the glove bag has been smoke tested prior to use?
13.9.1(e) - Has loose and friable asbestos materials adjacent to the glove bag operation been wrapped in at least two layers of 6-mil poly?
13.9.1(f) - Does the glove bag set up allow the work to be performed, while maintaining integrity when water and waste are added?
13.9.1(g) - Are at least two people perform the glove bag operation?
13.10 - Waste Handling and Disposal
13.10.1 - Is debris being cleaned up and disposed of in a prompt manner?
13.10.2 - Is debris being disposed of in leak tight containers?
13.10.3 - Is debris properly labeled?
13.10.4 - Have glove bags been collapsed using a HEPA vacuum prior to disposal?
14.1 - During demolition: when material is being dropped to the floor, is it being dropped in a manner which allows safe travel through the work area, and/or away from the work area by the person performing the task?
14.2 - After demolition: have all residual hazards been removed? For example, overhead, laceration, or fall/trip hazards.
14.3 - Is the work area being adequately protected from unauthorized access?
14.4 - Have utilities been disconnected?
14.4.1 - Has that been visually confirmed?
14.4.2 - How was it confirmed?
14.4.3 - If working around energized utilities: is there an appropriate plan for working around these utilities?
14.4.3(a) - After questioning a representative sample of employees, do you feel they have an understanding of what those controls are?
14.4.3(b) - Is the plan being followed?
14.5 - Does the work involve the use of a drop zone/chute?
14.5.1 - Is the drop zone/chute being protected by a red light/green light or similar system?
14.5.2 - If over 20 feet in height, is the drop zone/chute protected by appropriate barriers?
14.6 - Does the work involve structural demolition?
14.6.1 - Has an engineering survey been performed for the work?
14.6.2 - Based on the engineering survey, has a demolition work plan been prepared for the work?
14.6.3 - Is the work plan being followed?
Is lead being disturbed?
15.1 - Has a site-specific lead compliance plan been prepared?
15.1.1 - Does it adequately identify all the areas of lead we will disturb?
15.1.2 - Has it been reviewed with the crew?
15.1.3 - Does it identify adequate exposure prevention controls for the type lead work being performed?
15.2 - Is the work area regulated using lead banner tape/signage? NOT REQUIRED IF EXPOSURE MONITORING SHOWS WE ARE BELOW THE ACTION LEVEL.
15.3 - Are appropriate engineering controls being used to prevent exposure, i.e. ventilation, wet methods?
15.4 - Are proper respirators being worn for type of work being performed?
15.5 - Are respirator users medically cleared to wear respirators?
15.6 - Are respirator users fit tested (within the last 12 months) for the respirator they are using?
15.7 - Are disposable coveralls (and/or other PPE) being worn as required?
15.8 - Has representative exposure monitoring been performed or has a negative exposure assessment been performed?
15.9 - Are exposure results posted?
15.10 - Have decontamination areas been set up?
15.10.1 - Are they adequate for the work being performed?
15.10.2 - Are they being used properly?
15.11 - Has a TCLP been performed for the various waste streams?
16.1 - Adequate supply of cool water/Gatorade available?
16.2 - Adequate supply of cups (including disposal of used cups)?
16.3 - Heat hazards discussed with crew?
16.4 - Has the crew been trained in outdoor heat awareness?
16.5 - Shaded area set up?
17.1 - Is dust being adequately controlled within the building?
Is exhaust emitting equipment being operated inside the building?
17.2 - Are CO monitors on the equipment and/or designated spotter?
17.2.1 - What is the reading (PPM) on the CO monitor? Identify location if showing multiple readings.
17.3 - Have the CO monitors been calibrated within the last 30 days, or within manufacturers recommended timeframe?
17.4 - Have CO monitors been bump tested or reset for todays operations?
17.5 - Interview a representative sample of the employees on site - are they familiar with the steps to be taken in the event the CO alarm goes off?
18.0 - LADDERS
18.1 - Podium ladder used properly?<br>
18.2 - Extension ladder installed properly?
18.3 - Extension ladders being used properly?
18.4 - Ladders in good condition?
Are we performing work on scaffolding?
19.1 - Was scaffolding erected by a competent person?
19.2 - Has it been erected properly?
19.3 - Was the scaffold inspected before use?
19.4 - Is the type of scaffolding used adequate for the type of work being performed?
19.5 - Is it adequately protected from collapse (secured to building, outriggers)?
19.6 - Is the area providing access and egress free of debris, materials, and/or equipment?
19.7 - Is the scaffolding being maintained in a safe and clean condition?
19.8 - In icy conditions - are slip hazards being removed from the scaffold?
Are we performing work in confined spaces, as defined by industry standards?
20.1 - Is the confined space non-permit required?
20.1.1 - Was the reclassification of the confined space to non-permit properly documented?
20.1.2 - Was the reclassification performed properly?
20.2 - Is the confined space a permit-required confined space?
20.2.1 - Have employees been effectively informed about the existence, location, and hazards associated with the permit-required confined space?
20.2.2 - Have measure been taken to prevent unauthorized access into the permit-required confined space?
20.2.3 - Have the employees been properly trained?
20.2.4 - Has a pre-entry permit been completed?
20.2.4(a) - Does the permit clearly identify the space?
20.2.4(b) - Does the permit clearly identify reason for entry?
20.2.4(c) - Does the permit clearly identify date and authorized duration of the permit?
20.2.4(d) - Does the permit clearly identify the hazards of the space being entered?
20.2.4(e) - Does the permit clearly identify acceptable entry conditions?
20.2.4(f) - Does the permit clearly identify the results of initial and periodic atmospheric tests?
20.2.4(g) - Does the permit clearly identify measure taken to control the hazards associated with the space?
20.2.4(h) - Does the permit clearly identify the entry supervisor?
20.2.4(i) - Has the entry permit been approved and signed by the entry supervisor?
20.2.4(j) - Does the permit clearly identify any equipment to be provided for safe entry?
20.2.4(k) - Does the permit clearly identify means of rescue?
20.2.5 - Are the entry permit requirements being followed?
21.1 - Is the break/lunch room being maintained in a clean and hygienic condition?
21.2 - Are there enough bathrooms for the number of people on site?
21.3 - Are the onsite bathrooms being maintained in a clean and sanitary condition?
Are we performing work in or with trenches or excavations?
22.1 - Have surface hazards which could affect those inside the excavation been removed or protected?
22.2 - Have calls been made to scan for utilities?
22.2.1 - Have utilities been clearly identified (direction and depth)?
22.2.2 - Will those markings remain visible throughout the excavation process?
22.2.3 - Do those associated with the excavation understand the markings?
22.3 - Has a safe means of access and egress been provided?
22.3.1 - Is it being used as designed?
22.4 - Are mobile equipment/vehicles in operation around the excavation?
22.4.1 - Are those associated with the excavation and those around the equipment/vehicles wearing Class II safety vests?
22.4.2 - is there an approved warning system to control mobile equipment/vehicles operating adjacent to the excavation?
22.5 - Are employees staying clear of overhead loads during the excavation process?
22.6 - Is a water accumulation hazard present within or near the excavation?
22.6.1 - Have approved methods been implemented to prevent water accumulation undermining the stability of the excavation?
22.6.2 - Is water pumps are being used to remove water, has a designated competent person been assigned to monitor?
22.7 - Is the excavation adjacent to other structures?
22.7.1 - Has an appropriate means of supporting the adjacent structure been designed and installed?
22.7.2 - Who designed the support system chosen?
22.8 - Can the supervisor provide you documented evidence that the excavation has been inspected prior to entering?
22.9 - Are safe benching, sloping, bracing, or other approved methods being used to prevent collapse of the excavation?
Are we performing work which involves public traffic management?
23.1 - Are flaggers currently certified?
23.2 - Are flaggers using the correct traffic stop/slow sign?
23.3 - Are advance warning signs in place?
23.4 - Are flaggers wearing the appropriate PPE (hat, pants etc.)
23.5 - Has a traffic management plan been developed?
23.6 - Is the traffic management plan being followed?
Project Supervisor
Auditor's signature