Audit Title.
Conducted on
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Is there a version of the Construction Phase Plan in place on site?
Is the F10 displayed and on site?
Is there a current induction register/ signing in sheet on site?
Is there an up to date PUWER register held on site?
Is there an up to date LOLER register held on site?
Is a valid work authorisation displayed onsite - including high risk permits for works being undertaken?
Are RAMS onsite and have they been signed by all operatives onsite?
Is there a register of current First Aiders on site and are they displayed?
Is a copy of the latest Asbestos Survey available?
Are there records of toolbox talks taking place onsite?
Have Temporary Works been considered and how are they being managed?
Are insurance certificates and Health & Safety Law poster on display?
Site Welfare facilities
Is there suitable welfare facilities?
Is there hand washing facilities?
External signage/ warning notices displayed?
Are fire escapes and walkways/gangways adequately signed and identified?
Work areas
Are work activities being managed safely?
Are trailing leads being managed(trip hazards) ?
Is the standard of housekeeping acceptable?
Is there adequate storage facilities for materials?
Are there protruding sharp objects in the wall/ ground/ external hoardings/ Heras fencing?
Are checks being completed on the site boundaries and how are these being recorded?
Is suitable pedestrian/ vehicle segregation in place?
Are there any hazardous substances being used and are they being store in accordance to the MSDS?
Is the MSDS sheet/ assessment available and held on site?
Access Equipment
Are all step ladders Class 1/EN 131 and in good condition/ tagged?
Are all MEWP's/ Towers/ Podiums/ Scaffold in good condition and had the relevant inspections completed?
Personnel Protective Equipment PPE
Is the correct PPE being worn by all operatives onsite?
Is the evacuation procedure / fire plan in place and on display?
Are suitable fire extinguishers located onsite (at the exit) and in date?
First Aid Facilities
Are First Aid kits onsite and easily accessible?
Lighting and Environment
Lighting is suitable for all areas of the site?
Noise is of a suitable level?
Dust levels acceptable?
How are spills managed onsite and do you have preventative measures in place?
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Site Manager
Sam Bradley