Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Documentation and Set-Up
MAJOR - Is there a SSSP with all required signatures on site?
MINOR - Has site signage been established, and clearly visible upon entry to site?
MINOR - Is there a sign in / out process for site?
MAJOR - Have all workers been inducted onto site, and record of induction?
Has the site-specific induction current and include site specific risks?
MAJOR - Has WorkSafe NZ been notified of any "particular hazardous work", where required?
Is there an emergency contact page displayed?
Are Health and Safety and Injury Management policies displayed?
MAJOR - Has a daily pre-start meeting with all workers been conducted, recorded and submitted into HazardCo or paper copy?
MAJOR - Are all relevant SWMS available on-site?
Is a project vehicle movement plan developed and communicated to workers on-site (including clear pedestrian pathways)?
MINOR - Is a First Aid kit, available to all workers, with all provisions maintained?
MINOR - Have adequate fire extinguishers been provided, in place, accessible and within test date?
Are take 5's being completed prior to starting tasks?
MAJOR - Are all battery and/or powered tools have appropriate guarding in place?
MAJOR - Are all electrical power tools, leads and other devices within their test date and visually inspected?
MAJOR - Are tools that require calibration within their currency?
MINOR - Are Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals on site?
MAJOR - Are chemicals stored in accordance with the SDS and labelled correctly?
MINOR - Are all workers wearing mandatory site PPE?
MINOR - Are workers wearing task specific PPE?