CJ Foods Manufacturing PSSR

  • Client / Facility

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location



  • Equipment/Facility

  • Equipment name

  • Location of Equipment

  • Facility name

  • PSSR Team Members


  • Is the machine capable of being locked out?

  • Has the equipment specific lockout/tag out procedure been developed?

  • Are there any special lockout devices needed?

  • Have they been ordered and distributed to the appropriate personnel?

  • Have sanitation, production, and maintenance employees been properly trained on the lockout procedures?

Mechanical Hazards

  • Are equipment disconnects and operating controls labeled?

  • Are the start and stop controls within easy reach of the operator?

  • Is there plant maintenance for the equipment?

  • Are maintenance personnel trained to perform the plant maintenance?

  • Can the machine be oiled without removing the safeguards?

  • Is there more than one operator?

  • Are separate controls provided?

  • Are Emergency Stops working and accessible to the operator?

Machine Guarding

  • Have all pinch points and points of operation been properly guarded?

  • Have all chains and sprockets been properly guarded?

  • Are there any exposed set screws, key ways, collars, etc?

  • Have all pulleys and belts been properly guarded?

  • Have augers (if present) been properly guarded?

  • Are all machine guards securely attached?

  • Are interlocks prohibited from being bypassed if applicable?

  • Test all interlocks to ensure functioning properly if applicable?

  • For saw blades, is only the length necessary to cut product exposed?

  • Are all shafts ends covered with a non-rotating cap or cut down to a length of less than 1/2 the diameter of the shaft?


  • Is the machine wired according to code? (National Electric Code, National Fire Protection Association)

  • Is the machine grounded?

  • Is the power supply correctly fused and protected?

  • Will additions or modifications require an Arc Flash analysis?

  • Are all electrical connections secured, cords only the length necessary, conduit only used where required (no cords running through walls, under doors, etc)?

  • Is there any temporary equipment S/O cord (allowed for only 90 days) if any follow up required?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Has PPE Hazard Analysis been conducted for new jobs?

  • Is required PPE available and issued to operators?

  • Have operators been properly trained in the use and care of required PPE?


  • Have appropriate measures been taken to safeguard workers against noise hazards?

  • Has an area survey been conducted?

  • If noise is above 85 dB, has noise reduction measures been considered?


  • Have existing means of egress been obstructed or changed (at least 28")?

  • Have exit routes been rerouted if necessary?

  • Have employees been trained in new exit routes?

  • Has the emergency evacuation drawing been updated?

  • Is head room at least 7 feet high with no overhead obstructions below 6'8"?

  • Have all emergency exits been designated by appropriate signage/lighting?

  • Are new sprinkler systems operational and tested?

  • Fire Extinguisher accessible and adequately marked?


  • Does the new equipment generate hazardous vapors/gasses/fumes which will require additional ventilation?

  • Has ventilation been installed?

  • If ventilation has not been installed, have employees been instructed in temporary hazard abatement procedures?


  • Has an ergonomic audit (ergonomic job measurement system, ergonomic assessment) been conducted of the new/modified equipment?

  • Have identified ergonomic hazards been corrected?

Confined Spaces & Hazardous Locations

  • Has the new equipment created a hazardous location?

  • What is the nature of the hazard?

  • Identify hazard

  • Permit required for confined spaces?

  • Are all hatches and other means of entry labeled as confined spaces?

  • Have space specific entry procedures been developed?

  • Have employees been trained on entry procedures?

Fall Protection

  • The new equipment will not create a situation in which employees must work more than 4' above the floor and outside of a standard guard rail?

  • Has appropriate fall protection equipment been provided to employees?

  • Have employees been trained in the use of required fall protection equipment?

  • No slip/trip/fall hazards created?

Hazard Communication

  • The new equipment has not introduced any new hazardous chemicals into the facility?

  • Have employees been trained in the hazards and protective measures for the new chemical?


  • Does the new/modified equipment require additional process training?

  • Has the training been conducted?

  • Have new training requirements forwarded to the Training Department?

Food Safety

  • Is the new equipment designed and manufactured to be easily cleaned?

  • Is there a standard operating procedure in place to break down the equipment for cleaning?

  • Has USDA been notified of the addition and the start up of the equipment?

  • Has the cleaning contractor been notified of the addition and the startup date of the equipment?

Air Permits

  • Has equipment received the necessary air permits?

  • Has the regulatory agency been notified of start up?

  • Has a standard operating procedure been modified or created to control the equipment per regulations?

  • Has an updated standard operating procedure been submitted to regulators for approval?

  • Does the facility have spare/redundant critical equipment to keep equipment running within compliance standards?

Wastewater Compliance

  • Has the equipment received the necessary wastewater permits and/or notifications?

  • Has a standard operating procedure been modified/created to control the equipment to not impact wastewater?

  • Is wastewater treatment operations prepared to handle the impact of this process change?

SPCC/Storm water

  • Are secondary containment and/or storm water controls in place?

  • Has the SPCC plan been updated, including site maps?

  • Has a "best management practice" been created for this potential pollution source?

ISO 14001

  • Are the necessary "Operational Controls" established and documented in the environmental management system?

  • Have any new reporting requirements been added to the environmental calendar?

  • Is the process change an Aspect or Significant Aspect?

  • Has the training schedule been updated to include the process change?

Waste/Chemical Notification /Utilities

  • Are the procedures in place to handle the waste (hazardous or non-hazardous) from the process change?

  • Has notification to regulators occurred to address legal requirements?

  • Are appropriate back flow connections installed to prevent contamination of potable water?

  • Are the appropriate mechanical and procedural systems installed to minimize energy/water usage?


  • Comments/Recommendations

  • Safe and ready for commissioning/startup?

  • Engineering

  • Safety

  • Quality

  • Operations

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