
  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Is the area free from litter, cigarette buts, etc

  • Are the external windows & signage clean and in working order?

  • Are the external posters/advertising & signage to brand standards, clean etc?

  • Is external lighting in full working order?

  • Are break glass box secure? (BG1)


  • Are front doors clean and in working order?

  • Is the area clean, vacuumed, free of dust, litter etc?

  • Are all light bulbs working?

  • When the buzzer is pressed, is it resounded to in under 2 minutes?

  • Are all pods clean and in working order?

  • Are kiosks clean and in working order?

  • Test disable lift - is it in working order, clean & with appropriate signage?

  • Are break glass box secure? (BG2)

Functional Area

  • Are TRX straps in good repair and attached to the frame correctly?

  • Is all 3rd party kit in working order?

  • Is all 3rd party kit clean and stored away when not in use?

  • Is class timetable displayed with the current timetable?

  • Are Swiss balls in good repair & dated within 12 months?

  • Are mirrors & mirror frames clean & free of dust?

  • Are break glass box secure?

Cardio & Power Plate

  • Is the cardio kit clean?

  • Is the cardio kit in line to brand standards?

  • Is the chequer plate & carpet clean under cardio equipment?

  • Are power plates clean, tidy and in good repair?

  • Are gym walls clean of marks?

Free weights Area

  • Is area tidy, weights put away, benches in line etc?

  • Has the check sheets been signed?

  • Is all signage branded & in clip frames

  • Is weight plates free off chalk & dust?

  • Is the floor clean and free of litter?

  • Are the walls clean?

  • Are the mirrors clean & mirror frames free of dust?

  • Is all kit in good condition or logged via Matrix?


  • Are mirrors clean & mirror frames free of dust?

  • Is the floor clean & free of litter?

  • Is 3rd party kit stored correctly?

  • Are steps dropped to minimum height & stacked appropriately?

  • Is all equipment clean and in good working order or logged where applicable?

Disable toilet & Shower (GF)

  • Has the checks been signed and complete to the expected standard?

  • Is the shower walls clean? Check for body fat

  • Is the shower drain free?

  • Are mirrors clean?

  • Are the toilet sink & surrounding area clean?

  • Are the toilet walls clean?

  • Is the floor clean & free of litter? Including corners


  • Are the pillars & bases of stairs free from dust?

  • Is the A-Frame clean & free of dust?

  • Are the green slip grips on stairs clean? Including chewing gum

  • Are all ledges & lights on stairs clean & free of dust?

  • Are the top of the pods free of dust?

  • Is the windows clean? Including outside of spin area

  • Is lift clean and in good repair?

Members Area

  • Is the carpet clean and free of litter?

  • Are vending machines fully stocked?

  • Is the vending machine glass clean?

  • Are the tops of the machines free of dust & dirt?

  • Is kiosk clean & in good repair?

  • Are tables & chairs clean?

  • Have all PT's filled their business card slots?

  • Are comment cards & referral cards in stock?

  • Have training tips been topped up and in the correct positions? Including no duplicates

  • Is the water fountain & floor clean?

  • Are walls clean?

Spin Area

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.