Document No.
Audit Title
Site Address
Date of Assessment
Persons Present
Total Score (out of 215)
Actions to be Completed By (Name)
Date of Action Completed
A. Compliance
1. Operator audits compIeted?
Score out of 5
2. All shifts covered?
Score out of 5
3. Action taken over current issues/recruitment etc.?
Score out of 5
4. Code of Practice on site?
Score out of 5
5. Operational Procedure Manual on site?
Score out of 5
B. Enigma Administration
1. Timesheets up to date?
Score out of 5
2. Staff using correct procedure to book on/off shift?
Score out of 5
3. Holiday requests completed as per procedure?
Score out of 5
4. Sickness absence completed as per procedure?
Score out of 5
5. Other staff issues identified?
Score out of 5
C. Staff
1.Staff wearing SIA Licence badges and Enigma ID badges?
Score out of 5
2. Staff wearing uniforms correctly?
Score out of 5
3. Staff neat and tidy?
Score out of 5
D. Training/Licensing
1. Staff trained to licence standard?
Score out of 5
2. New starters booked on BTEC course?
Score out of 5
3. Licence applications for new starters ordered?
Score out of 5
4. Evidence of PDPs available?
Score out of 5
5. Relevant legislation understood by all who work in the Control Room?
Score out of 5
6. Training needs identified?
Score out of 5
E. CCTV Administration
1. Daily logs up to date?
Score out of 5
2. Evidence reviews up to date?
Score out of 5
3. All evidence prepared as per local procedure?
Score out of 5
4. Maintenance log up to date?
Score out of 5
5. Action taken on long-term faults? - Check for evidence.
Score out of 5
6. Incident figures entered onto database?
Score out of 5
7. Manning reports completed as per local procedure?
Score out of 5
8. All figures backed up as per local procedure?
Score out of 5
F. Operations
1. Radios (Police and Shop Watch/Pub Watch) checked and working?<br>
Score out of 5
2. Operator/s using radio correctly as per protocols/training/TEA2 licence?
Score out of 5
3. Proactive monitoring being performed?
Score out of 5
4. Operator/s monitoring in accordance with the law, training and image capture guidelines?
Score out of 5
5. Local briefing notes (where relevant) from police or council available and aware?
Score out of 5
6. Evidence of correct handover process in place, either in paper form or verbal communications? Check with operator on duty.
Score out of 5
7. Maps/list of cameras up to date?
Score out of 5
8. Operator on duty has notebook available at work station?
Score out of 5
9. All information within the Control Room is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act?
Score out of 5
G. Health and Safety/Housekeeping
1. Risk assessment available?
Score out of 5
2. H&S guidelines adhered to?
Score out of 5
3. Control Room neat and tidy?
Score out of 5
4. Workstations organised?
Score out of 5
5. Staff room/tea station clean and tidy?
Score out of 5
6. Staff notice board (if applicable) in place and up to date?
Score out of 5
7. Up to date insurance and H&S documentation on display?
Score out of 5
H. Success Stories/Commendations
Success Stories or Commendations?
I.Operator Good Practice Identified
Operator good practice identified?
Agreed Action Sheet
Details of actions requiring attention
Timescale for improvements (S.M.A.R.T)
Details of actions to be completed
Date to be reviewed
Date of completion
To be carried out by
Details of actions to be completed
Date to be reviewed
Date of completion
To be carried out by
Details of actions to be completed
Date to be reviewed
Date of completion
To be carried out by