Factory Name
Date (MM/DD/YY)
Lead Auditor
Opening / Closing meeting participation List
Audit Comments
Section photos
Factory Nameboard / Front View
Material Warehouse
Fabric Inspection
Cutting Section
Sewing Section
Quality Inspection
Packing Section
1. Leadership Accountability, Control and Product Safety Culture
01.01 Is there a documented policy ensuring consistent production of safe, legal products meeting customer obligations, signed by the person accountable for the site?
01.02 Is there effective communication and understanding among all site employees regarding the safety and compliance culture?
01.03 Is there a documented organizational structure with clear management responsibilities and authority? Are backups documented for those responsible for legal, safety, and quality issues?
01.04 Does site management regularly review activities that could impact product safety, legality, and quality supplied to Tesco?
01.05 Are there adequate human and financial resources to produce safe, legal products meeting Tesco's standards and relevant audit requirements?
01.06 Does the site plan, review, and balance its performance in peak production, safety, and resource organization?
01.07 Does the management team measure key performance indicators and take actions to improve performance in areas like shipment, quality, complaints, etc.?
01.08 Is there an effective 'two-way' communication policy between site management and staff, encouraging feedback and understanding of requirements?
01.09 Are effective systems in place to notify Tesco promptly of issues affecting product safety, legality, quality, or reputation?
01.10 Is the most senior operational manager available during the audit's opening and closing meetings, with other relevant representatives available as needed?
Quality Management System
2. Quality Management System and site audits
02.01 Is there a maintained and reviewed Quality Management System (QMS) annually, with a designated site employee responsible for its management?
02.02. Does the QMS encompass procedures aligned with product safety, legality, and quality requirements as per Tesco's standards and relevant modules?
02.03 Are all documents related to legality, quality, and product safety appropriately controlled, authorized, and maintained in correct versions for a minimum of 10 years?
02.04 Does the QMS contain records determined necessary to ensure the effectiveness planning, operation, and control of its processes
02.05 Are documentation and records available and compliant for Tesco audits, meeting safety, legality, and quality standards?
02.06 Does site management conduct regular reviews of activities affecting safety, legality, and quality of products supplied to Tesco or its reputation?
02.07 Are internal audits conducted at a frequency determined by risk assessment, covering all site activities and scheduled evenly throughout operational periods, including night shifts and weekends?02.0
02.08 Are auditors competent and knowledgeable about site processes, and do they assess compliance with Tesco standards during internal audits?
02.09 Are effective systems in place to implement corrective actions identified in management reviews, incidents, complaints, or audits within appropriate timescales?
02.10 Are records of audits comprehensive, including details of compliance, non-conformances, and recommendations, and are findings communicated to responsible parties for action?
Responsible Sourcing
3. Responsible Sourcing
03.01 Does the site have procedures in place to comply with Responsible Sourcing requirements as outlined in the Responsible Sourcing Manual for Clothing and General Merchandise Suppliers, including adherence to ETI Base Code, local laws, and specific site requirements?
03.02 Is there a procedure to ensure the site stays updated with local laws and regulations regarding minimum wages, insurances, health, and safety standards?
03.03 Does the site have an independent whistle-blowing facility or utilize Protector Line for confidential employee reporting, with required posters displayed in employee areas to comply with Tesco Supplier Requirements?
Environment, water and waste management
4. Environment, water and waste management
04.01 Does the site have a policy detailing responsibility for meeting local environmental requirements, minimizing impact, and measuring environmental performance?
04.02 Is there a system in place to identify and manage environmental risks, regularly review control measures' effectiveness, and ensure site activities don't negatively affect the local environment?
04.05 Does the site identify and monitor critical parameters for water treatment to ensure effectiveness as per local regulations
04.06 Is there a system to effectively segregate recyclable materials where collected?
04.07 Are water storage facilities appropriately sized, constructed, and designed to prevent light exposure and pest entry, with controls in place to prevent Legionella?
04.08 Does management of wastewater and effluent comply with local legal requirements and avoid risks to products, employee health, and visitors? Are sewer drains inaccessible within product areas?
External areas & site security
5. External areas & site security
05.01 Are external building areas maintained to prevent pest harborage, water pooling, and to facilitate effective cleaning?
05.02 Are external units and connecting pipes for bulk tanks or silos kept secure, clean, elevated off the floor, and capped when not in use?
05.03 Is the use of photographic/recording equipment controlled on-site, with visitors required to declare and have authorization for its use?
05.04 Has the site assessed and implemented appropriate controls against intentional contamination or tampering of raw materials, products, packaging, and equipment?
05.05 Are access restrictions enforced for authorized personnel only into production, packing, storage areas, and external units?
05.06 Are visitors and contractors supervised and obliged to follow the site's safety and hygiene rules while on-site?
05.07 Does the site only permit guard dogs or pest control animals, kept appropriately and under strict control, with guard dogs supervised by security guards?
Design and construction of premises
6. Design and construction of premises
06.01 Are the physical structures, layout, and boundaries of buildings suitable for product safety, compliant with local regulations, and appropriately approved or registered?
06.02 Are building elements like walls, floors, ceilings, drains, and doors designed and maintained to prevent risks to products?
06.03 Is there a drain plan ensuring accessibility, pest-proofing, and safe drain flow in open product areas?
06.04 Are walkways and steps over packing lines designed to prevent product contamination?
06.05 Are all production, packing, and storage area doors intact, pest-proofed, and appropriately controlled for access and ventilation?
06.06 Does the lighting across all areas ensure safe working conditions and good visibility, especially above product inspection areas?
06.07 Are heating, ventilation, and extraction systems effective in preventing condensation and dust accumulation, especially in areas with hazardous gases?
06.08 Are environmental conditions adequately controlled, monitored, and managed for raw materials, work-in-progress, and products as determined by risk assessment?
06.09 Are all services and equipment within the site designed, intact, and suitable for their respective purposes, allowing easy and effective cleaning?
06.10 Is there a documented plan and annual review for water circuits, identification of potable and non-potable water lines, and absence of 'dead ends' on potable lines?
06.11 Are storage areas maintained in a clean and hygienic condition, preventing direct contact of materials with floors or walls to allow inspection and prevent pest harborage?
06.12 Are external waste containers covered and managed to ensure a pest-free environment when used?
06.13 Are all chemicals used on-site accompanied by Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), with risk assessments conducted for employee safety and risk reduction plans in place where necessary?
06.14 Is there a documented contingency plan in place to address electrical supply failures?
Design and construction of equipment
7. Design and construction of equipment
07.01 Is all equipment properly specified, commissioned, and checked for suitability and product safety according to local legislation? Are they designed for effective cleaning, maintenance, and serviceability while being maintained to prevent foreign object risks?
07.02 In open product areas, is equipment constructed from durable materials that don't pose risks to products, and are parts susceptible to wear regularly inspected and of a contrasting color for easy wear and damage detection?
07.03 Are effective segregation controls or production/packing schedules established when separate equipment isn't feasible, with contingency procedures in place for breakdowns to prevent cross-contamination?
07.04 Are unused equipment stored safely to prevent risks to the product?
07.05 Is mobile equipment clean, maintained, and stored appropriately when not in use, with battery charging points located away from open product areas and mobile equipment posing no risk to products?
07.06 Are environmental control equipment suitable for maintaining correct conditions without posing risks to products?
07.07 Are guards in place and used on equipment where there's a risk to personnel, including eye guards, finger guards, grinder wheels, pulleys, etc., as needed for safety?
Operational hygiene and cleaning programme
8. Operational hygiene and cleaning programme
08.01 Are employees effectively maintaining clean and tidy working areas as part of their responsibilities and understanding of cleanliness standards?
08.02 Is equipment thoroughly inspected for difficult-to-clean parts as part of the risk assessment, followed by ongoing verification of control effectiveness and periodic validation reviews?
08.03 Is there a competent person overseeing cleaning operations, ensuring adherence to standards, proper resource allocation, and regular check
08.04 Do cleaning schedules align with risk assessments, integrate into production planning, and follow documented, validated procedures?
08.05 Are checklists used to verify completed cleaning tasks, and are hygiene standards visually checked before and after critical phases?
08.06 Are cleaning equipment storage and conditions adequate to prevent contamination risks?
08.07 Is cleaning equipment properly segregated, distinctive, and stored separately, especially for contact surface cleaning equipment?
08.08 Are cleaning chemicals suitable for the production environment, stored correctly, and preventing re-contamination?
08.09 Are immediate actions followed after accidental contamination events, with documentation and reporting to relevant authorities?
08.10 Are proper procedures in place to prevent carryover or cross-contamination for sites handling allergens or animal derivatives?
08.11 Is there a verification process between cleaning processes for allergens or animal derivatives using appropriate testing methods?
9. Maintenance
09.01 Are maintenance and repairs to building structures and equipment conducted to a standard that eliminates risks to the product?
09.02 Is there a fully implemented planned preventative maintenance (PPM) program covering all equipment that could impact safety, legality, and quality?
09.03 Is there a system in place to record all maintenance work requested and completed as part of the planned preventative maintenance (PPM) program?
09.04 Are repairs or servicing of equipment handled by competent site engineers, approved contractors, or manufacturer-employed personnel?
09.05 Are temporary repairs controlled to ensure they don't compromise product safety, using appropriate materials and establishing a timeline for permanent repairs?
09.06 Does engineering and equipment maintenance work primarily occur away from production/packing areas, with restricted access to areas directly connected to production?
09.07 Are engineering/maintenance workshops and areas maintained with high fabrication standards, hygiene, and housekeeping to prevent contamination risks to products?
09.08 Is there a system in place to control and investigate missing tools or parts in engineering/maintenance areas, avoiding the use of product containers or Tesco trays for general storage?
09.09 Are pre-work risk assessments completed to ensure that engineering activities won't jeopardize product or packaging safety?
09.10 Are production/packing lines cleared before engineering/maintenance work, with necessary cleaning and assessments conducted before resuming production?
09.11 Are lubricants used on product-handling or contact equipment suitable for the product, with information available to demonstrate their grade suitability?
Pest management
10. Pest management
10.01 Is there a designated and trained employee responsible for overseeing the pest management program, ensuring compliance, and taking necessary actions?
10.02 Does the pest management program incorporate a documented risk assessment considering factors like location, building design, raw materials, history of pest issues, and operational periods?
10.03 Is the pest management program properly documented, agreed upon by the site and/or pest contractor, and inclusive of essential details such as provider information, inspection frequency, site plan, pest control methods, and compliance with local legislation?
10.04 Are activity/action reports completed during each pest management visit, detailing pest observations, trend analysis, recommended actions, chemical usage, hygiene conditions, and review by the accountable employee?
10.05 Are pest monitoring and control points strategically positioned, secured against tampering, and not posing risks to the product during spray or fumigation treatments?
10.06 Are live catch systems inspected daily or more frequently as per country legislation, while break-back traps used in production areas are enclosed, tamper-proof, and checked at least weekly or daily during infestations?
10.07 Are toxic baits used sparingly in open product areas, with strict guidelines on their use in enclosed access panels and a prohibition on loose/granular baits in production or storage areas?
Employee facilities and personal protective equipment
11. Employee facilities and personal protective equipment
11.01 Are employee facilities such as rest areas, toilets, locker rooms, and changing areas maintained in a clean and hygienic condition?
11.02 Are toilets appropriately segregated, clean, and equipped with hand wash sinks and drying facilities? Are there visible hand washing signs?
11.03 Is smoking strictly prohibited in production, storage areas, or adjacent offices? Are designated smoking areas in compliance with local legislation and properly maintained?
11.04 Is there a designated space with clean lockers available for employees to change into and store their workwear without using them for food storage?
11.05 Is the type of workwear and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) determined by a thorough risk assessment?
11.06 Are workwear and PPE clean, in good condition, and appropriate for the tasks? Are they stored securely, and is access restricted for hazardous activities?
11.07 Are changing procedures in place to minimize the risk of workwear contamination in areas where different products or materials are handled successivel
11.08 Is protective overclothing worn and removed between areas or products if there's a risk of contamination?
11.09 Is footwear suitable, clean, and fitting for the tasks performed by employees?
11.10 Are canteen or food service areas kept clean and separate from production or storage areas?
11.11 Are designated areas provided for personal food consumption and storage to prevent any risk to the product?
11.12 Are there adequate handwashing and sanitizing facilities available and easily accessible to employees?
11.13 Is drinking water provided and safe for consumption? Are designated drinking areas established if the water poses a risk to the product?
11.14 Do all vehicles used for staff transport comply with relevant safety legislation, and do drivers possess the necessary licenses?
12. Training
12.01 Is there a system in place to ensure that personnel involved in activities related to product safety, legality, and quality are competent, trained, and qualified for their roles? Are competence verification methods such as evaluation or testing utilized?
12.02 Do all relevant personnel, including agency staff and contractors, receive appropriate initial training before starting work, and are they adequately supervised?
12.03 Are employees and visitors, including agency staff and contractors, provided with effective training to understand the risks associated with potential contaminants on site? Is specialized training provided for non-production personnel like engineers, cleaning staff, and laboratory staff?
12.04 Are the trainers delivering the training sessions considered competent in their respective fields?
12.05 Is the level of language understanding assessed for all personnel to ensure that training and information are provided in an understandable format, regardless of their nationality, language, or literacy level?
12.06 Are comprehensive records of all training sessions maintained, including details of trainees, training content, providers, and evidence of successful completion? Are there processes in place to review and correct any wrong answers in competency tests?
12.07 Are documented and agreed-upon job descriptions or working instructions available for all personnel responsible for tasks related to product safety, legality, and quality?
Personal health and hygiene
13. Personal health and hygiene
13.01 Are there documented health, hygiene, and safety rules in place, and are all personnel, including visitors and contractors, required to read, understand, and accept these rules before entering production/packing and storage areas?
13.02 Is hand washing and/or sanitizing practiced as needed, especially before handling products or product contact equipment, to prevent direct or indirect contamination of the product?
13.03 Is personal jewelry managed to ensure it doesn't pose physical or microbiological risks to the product? Are exceptions made for medical or religious reasons based on risk assessment, and are precautions taken during the metal detection process?
13.04 Are procedures in place to ensure that cuts and grazes on exposed skin are covered adequately, with contrasting plasters to prevent product contamination? How are lost plasters identified and managed to avoid risks to the product?
13.05 Are personal items like keys, watches, personal mobile phones, coins, and medicines prohibited in production/packing or storage areas? Are any necessary personal medicines controlled to prevent product contamination, and are there assessments to address potential health risks associated with personal medicines?
13.06 Are employees assessed for health risks that could affect products before entering production, packing, or storage areas for the first time? How are these assessments conducted and reviewed?
13.07 How are health risks of visitors and contractors assessed before allowing access to production/packing and storage areas? Are written declarations confirming no health risks obtained and assessed by a competent site representative?
13.08 Is there a procedure for employees to report illnesses promptly to their line managers? How are decisions made regarding an employee's continuation of work and access to restricted areas when ill, pending medical fitness confirmation?
13.09 Are there established procedures for employees returning to work after illness, overseen by a competent person? How are illnesses like vomiting or diarrhea managed concerning access to production/packing or storage areas to prevent contamination?
13.10 Are spillage management procedures in place to handle bodily fluid spillages within production and storage areas effectively?
13.11 Are there established protocols for emergency personnel entering production/packing areas during emergencies (e.g., medical or fire emergencies), including any necessary cleaning requirements and product safety measures post-entry?
13.12 If provided, are the First Aid rooms clean, adequately equipped, and available to provide necessary treatment and private rest for workers in case of basic injury or illness, as required by local legislation? Are there well-equipped First Aid boxes available across the site, and is there appropriately trained First Aid personnel accessible?
Supplier Management
14. Supplier Management
14.01 Is there a defined system for supplier selection, risk assessment, and ongoing approval based on their ability to meet specified requirements and capacity to deliver the required volume?
14.02 Are risk assessments conducted for raw material suppliers, considering factors such as ability to meet specifications, supplier performance history, and audit outcomes?
14.03 Are first-party and third-party audits used in the supplier approval process?
14.04 Are measures in place to ensure that sites supplying raw materials establish validated controls to prevent contamination or unintended presence of contaminants in raw materials before they arrive on site?
14.05 Are supplier risk assessments and monitoring processes documented and regularly reviewed?
14.06 Are off-site production and outsourced processing operations managed in terms of risk assessment, approval, and ongoing assessment?
14.07 Are these operations visible on process flow diagrams and approved by Tesco Technical contacts?
14.08 Is there a protocol for outsourced processes where the material or product returns to the site?
14.09 Are specifications and intake checks managed for materials and products returning from outsourced processes?
14.10 Are procedures in place for outsourced processes where the material or product does not return to the primary site for further processing?
14.11 Are such outsourced sites approved by Tesco?
14.12 Is there a protocol to identify, assess, and manage potential contaminants within raw materials?
14.13 Are specifications for all raw materials, including Tesco requirements where relevant, agreed upon and signed by both the Tesco supplier and the raw material supplier?
14.14 Are suppliers of finished products packed into a set or as a component of the primary product approved based on raw material supplier criteria?
14.15 Are contingency suppliers used in a way that ensures no risk to the safety, legality, and quality of the finished product or reduction in traceability?
14.16 Are details of contingency supplies recorded and authorized by the Tesco Technical contact prior to usage?
14.17 Are secondary sites where production or processes are outsourced or subcontracted approved and monitored?
14.18 Are these secondary sites approved based on brand identifiability or through a standard audit process?
14.19 Is compliance ensured with relevant Tesco Requirements documents related to restricted substances in textiles, responsible sourcing of wood products, raw cotton sourcing, leather materials, and others listed in the standards?
Foreign object control and detection
15. Foreign object control and detection
15.1 Does the site ensure potential foreign objects in production/packing areas are eliminated?
15.2 Does the site have a documented risk assessment and effective controls in place for potential foreign objects when their elimination isn't possible?
15.3 Does the risk assessment determine if foreign object detection or removal equipment is needed?
15.4 Are there controls for foreign object detection or removal equipment if it's required?
15.5 Are investigations conducted when a foreign object is identified or detected?
15.6 Are controls in place to prevent or identify potential contamination from glass, ceramics, hard plastics in production/packing and storage areas?
15.7 Are audits carried out at a determined frequency for glass, ceramics, and hard plastics based on risk assessment?
15.8 Are repairs for glass, ceramics, and hard plastics promptly addressed based on risk assessment?
15.9 Is the site minimizing the presence of wood and demonstrating the evaluation of alternatives where possible?
15.10 Does the site have documented risk assessments and effective controls for wood usage when its elimination isn't possible?
15.11 Are there controls for sharp metal tools and equipment in place, including storage, usage, and accountability?
15.12 Are snap blade knives only used in areas deemed free of product contamination risk and in agreement with the Tesco Technical Contact?
15.13 Are staples, drawing pins, pins, or paperclips prohibited in areas with direct contamination risk to finished or packed products?
Calibration and verification
16. Calibration and verification
16.1 Is all critical measuring and monitoring equipment for product safety, legality, or quality calibrated for accuracy?
16.2 Is the calibration conducted based on National Standards and at least as frequently as recommended by the equipment manufacturer?
16.3 Are calibration certificates and records kept up to date and available?
16.4 Does the site maintain a master list or calibration matrix for all equipment that needs calibration, including serial or ID numbers, calibration frequency, and last/next calibration dates?
16.5 Is critical measuring and monitoring equipment verified for accuracy at predetermined frequencies based on risk assessment, at least weekly?
16.6 Are process control equipment checked for accuracy at predetermined frequencies based on risk assessment?
16.8 Are documented corrective actions evident when inaccurate measuring or monitoring equipment has been used?
16.7 Is all equipment operating outside specified limits taken out of service, replaced, or repaired?
16.9 Is product re-checked or inspected using accurate equipment if inaccurate equipment is identified during production/packing before supplying to Tesco?
16.10 Is there a contingency or backup device available if a critical measuring device is out of service or away for repair?
17. Transport
17.1 Are all vehicles used for transportation well maintained and kept in good hygienic condition to ensure the safety, legality, and quality of materials?
17.2 Do procedures exist to minimize the risk of cross-contamination during transportation, ensuring products are transported according to specifications?
17.3 If third-party transport (including container shipping) is used, is it contractually defined and managed to comply with relevant standards?
17.4 Are measures in place to protect materials from weather damage, pests, and foreign object contamination during loading and unloading, such as using covered bays or suitable protection?
17.5 Are processes established to maintain secure conditions for products during transportation?
Complaints, product withdrawal, recall, and incident management
18. Complaints, product withdrawal, recall, and incident management
18.1 Is there a complaints policy and procedure in place?
18.2 Are all complaints recorded with a unique reference and essential information?
18.3 Does the procedure cover complaints from various sources?
18.4 Does the procedure outline specific steps based on the type of complaint?
18.5 Are all complaints investigated, recorded, and reported promptly?
18.6 Are effective corrective actions taken, and are relevant departments briefed?
18.7 Is there monitoring of complaint levels, severity, and trends?
18.8 Are investigations conducted for increased severity or number of complaints?
18.9 Is information from complaint trend analysis communicated to relevant personnel and Tesco?
18.10 Are issues that could affect the safety or legality of Tesco products reported to Tesco?
18.11 Are incident management procedures in place for various scenarios?
18.12 Are risk assessments conducted for potential incidents, and is there a communication plan?
18.13 Are key contact details maintained for internal and external stakeholders?
18.14 Is there a system in place for effective product withdrawal and recall if required?
18.15 Is there a procedure for reporting incidents to Tesco and managing the withdrawal/recall process?
18.16 Is there an annual mock recall to test the effectiveness of the recall procedures?
Product safety and risk assessment
19. Product safety and risk assessment
19.1 Is a completed Product Risk Assessment Form available covering raw materials, components, finished products, derivatives, storage, transport, and processing?
19.2 Is the risk assessment conducted by employees or external consultants with relevant expertise?
19.3 Does the risk assessment include new product development and sub-contracted processes at third-party sites?
19.4 Are there clear actions and controls agreed upon with the Tesco Technical Contact based on identified risks?
19.5 Is validation, signing, and dating conducted by a competent person for all documents related to risk assessment?
19.6 Are actions prioritized based on a hierarchy of controls: removing, minimizing, and managing risks?
19.7 Are control mechanisms established for identified contaminants and cross-contamination points?
19.8 Is validation carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of controls in preventing contamination?
19.9 Is ongoing monitoring conducted to verify consistent implementation and effectiveness of controls?
19.10 Is a full description of the product documented, including safety information and intended customer use?
19.11 Is there a site plan available covering various aspects of the site layout and process flow?
19.12 Is the risk assessment reviewed annually and updated when specific changes occur in various aspects of the production process, materials, or incidents where segregation systems have failed?
Product development and specications
20. Product development and specications
20.1 Is evidence available that designs are reviewed before production, and samples are checked against specifications before sending to the customer?
20.2 For garments (excluding knitwear and non-garment items), are patterns downloaded directly from the Tesco due diligence platform, or if not, are shared patterns without amendments available?
20.3 For sites creating their own patterns for knitwear and non-garment items, are patterns checked for accuracy, adjusted for shrinkage, and subjected to shrinkage tests for washed products?
20.4 Are Computer Aided Pattern System-produced patterns for Tesco-approved items displaying necessary information visibly?
20.5 Are all mannequins used approved by Tesco?
20.6 Are copies of TCGT (Technical Construction & Grading Table) certificates available for all suppliers?
20.7 Is the performance and durability of packaging tested through various means like transit trials, drop tests, vibration tables, etc.?
20.8 Is packaging design and testing aligned with the product's storage and sales methods?
20.9 Are controls in place for the use of recycled materials in packaging, and are any potential effects on the product risk-assessed with suitable controls established?
Process control
21. Process control
21.1 Are key critical path dates based on Tesco requirements available on site for individual purchase orders?
21.2 Are production planning systems established to ensure orders are planned based on critical path dates and estimated production lead times?
21.3 Is there a documented product and process flow diagram covering all manufacturing operations, highlighting Tesco products and critical control points?
21.4 Are procedures in place to quarantine and risk assess products/raw materials if accessed by unauthorized individuals?
21.5 Are potentially cross-contaminated raw materials/products clearly identifiable through risk assessments?
21.6 Are documented procedures in place for inspection, testing, and color assessment of raw materials against specifications, based on risk assessment?
21.7 Are controls in place to ensure no key or critical raw materials are sourced from the marketplace without Tesco's written approval?
21.8 Are fabric inspection machines of suitable standard, regularly calibrated, and maintaining records for inspected fabric samples?
21.9 Are yarn and fabric deliveries accompanied by test reports, and if not, held in quarantine until necessary tests are conducted?
21.10 Is a minimum of 10% of PU and leather checked against approved swatch samples at intake for various parameters?
21.11 Are trims and accessories checked against approved samples for quantity, quality, size, and color?
21.12 Are dyed-to-order trims and accessories tested for color fastness and tolerance against approved samples?
21.13 Are finished products bought for packing subjected to the same intake checks as raw materials?
21.15 Is non-conforming material rejected or quarantined, ensuring it's not used or poses a risk to other materials/products?
21.14 Are materials resulting from secondary site production subjected to inspection and testing, with maintained records?
21.16 Is there a documented procedure for risk assessment to release quarantined materials with clear records?
21.17 Are materials needing segregation during storage/processing identified, and suitable controls applied to prevent cross-contamination?
21.18 Are chemicals, glues, and resins correctly labeled and used for their intended purposes only if transferred from original containers?
21.19 Are all materials stored appropriately, and a system in place to ensure raw materials/WIP are used in the correct order?
21.20 Is there a thorough cleaning process before start-up/changeovers, ensuring no previous product/packaging contamination hazards?
21.21 Are production lines checked for quality, settings, and technical requirements against specifications before production starts, with records kept?
21.22 Are procedures in place to prevent the risk of cross-contamination when moving raw materials/final products between site areas?
21.23 Is work-in-progress (WIP) labeled and stored appropriately to protect from contamination or damage?
21.24 Are opened/partly used raw material batches effectively controlled, labeled, and protected from the environment if required?
21.25 Is rework subjected to risk assessment, traceable, and controlled as per Tesco specification?
21.26 Are trays/containers used for WIP/product purposeful and visibly different for waste, and Tesco-branded trays not used for waste?
21.27 Is only product meeting specifications and correct quality released for despatch, following all agreed procedures?
21.28 Is a system in place to manage rejected product returned to the site, ensuring it meets the necessary authorizations?
21.29 Are recycled materials controlled with risk assessment and suitable controls in place for their effects on the product?
21.30 Is controlled waste segregated and managed appropriately, preventing any risk to the product?
21.31 Is any deviating product from agreed specifications quarantined pending risk assessment, and Tesco notified immediately of illegal/unsafe products?
21.32 Are deviations from specifications or set procedures addressed through root cause analysis and corrective actions, with immediate notification to Tesco?
21.33 Is humidity checked and managed throughout the production process, with records maintained of identified issues and corrective actions
21.34 Are Tesco products packed in a dedicated, clean, and well-lit area following approved packing standards, with proper label management?
21.35 Is pin usage for Tesco products strictly prohibited, ensuring segregation from other customer packing requirements?
Needle control
22. Needle control
22.1 Are all types and sizes of needles used in any machine or handheld tool controlled in the production and packing processes?
22.2 Is needle allocation controlled by an authorized person?
22.3 Are new and used needles stored securely and only exchanged with the same type?
22.4 Is stock replenishment strictly based on a 'New for Old' exchange policy?
22.5 Are needle records maintained for at least one year from shipment?
22.6 Is any hand sewing operation on a product approved by the Tesco Technical Contact during product development?
22.7 Are needles and tools required for hand sewing operations controlled?
22.8 Is hand sewing for repairs prohibited?
22.9 Is there a detailed procedure in place to manage broken needles on the production floor?
22.10 Are all parts of a broken needle accounted for before issuing a new one?
22.11 Is a metal detector used in the vicinity if all parts of a broken needle cannot be located?
22.12 Is the issuance of a new needle approved by an authorized person if parts cannot be found?
22.13 Are all parts of a broken needle securely attached to a 'Broken Needle Record Form' with details of date, machine, and operator?
22.14 For knitting machines, is the machine fully stripped, reset, and calibrated as part of the broken needle clean-up?
22.15 Are broken needle control records kept for a minimum of three years from shipment, or as agreed with the Tesco Technical Contact?
Metal detection
23. Metal detection
23.1 Is metal detection carried out where determined by risk assessment or requested by Tesco?
23.2 Can the factories produce a full Risk Assessment to justify the presence or absence of metal detection?
23.3 Are Metal Detection Records kept for a minimum of 10 years or per product legislation?
23.4 Is metal detection equipment used of the 'Ferrous Only Metal Detectors' type and in good working order?
23.5 Does the metal detection equipment comply with specific criteria such as conveyor belt type, audible alarm, and a key-switch reset?
23.6 Are handheld metal detectors used for certain items, and is their sensitivity verified before use?
23.7 Is the metal detector located in a dedicated area at the end of the finished product process flow?
23.8 Are labels, swing tickets, and packaging attached to products before going through the metal detector?
23.9 Is the exit/feed off side of the metal detector a 'Metal Free' area?
23.10 Is there a solid partition separating the finished goods warehouse from the production area?
23.11 Is a positive release system employed when transferring products from the metal free zone to finished goods storage?
23.12 Are regular system checks conducted before releasing products from the metal free zone?
23.13 Are operators trained in the correct usage of the metal detector and internal procedures?
23.14 Does the site have a documented procedure for metal detection, including tests, checks, and training records?
23.15 Is the metal detector serviced at regular intervals, at least annually?
23.16 Is there a procedure in place if the metal detection equipment fails, requiring quarantining and retesting of checked products?
23.17 Is there a specific procedure for attaching security tags to the final product, including secure storage, counting, and recording?
23.18 Does the site comply with Tesco's Requirements for Suppliers regarding Metal Detection for Textile Requirements?
Quantity Control
24. Quantity Control
24.1 Are procedures in place to ensure that the finished pack quantity count complies with the product specification and any declared contents?
24.2 Does all automated content control equipment have adequate security devices to restrict access to authorized personnel for altering settings?
Labelling and coding
25. Labelling and coding
25.1 Is packaging supplied to the production line checked to ensure it is correct for the intended product, stored in a controlled area until issued, and are records maintained for supplied packaging?
25.2 Are barcodes on packaging checked against Tesco-issued information before use, and are barcodes printed on the production line checked for accuracy and recorded at regular intervals?
25.3 Is the replacement of product labels due to printing faults or incorrect labeling conducted in a controlled manner, and are records retained including reasons for re-labeling, with approval from the Tesco Technical contact?