
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

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Service Execution: Check-in

  • Ambassador Name

  • Mobile check-in was evaluated

  • The Ambassador followed the 15-5 rule and was always on stage

  • At 15 feet, make eye contact and smile
    At 5 feet, maintain eye contact
    Greet the guest with a warm greeting (e.g. Good Morning/Evening)
    Be on Stage

    Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • The ambassador provided a warm and genuine welcome, indigenous, where applicable

  • Mark NO if the Ambassador did not provide a warm and genuine welcome

  • The Ambassador welcomed the mobile check-in guest with the appropriate language

  • Mark N/A if any of the following:

    Guest check-in was conducted via standard check-in

    The Ambassador must welcome the mobile check-in guest minimally with:

    Acknowledgement that they are a mobile guest (e.g. Thank you for using mobile check-in, What did you think of mobile check-in?)
    Convey a sense of "Welcoming you to a world of Discovery..."
    Recognize applicable Elite status and preferences (e.g. Room Type)

    It is NOT acceptable to ask the question "Are you checking in?"

    Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • The Ambassador executed payment and key delivery components for mobile check-in

  • Mark N/A if Guest check-in was conducted via standard check-in

    The Ambassador must:

    Prepare keys and key packets in advance
    Hand the guest his/her key packet
    Provide directions to the elevator/guestroom
    Step from behind the kiosk, if front desk design allows
    Verbally confirm the method of payment (e.g. using last 4 digits of credit card)
    Review room number discreetly, non-verbally

    Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • The Ambassador anticipated the guest needs or delighted the guest during the arrival experience

  • At least once during the arrival process, an Ambassador (e.g. valet, bell, door, reception, leadership, lobby) must anticipate or delight the guest

    Anticipate guests needs, examples include:
    Offer to take trash from guests hand
    Offer an umbrella
    Offer to store golf clubs
    Offer a bottle of water if guest appears thirsty or hot
    Offer of heating pad for painful back

    Delight the guest, examples include:
    Welcome snack
    Room upgrade (room size or view)

    Mark NO if the Ambassador does not anticipate or delight the guest

  • The Ambassador provoked the guest to discover something new

  • The Ambassador provoked discovery by initiating conversation during the check-in process and providing micro-local recommendations

    Examples include:
    Offering Local Navigator Guide with corresponding explanation of insider tips
    Pointing out unique spots while providing directions to needed destinations
    Share interesting facts about hotel/location

    Mark NO if guest was not provoked to discover something new

  • The Ambassador was knowledgeable about property offerings and local area

  • Pick (1) of the following topics and inquire of the Ambassador

    B&F hours of operation
    Local Directions
    Local Restaurants
    Local traffic patters

    Mark NO if the Ambassador is not knowledgeable about the above item

  • The Ambassador used the guest name during the interaction

  • Mark NO if the Ambassador did not use the guest name during the interaction

  • The Ambassador offered a room upgrade at an additional charge <br><br>*Complimentary if guest is a Gold or Platinum Member

  • The Ambassador provided the Neu Lotus Spa card

  • The Ambassador offered to enroll guest in Marriott Rewards if not currently a member

  • The Ambassador offered "Your Choice" card if guest staying for more than 1 night

  • The Ambassador inquired if the guest was parking a vehicle

  • The Ambassador provided the guest with a Renaissance Journey

  • The Ambassador R Image met standard

  • The Ambassador must minimally demonstrate R Image:

    Attire is clean, well maintained, and appropriate fitted to body type (not too tight or baggy)
    Attire must match the color palette presented in the Uniform Style Guide
    Grooming (i.e., hair, makeup, fingernails, facial hair, etc.) appears well maintained

    Verbal Communication
    Speaks clearly and politely to guests using appropriate tone and volume
    Conveys confidence or enthusiasm when speaking

    Non-Verbal Communication
    Uses correct non-verbal behaviors (e.g., nods head, maintains eye contact) to communicate understanding
    Refrains from pointing, slouching, making "thumbs up" gestures, shrugging

    Lifestyle Focus
    Reactively asks clarifying questions to understand guests needs and customize the experience

    Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • The Ambassador provided a warm/sincere closing, demonstrating appreciation

  • The Ambassador must:

    Offer sincere closing
    Demonstrate appreciation (e.g., "Thank You", offering further assistance)

    Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

  • The guest felt a genuine sense of welcome

  • The Ambassador was sincere during the interaction and made the guest feel welcome

    Mark NO if the guest did not receive a genuine sense of welcome

  • The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of negative detractors

  • Mark NO if there was any element that did not meet expectations:

    Facility (e.g. china/glass/silver, tray/table)
    Product (e.g. condiment presentation, beverage/food items)
    Service (e.g. greeting, engagement, closing)

  • The Mobile Check-in Sign is present at all times

  • Mark N/A if BSA is conducted prior to Mobile Check-in program launch

    The Mobile Check-in sign must minimally be:

    In a dedicated Mobile Check-in area
    Present at all times (24 hours a day)
    In a brand specification

    Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met or hotel does not participate in Mobile Check-in

  • Add signature

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