
  • Audit Title

Store review

  • Store Name / Branch Number

  • Date

  • Completed by

  • Team present

Smart People

  • Evidence of team fun and engagement?<br>

  • All colleagues had a review, 6 monthly PDR, talent matrix plot, monthly review, probation review if applicable?<br>

  • Evidence that conduct and capability process is in place for any under performance?

  • Evidence of active development?<br>

  • Clear succession and recruitment plan?

  • Evidence of cascade of key messages?<br>

Smart operations

  • OE dashboard green?

  • R&R used daily to support high retail standards and business compliance?

  • Active LP health check action plan

  • Active health and safety check action plan?

Smart sellin

  • Evidence of Plan re: WCSS & mystery shop?

  • Presentation of team and store to a high standard

  • Live demo kit working and playing content?

  • Ideal rota and to SOH budget?

  • Evidence of Trust behaviours, SFL, tariff tailor? MOT challenge from BM

  • Team briefings, covering commercial opportunity, including competitor awarenes

  • Colleagues targeted & performance tracked across all key metrics and upto

  • Live quarterly plan in place, recovery plan to show focus on gap management where required.

  • Active plan in place and visible to drive postpay conversion, SIMO, upsell/cross sell

  • Active plan in place to deliver attach - GEEK HT / LT / ASR ?

  • Active plan to drive fixed broadband?

Next Steps / Actions

  • Agreed Next Steps / Actions

  • Additional media

  • Branch Manager / Deputy

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.