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Conducted on
Prepared by
RM Weekly Wrap Up<br>Review last weeks EOPS and DDCR Results. Send out a weekly recap to managers Via Whatsapp. Post EOPS and Weekly Wrap up in office and file previous week in Monday admin file.
Payroll<br>Ensure payroll is completed accurately. Have your part timers emailed the leave request forum? Print out Payroll report and add to Monday admin file. If there are any leave requests to follow up, note them for actioning.
Previous Week Labour<br>Are there any significant fluctuations? Have all shift supervisors been clocking on and off on time?
DONESAFE<br>Check donesafe for any incidents/events that need actioning.
Crew Numbers<br>Review Weekly Report, Check against TCN and opportunities for hiring and growth.
Customer Complaints- Are there any open complaints that need actioning?
International Students<br>Complete weekly VISA holders tracking log on Excel. Document any breaches with a warning and adjust roster accordingly to avoid any potential breaches.
Metime Dashboard<br>Ensure dashboard is clear, open up slots for interviews throughout the week and print off any pre-booked applications ready to go.
Succession Planning<br>Are there any potential shift assistants, crew trainers, etc in the restaurant.
Walk thru conducted of restaurant<br>Ensure weekly cleaning list is posted and sent out to managers for their shifts. Follow up on previous weeks jobs.
Time Punch Approval Report<br>Print out time punch approval report and match any punches with Clock Time Change form. Are there any changes which need to be escalated? File in Monday admin file.
Eterio and Tarek’s Clockings<br>Review clock ins of both employees and ensure all minimum hours have been met. File clock ins in Monday admin file.
Crew Trainer and Manager Minutes Books<br>Have the meetings been filled out for this month? Have you ensured they are scheduled and is the attendance payment record stapled?
Stat scheduled for week<br>Is there a weekly stat scheduled? Have you reviewed the action plan from last week?
Brandm8 Food Safety<br>Review each day individually for any breaches. Also review the detailed food safety report and look for any dodgy breaches. Issue warnings and escalate if any found. Ensure all days are signed off by RM and Licensee.
Crew Roster Projections<br>Have the projections been finalized? If there are any retail trainees do they have their minimum time off the floor scheduled? Have all job support employees been rostered minimum hours?
RMHC Boxes<br>Empty both drive thru and front counter boxes. Deposits entered.
Manager Catchups<br>Organise weekly catch up with your managers and have results material ready to discuss. Have all goals been actioned from the previous week?
Equipment Follow up<br>Check Headset Quality, Note Detectors, Check orders are appearing on drive thru DMB’s. Check there are no globes out in the restaurant.
Review Measurements<br>SMET’s, CES’, Shift Checks, etc.
Topbox<br>How are you trailing MTD with TOP BOX? Is there any concerning or positive feedback?
Promotional Items<br>Check that promotional stock levels are adequate and will run out timely to avoid waste. Check stock with other restaurant to run out together.
P&L Postings Report<br>Consolidate month to date purchases in P&L tracker. Are there any lines that have moved considerably and need auctioning?
Change Order<br>Ensure a change order has been placed for the week.
Formulate a paper to do list for any outstanding items. Complete the restaurant manager weekly planner for the week ahead.