Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are all wash hand basins unobstructed and do they have hot and cold running water available?
Are all wash hand basins and taps clean and free from lime scale?
Is there a clean soap dispenser containing unscented liquid/spray soap available at each wash hand basin?
Is there an adequate supply of hand towels in a clean dispenser available at each wash hand basin?
Are TMs aware of the importance of using paper towels to turn off taps after hand washing? (NA for push activated or PIR taps)
Personal Hygiene
Are all TMs wearing clean uniform? ( jacket, apron, hat, safety shoes)
Are all TMs complying with jewellery and make up standards, plain wedding band, sleeper earrings, minimal make-up, no false eyelashes etc?
Is the Duty Manager aware of the Fitness to Work policy?
Is the Team Room clean and tidy?
Are Team Member toilets clean, tidy and provided with hand washing and drying facilities?
Structure and cleanliness
Is all flooring clean and in good repair?
Are all wall and floor junctions clean and in good repair? Behind and underneath equipment.
Are all walls clean and in good repair and of a surface that is readily cleanable?
Is there sufficient lighting to aid effective cleaning?
Is the cleaning equipment clean and suitable for use?
Is the cooking equipment clean and suitable for use? Grills, fryers, microwaves etc)
Is all catering equipment clean and suitable for use? Saladettes, bain Marie, hot drawers, thermodynes etc.
Is the dishwasher clean and in good working order? Chemicals in place and achieving 82c on the rinse cycle?
Is the glasswasher clean and in good working order? Chemicals in place?
Is the ice machine clean and in good working order? (Emptied and cleaned at least weekly)
Is the ice scoop stored on top of the machine in a clean lidded container?
Are all fridges clean, operating to temperature and I good repair? Check door seals, fridge should be operating at 8c or below.
Are all freezers clean, operating to temperature, in good repair and free from ice build-up? Check door seals, freezer operating at -18c or below.
Is the extraction canopy clean and all baffle filters in place?
Are all baffle filters clean and in good repair? Blanking plates present above cooking equipment.
Are the drip trays clean and empty?
Is any unused or redundant equipment clearly labelled "do not use"?
Food Storage
Is all ambient food stored in accordance with Company policy? (In date, sealed and labelled, off the floor)
Is all chilled food being stored in accordance with Company policy? (In date, covered, labelled and not posing a risk of contamination)
Is all frozen food being stored in accordance with Company Policy? (In date, covered, labelled and not posing a risk of contamination)
Food Preparation
Has the Ecoli module been fully completed and Team Members trained in its contents?
Is there a clearly designated raw prep area?
Are the controls for cross over areas being followed? (Time separation, 2 stage cleaning)
Is there a suitable supply of sanitiser and are Team Members aware of its contact time and shelf life? (D10 has a 30 second contact time and a 7 day shelf life)
Are all chopping boards in good repair and stored in line with Company Policy? (White, green, yellow separate from red, brown, blue)
Are all probes clean, numbered and in good working order? (Must be more than one available)
Is there an adequate supply of probe wipes available and are they in date?
Do the daily and weekly cleaning schedules reflect the conditions found at the time of the check?
Are all fridge and freezer temperatures recorded correctly?
Are all cook and cool temperatures being recorded correctly?
Are any KRKB actions being recorded in Section 12 Action Log and addressed in appropriate timescales?
Pest control
Is there any internal pest activity at site, if so, is this being effectively managed? (Works on R&M portal and daily pest walk being undertaken and recorded)
Have any recommendations made by the pest control contractor been actioned? (Check pest control folder)
Is there adequate pest proofing in place around key entry points? (Fly screens, bristle strips in place and external doors kept closed)<br>
External areas
Is the backyard area secure, clean and tidy?
Are all refuse bin lids closed, bungs present and arranged tidily? (Food waste, general waste, and mixed recycling should be stored away from the building)
Is the smoking area clearly signed, away from waste bins and a suitable lidded cigarette bin provided?
Health and Safey
Has all recent EHO correspondence been sent to the S&S team and outstanding items actioned accordingly? Have all NSF actions been completed from the last audit?
Are the actions/tasks on the Fire Risk Assessment being actioned with the appropriate timescales?
Is the Worksafe system being correctly implemented and outstanding items actioned within appropriate timescales?