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Conducted on
Prepared by
Was the consultant looking approachable, professional and no phone hand
Was customer acknowledged within 30 seconds of entering store
If there's a queue, was the customer acknowledged, understood if it's a query or small item purchase and given a time scale
Was customer approached and rapport built?
If any of the following - accessory, enquiry, return, repair, claim or general customers - was switching/upgrade talked about
During pin point journey - was broadband seeded early
During pin point journey, was team knowhow seeded early
Was team knowhow introduced using the customers lifestyle
If customer isn't sure about contract/phone, did the consultant give a good demo of the phone?
If customer unsure of price or end date of broadband, did consultant call provider?
Did consultant find out early upgrade
Was trade in offered to overcome early upgrade cost or upfront costs
Was broadband asked to save monthly and some upfront cost
When queried about item on shop floor, did consultant ask about upgrade/switching
Did consultant bring over 5 customers about switching/upgrading
Contract sold
Broadband sold
Team knowhow sold?
Was 2nd line introduced?
Was discount used?