Title Page

  • Location
  • Prepared by

  • Date of inspection

Site & Team Information

  • Client

  • Supervisor in charge of works

  • Exact location of scaffold

  • Advanced Scaffolder

  • RAMS on site, accessible and signed by all operatives

  • Dismantle Plan on site and signed by all operatives

  • Is there a travel permit in place for multiple passengers (Covid19 rules)

  • Is there a close working permit in place (Covid19 rules)

  • All operatives have the correct skills/knowledge/experience and training to dismantle

Work Area

  • Has the Vehicle been parked safely

  • Have traffic cones/signs been placed where required

  • Is the pedestrian footpath clear

  • Can the vehicle be loaded/unloaded safely

  • Is the work area around the scaffold safe for dismantling

  • Is there a first aid box present with sufficient in date supplies

  • Is there a fire extinguisher in the vehicle

  • Is the fire extinguisher within it's service date?

Pre-Dismantle checks

  • Has the pre-dismantle plan been completed?

  • Stop the work and speak with the Advanced Scaffolder to ascertain the way forward (Log all details)

  • Pre-dismantle checks carried out by

  • Are there any anomalies to the pre-dismantle plan on site?

  • List all anomalies and where these could cause a hazard/risk of accident, stop work immediately, remove everyone from scaffold and discuss the way forward.

Scaff Steps

  • Serial Number of Scaff Step 1

  • Condition of Scaff Step 1

  • Serial Number of Scaff Step 2

  • Condition of Scaff Step 2

Emergency Rescue

  • Hop-up steps on vehicle (must have 2 on each vehicle)

  • Hop-up step condition

PPE & Safety Equipment

  • Do all operatives have the correct PPE

  • List all operatives and the 'missing' PPE

  • Are there fittings bags available on site

  • Is there 12mm rope available and in use to lower fittings bags and tubes or frames

  • Are there safety steps available and in use


  • Having checked the scaffold, would it be deemed safe to dismantle?

  • Remove everyone from the scaffold, log the reasons and discuss the way forward.

  • Has an exclusion zone been set up

  • Has the Green tag been removed from the scaffold

  • Are materials being removed from the lifts as they are dismantled (not building up on lifts)

  • Are materials being stored safely before being loaded onto vehicle

Dismantle Begins<br>1. Dismantle braces.<br>2. Dismantle ties.<br>3. Dismantle transoms and ledgers.<br>4. Dismantle toe boards.<br>5. Dismantle platform boards from the lift below. <br>6. Dismantle handrails using the safety step.<br>7. Repeat the same safe system of work for all lifts.<br>8. At the base lift always ensure the ledger braces are in place before you commence dismantling.<br>9. Ensure all materials are stored safely.<br>10. Stack/Store materials in a safe fashion or remove where applicable. <br>11. Repeat the above until the scaffold is fully dismantled.<br>12. Clear all materials from site.

  • Are operatives dismantling to plan.


  • Add comments relating to either scaffolders or audit

Audit Sign off

  • Person conducting Audit

  • Auditor signature

  • Date completed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.