Title Page
Site conducted:
Location being audited:
E-mail address of Business Manager for Actions to be sent through to (Needs to be an individual, not info@schoolname.sch.uk)
Date of Audit:
Introductions and format of the audit
H&S Team
Site Team -
The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the school/college is meeting its statutory requirements with regards to Health & Safety across the Facilities department.
The audit is compiled to specifically look at the following areas:
Facilities Department
High Risk Curriculum Areas (if applicable)
The Site Manager/Facilities Manager will be required to facilitate a full site inspection (including all relevant High Risk Curriculum areas) and to answer questions and provide documentary evidence on areas of compliance.
General Information
Name of Head Teacher/Principal?
Name of Business Manager?
Name of Caretaker/Site Manager/Facilities Manager?
Total number of pupils/students enrolled in school/college?
Total number of staff working in the school/college?
Approximate age of the building?
School Type:
- Community
- Community Special
- Voluntary Controlled
- Maintained Nursery
- Pupil Referral Unit
- Foundation
- Foundation Special
- Voluntary Aided
- Independent
- Academy
- Free School
Are you a LA Maintained school (funded and insured by Oldham Council)?
3rd Party SLA's
Do you have SLA's with any 3rd parties (i.e. H&S, Catering, Cleaning, Property Management, Security or other)?
Health & Safety
Who provides this service?
What service agreement do you have?
Who provides this service?
What service agreement do you have?
Who provides this service?
What service agreement do you have?
Property Management
Who provides this service?
What service agreement do you have?
Who provides this service?
What service agreement do you have?
What service is provided?
Who provides this service?
What service agreement do you have?
General Notes
Physical Walkround
Carry out a physical 'walkround' of the site (to include all areas i.e. boiler house, plant rooms, classrooms etc.).
Compliance Questions
Section 1 - Water Hygiene
1.1 - Has a suitable and sufficient Legionella Risk Assessment been carried out for the premises, by a competent person?
1.1.1 - Who carried out the Legionella Risk Assessment?
1.1.2 - Date of Legionella Risk Assessment:
1.1.3 - Have any substantial changes been made since the last Risk Assessment was undertaken i.e. change of use, changes to the systems or services, changes to the management structure?
1.2 - Have all actions identified within the Legionella Risk Assessment been addressed?
1.2.1 - What management plan is in place to ensure all actions identified are addressed?
Advise School/College to contact the Water Quality Consultant at Oldham Council.
1.3 - Is someone identified as the Duty Holder (usually the Employer)?
1.3.1 - Name of Duty Holder?
1.3.2 - Has the Duty Holder got access to competent help and advice?
- - Name of competent person/organisation?
1.4 - Is someone identified as the Responsible Person (usually the Head Teacher)?
1.4.1 - Name of Responsible Person?
1.4.2 - Has the Responsible Person received legionella awareness training (with refresher training every 3 years)?
1.5 - Is someone identified as the Deputy Responsible Person (usually the Site Manager)?
1.5.1 - Name of Deputy Responsible Person?
1.5.2 - Has the Deputy Responsible Person received legionella awareness training (with refresher training every 3 years)?
1.6 - Are there any stored potable (drinking) water tanks on site?
1.6.1 - Is there evidence that 6 monthly (Summer & Winter) water tank inspections are carried out by a competent person?
- - Who carried out the tank inspections?
- - When where the inspections carried out?
1.7 - Are there adequate measures in place to record all issues relating to water quality?
1.8 - Does the property purchase or use the services of a specialist water hygiene company?
1.8.1 - Name of water hygiene company?
1.8.2 - What level of service is purchased (usually listed in RA)?
Section 1 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 1 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 2 - Asbestos
2.1 - Are there any known Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM's) on site?
2.2 - Has an Management Survey been carried out for the premises?
2.2.1 - Who carried out the Management Survey?
2.2.2 - Date of Management Survey:
2.3 - Is there evidence that the Management Survey is reviewed (as necessary)?
2.3.1 - Date of last review?
2.4 - Have all actions identified within the Management Survey been addressed?
2.4.1 - What management plan is in place to ensure all outstanding actions are addressed?
2.5 - As part of the Management Survey, has an MATERIAL risk assessment been produced?
2.6 - As part of the Management Survey, has an PRIORITY risk assessment been produced?
2.7 - Is there a Asbestos Management Plan for the building?
2.7.1 - Is the asbestos Management Plan reviewed every 12 months?
2.8 - Is someone identified as the Dutyholder for asbestos (usually the Employer)?
2.8.1 - Name of Dutyholder?
2.8.2 - Has the Dutyholder got access to competent help and advice?
- - Name of Competent Person/Organisation?
- - Has the Competent Person/Organisation received sufficient training?
2.9 - Is someone identified as the Responsible Person for asbestos (usually Head Teacher) ?
2.9.1 - Name of Responsible Person?
2.9.2 - Has the Responsible Person received asbestos awareness training?
2.10 - Is someone identified as the Deputy Responsible Person for asbestos (usually Site Manager) ?
2.10.1 - Name of Deputy Responsible Person?
2.10.2 - Has the Deputy Responsible Person received asbestos awareness training?
2.11 - Is there a printed copy of the Asbestos Register (containing plans/locations drawings/photographs) available at the school reception/main entrance to the building?
2.12 - Is there evidence that all contractors sign in and check the Asbestos Register prior to starting work?
2.13 - Are procedures understood, if asbestos is disturbed in the building?
2.14 - For non LA properties - What procedures exist for dealing with disturbed asbestos?
2.15 - Are relevant employees that work in the building made aware of the presence and position of asbestos?
2.16 - Are Refurbishment Surveys commissioned prior to the commencement of any alteration works (buildings build prior to 2000)?
2.17 - Following any alteration works, are records updated accordingly?
Section 2 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 2 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 3 - Gas & Boiler House Safety
3.1 - Is there evidence that 5 yearly testing of Gas Installation (Gas Installation Safety Report, Commercial Gas Testing and Purging Record & Schematic Diagram) is carried out?
3.1.1 - Who carried out the last 5 yearly Gas Installation test?
3.1.2 - Date of last 5 yearly Gas Installation test:
3.2 - Are all gas boilers subjected to an annual gas safety test?
3.2.1 - Who carried out the gas boilers annual gas safety test?
3.2.2 - Date of last gas boiler annual gas safety test:
3.3 - Is the school responsible for servicing of kitchen gas appliances?
3.3.1 - Are all kitchen gas appliances subjected to an annual gas safety test?
- - Who carried out the kitchen gas appliance annual gas safety test?
- - Date of last kitchen gas appliance annual gas safety test:
3.4 - Is a gas shut off valve installed and are relevant staff aware of its location?
3.5 - Are boiler houses free of combustible materials?
3.6 - Is a suitable Carbon Monoxide detector fitted where gas appliances are present?
Section 3 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 3 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 4 - Electrical Safety
4.1 - Is there evidence that periodic Electrical Installation Condition Reports (5 year fixed wiring tests) are carried out?
4.1.1 - Who carried out the Electrical Installation Condition Report?
4.1.2 - Date of last Electrical Installation Condition Report:
4.1.3 - Is the overall assessment of the electrical installation 'Satisfactory'?
Electrical Installation 'Unsatisfactory'
- - Have all 'dangerous & potentially dangerous' observations identified within the Electrical Installation Condition Report been addressed?
- - What Management Plan is in place to ensure any outstanding observations are addressed?
4.2 - Is there evidence that electrical appliances are tested (PAT/FAT) on a periodic basis?
4.2.1 - Who carried out the electrical appliance testing?
4.2.2 - Date of last electrical appliance testing:
4.3 - Electrical panels are clearly marked, are unobstructed and have restricted access?
4.4 - Cable management acceptable? (no split/taped cords)
4.5 - Any loose or damaged conduit/trunking?
4.6 - Is there suitable control over the use of personal electrical equipment?
4.7 - Do any power sockets appear to be overloaded?
4.8 - Is there evidence that an annual discharge (3 hour duration) test of emergency lighting is carried out?
4.8.1 - Who carried out the annual discharge test of emergency lighting?
4.8.2 - Date of annual discharge test of emergency lighting:
Section 4 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 4 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 5 - Fire Safety
5.1 - Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out for the premises, by a competent person?
5.1.1 - Who carried out the Fire Risk Assessment?
5.1.2 - Date of Fire Risk Assessment:
5.2 - Is it more than 12 months since the date of the Fire Risk Assessment?
5.2.1 - Is there evidence that an annual review has been carried out?
5.2.2 - Date of annual review:
5.3 - Is it more than 3 years since the date of the Fire Risk Assessment?
5.4 - Have all actions identified within the Fire Risk Assessment been addressed?
5.4.1 - What Management Plan is in place to ensure all outstanding actions are addressed?
5.5 - Is there evidence that Fire Extinguishers are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?
5.5.1 - Who carries out the inspection/servicing of Fire Extinguishers?
5.5.2 - Date of last Fire Extinguisher inspection/service:
5.6 - Is there evidence that servicing of the Fire Alarm is carried out by a competent person on a regular basis?
5.6.1 - Who carried out the fire alarm service?
5.6.2 - Date of last fire alarm service:
5.7 - Is the building fitted with any specialist fire systems (i.e. Sprinklers, Wet/Dry risers, Automatic gaseous extinguishers, Smoke extract/ventilation, Fire/smoke dampers, Fire Shutters)?
5.7.1 - Sprinkler system?
- - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced (within the last 12 months)?
- - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?
- - Date of last inspection/service:
5.7.2 - Wet/Dry risers
- - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced (within the last 12 months)?
- - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?
- - Date of last inspection/service:
5.7.3 - Automatic gaseous extinguishing systems in kitchen?
- - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced (within the last 12 months)?
- - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?
- - Date of last inspection/service:
5.7.4 - Automatic gaseous extinguishing systems in computer rooms?
- - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced (within the last 12 months)?
- - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?
- - Date of last inspection/service:
5.7.5 - Smoke extract/Ventilation systems?
- - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced (within the last 12 months)?
- - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?
- - Date of last inspection/service:
5.7.6 - Fire/Smoke dampers?
- - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced (within the last 12 months)?
- - Who carried out the inspection/service on this equipment?
- - Date of last inspection/service:
5.7.7 - Fire Shutters?
- - Is there evidence that the equipment has been inspected/serviced (within the last 6 months)?
- - Who carried out the last inspection/service on this equipment?
- - Date of last 6 month inspection/service:
5.8 - Are regular fire evacuation drills carried out (at least every 6 months)?
5.8.1 - Date of last fire evacuation drill:
5.9 - Is the fire alarm remotely monitored?
5.9.1 - Remote monitoring of fire alarm is carried out by:
5.9.2 - Who is tasked with calling the fire brigade in a genuine emergency?
5.10 - Are external storage areas / waste bins, secured and located a suitable distance away from the main buildings?
5.11 - Does the school have any electric vehicle charging points on site?
5.11.1 - Does the Fire Risk Assessment take into account any fire risks associated with charging electric vehicles?
Advise school that their Fire Risk Assessment need to be reviewed, to ensure risks associated with charging electric vehicles is taken into account.
Section 5 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 5 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 6 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) & Radiation
6.1 - Is there evidence of a COSHH inventory which identifies all hazardous substances used on site?
6.2 - Is there a system in place to request manufacturers hazard data sheets (MSDS's) for new products introduced in school?
6.3 - Have COSHH assessments been carried out for all products, substances and processes?
6.4 - Have COSHH assessments been formally disseminated to relevant employees?
6.5 - Are COSHH assessments reviewed on a regular basis?
6.6 - List examples of hazardous substances observed on site:
6.7 - Has adequate information, instruction and training been provided for relevant employees using substances that may be hazardous to health?
6.8 - Are adequate cleaning procedures in place to control the spread of infections i.e. Flu, Norovirus, COVID etc.
6.9 - Are hazardous substances stored safely and suitably labelled (including Catering/Cleaning)?
6.10 - Is P.P.E. available (where required)?
6.11 - Are there any Radioactive Substances on site?
Notify RPO at Oldham Council
Section 6 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 6 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 7 - Lifts & Lifting Equipment
7 - Are there any lifts or lifting equipment?
7.1 - Is there a clear procedure to be followed in event of a person becoming trapped in the lift/equipment and are people competent to follow the procedure?
7.2 - Are lifts adequately serviced/maintained?
7.2.1 - Who carries out service/maintenance of lifts?
7.2.2 - Date of last lift service/maintenance:
7.3 - Is lifting equipment adequately serviced/maintained?
7.3.1 - Who carries out service/maintenance of lifting equipment?
7.3.2 - Date of last lifting equipment service/maintenance:
7.4 - Are all lifts/lifting equipment thoroughly examined at statutory intervals (every 6 months for people or 12 months for loads only) by a competent person.
7.4.1 - Who carried out the last lift/lifting equipment thorough inspection?
7.4.2 - Date of last lift/lifting equipment thorough inspection:
Section 7 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 7 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 8 - Premises Management
8.1 - Are all windows above first floor fitted with suitable window restrictors?
8.2 - Is there a recent Tree Safety Survey (less than 2 years old)?
8.3 - Are work areas adequately lit?
8.4 - Is there adequate ventilation (fresh air) through work areas?
8.5 - Is there an adequate heating system installed in the building?
8.6 - Are arrangements in place for reporting defects to the building and remedial action carried out?
8.7 - Is all dining equipment (i.e. Tables, Chairs etc. belonging to the school/college) in good condition and adequately maintained?
8.8 - Is there an adequate provision of drinking water?
8.9 - Is there an adequate number of sanitary conveniences?
8.10 - Are all gates protected against trapping points (where necessary)?
8.11 - Are all doors protected against trapping points (where necessary)?
8.12 - Are all staircases fitted with handrails/guardrails?
8.13 - Is the perimeter wall/fence/railings in a good state of repair?
8.14 - Is the building generally in a good state of repair?
8.15 - Is the school aware of the restrictions imposed on roof work by Oldham Council?
Section 8 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 8 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 9 - Housekeeping
9.1 - Are classrooms and other areas clean and tidy?
9.2 - Corridors/halls/walkways clear of debris and obstructions?
9.3 - What procedures are in place for dealing with spillages throughout the working day?
9.4 - Floor coverings in good condition? (No holes or curled edges)
9.5 - Are toilets kept clean and tidy?
9.6 - Floors, stairs and walkways have non-slip surfaces where appropriate?
9.7 - Waste bins are available and emptied regularly?
9.8 - Floors are free of holes, protrusions, loose boards and splinters?
9.9 - Items are stored correctly and empty boxes, etc are disposed of?
9.10 - Combustible materials are kept away from heat sources?
Section 9 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 9 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 10 - Play & Sports Areas / Activities
10.1 - Has indoor PE Equipment been inspected within the past 12 months by a competent person?
10.1.1 - Who carried out the annual inspection of PE Equipment?
10.1.2 - Date of last inspection of PE Equipment:
10.2 - Are pre-use checks of PE Equipment carried out (by teachers) before each use?
10.3 - Is there sufficient storage space for PE/sports equipment and is it reasonably tidy?
10.4 - Are playing fields / pitches visually inspected (by teachers) before use and free from hazardous materials?
10.5 - Has outdoor play equipment been inspected within the past 12 months by a competent person?
10.5.1 - Who carried out the annual inspection of the outdoor play equipment?
10.5.2 - Date of last inspection of outdoor play equipment:
10.6 - Are windows opening onto external walkways / play areas restricted, so that children cant run into them?
10.7 - Are windows in vulnerable areas, suitably protected against damage?
10.8 - Are external play surfaces made of a suitable material?
Section 10 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 10 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 11 - Swimming Pool Management
11 - Is there a swimming pool?
11.1 - Does the school have Pool Technical Operating Procedures (PTOA) in place?
11.2 Who is responsible for managing the operation of the pool?
11.3 - Have they been suitably trained?
11.4 - Are pool plant records kept? i.e. water readings - free, combined, PH, Air & Water temperature
11.5 - Are water samples taken each month and tested for micro-organism issues by a UKAS accredited Laboratory? Are records kept of the results?
11.6 - Is sufficient rescue equipment and signage in place?
11.7 - Can the area be closed off/secured when no staff are in the pool area?
Section 11 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 11 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 12 - Car Parking and Vehicle/Pedestrian Segregation
12.1 - Are cars able to be parked safely?
12.2 - Is there adequate vehicle/pedestrian separation within the premises?
Section 12 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 12 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 13 - Air Conditioning systems
13 - Are there any Air Conditioning units on site?
13.1 - Is there evidence that servicing of air conditioning equipment is carried?
13.1.1 - Who carried out the servicing of air conditioning equipment?
13.1.2 - Date of last service of air conditioning equipment:
Section 13 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 13 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 14 - Oil Storage Tanks
14 - Are there any Oil Storage Tanks on site?
14.1 - Is there evidence that regular inspections of Oil Storage Tanks, Bunds, Pipework and surrounding areas is being carried out by a competent person?
14.1.1 - Who carried out the inspection of Oil Storage Tanks, Bunds, Pipework etc.?
14.1.2 - Date of last inspection of Oil Storage Tanks, Bunds, Pipework etc:
Section 14 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 14 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 15 - Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers
15 - Are there any Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers on site?
15.1 - Is there evidence that regular servicing of Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers is carried out?
15.1.1 - Who carried out the servicing of automatic doors/gates/barriers?
15.1.2 - Date of last service of automatic doors/gates/barriers:
Section 15 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 15 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 16 - Lightning Conductor
16 - Is the building fitted with a lightning conductor?
16.1 - Is there evidence that inspection of Lightning Conductors is carried out at regular intervals (not exceeding 12 months)?
16.1.1 - Who carried out the annual inspection of the Lightning Conductors?
16.1.2 - Date of last inspection of the Lightning Conductors:
Section 16 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 16 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 17 - Sewage/Water Treatment/Septic Tank and Oil Interceptors
17 - Are there any Sewage/Water Treatment/Septic Tank or Oil Interceptors on site?
17.1 - Is there evidence that tanks are being pumped out periodically (based on tank type)??
17.1.1 - Who carried out the emptying of the tanks?
17.1.2 - Date of last tank emptying:
17.2 - Is there evidence that periodic inspection/servicing of lift pumps is being carried out?
17.2.1 - Who carried out the last inspection/servicing of lift pumps?
17.2.2 - Date of last inspection/service of lift pumps:
Section 17 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 17 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 18 - Permanent stage/Performance space
18 - Is there a Permanent stage/Performance space on site?
18.1 - Is stage equipment inspected on a periodic basis?
18.1.1 - Who inspected the stage equipment?
18.1.2 - Date of last stage equipment inspection:
18.2 - Is lighting and sound inspected on a periodic basis?
18.2.1 - Who inspected the lighting and sound equipment?
18.2.2 - Date of last lighting and sound equipment inspection:
18.3 - Stage curtains/sets made from fire retardant materials or suitably fire proofed after construction?
18.4 - Sufficient storage space for equipment (scenery, props, costumes etc.) and reasonably tidy?
18.5 - Is the use of high risk special effects/pyrotechnics risk assessed and managed in a safe manner?
18.6 - Are all gantries and access equipment suitably guarded?
18.7 - Are all portable stages/rostra suitably erected in accordance with manufacturers instructions?
18.8 - For all potentially hazardous activities (i.e. set construction, rigging lighting/sound equipment etc.) are staff suitably qualified?
18.9 - Is the hall fitted with Bleacher seating?
18.9.1 - Is the Bleacher seating regularly serviced/inspected?
- - Who carried out the service/inspection?
- - Date of last service/inspection:
Section 18 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 18 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 19 - Commercial Kitchen
19 - Is there any commercial catering equipment on site?
19.1 - Is there evidence that cleaning/testing of extraction fans/canopies is carried out periodically?
19.1.1 - Who carried out the last cleaning/testing?
19.1.2 - When was the last cleaning/testing carried out?
19.2 - Are the taps in the kitchen treated as little used outlets during school holidays and thoroughly flushed through accordingly?
19.2.1 - Who carried out the flushing?
19.3 - Are spray taps and pot wash spray heads in the kitchen cleaned and descaled every 3 months?
19.3.1 - Who carried out the descaling?
19.4 - Are maintenance records available for Catering machines (where applicable)?
Section 19 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 19 - Other deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Section 20 - Caretaker / Site Manager checks
Review Logbook (paper or electronic) to see if caretaker/site manager is carrying out their periodic checks.
20.1 - Daily Checks:
20.1.1 - Is there evidence that Means of Escape checks are carried out?
20.1.2 - Is there evidence that External Areas checks are carried out?
20.2 - Weekly Checks:
20.2.1 - Is there evidence that Fire Alarm test are carried out (using different call points, each week)?
20.2.2 - Is there evidence that Fire extinguishers checks are carried out?
20.2.3 - Is there evidence that Sprinkler tests (if applicable) are carried out?
20.2.4 - Is there evidence that flushing of infrequently used outlets is carried out?
20.3 - Monthly Checks:
20.3.1 - Is there evidence that Asbestos visual inspections (if applicable) are carried out?
20.3.2 - Is there evidence that Water temperature checks are carried out?
20.3.3 - Is there evidence that Calorifier temperature checks are carried out?
20.3.4 - Is there evidence that Emergency lighting (flick test) checks are carried out?
20.3.5 - Is there evidence that Fire door checks are carried out?
20.3.6 - Is there evidence that Disabled toilet alarm, Disabled refuge point alarm, Lift emergency alarm (if applicable) testing is carried out?
20.3.7 - Is there evidence that Evac equipment checks (if applicable) are carried out?
20.3.8 - Is there evidence that Housekeeping checks are carried out?
20.3.9 - Is there evidence that Ladder checks are carried out?
20.3.10 - Is there evidence that inspection of the external lighting is being carried out?
20.4 - Quarterly Checks:
20.4.1 - Is there evidence that shower heads and spray taps are cleaned & disinfected?
Section 20 - Any other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above?
Section 20 - Other relevant deficiencies observed, not covered above:
Summary of audit
At the beginning of the report you will see two boxes marked 'Flagged Items' and 'Actions'.
A 'Flagged Item', indicates a major non-compliance and could mean your school is working unsafely or even breaking the law.
An 'Action', indicates issues identified during the inspection that require improvements.
Timescales for addressing Actions:
Auditors Signature