
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information


  • 1.1 Initialled

  • 1.2 Sales Projected vs Actual

  • 1.3 Mix, Quality of Employees

  • 1.4 Training and Development

  • 1.5 All changes authorised

  • 1.6 Overtime highlighted clearly


  • 2.1 Completed each shift

  • 2.2 Staff re positioned if necessary

  • 2.3 Shift goals written

  • 2.4 Breaks allocated

  • 2.5 Staff aware of shift goals

  • 2.6. Staff aware of allocation


  • 3.1 Cleaniness

  • 3.2 Stationary

  • 3.3 Staff awareness

  • 3.4 Customer interaction


4.1. Wait Staff

  • 4.1.1. General Appearance

  • 4.1.2. Apron clean/pressed

  • 4.1.3. Pants/T shirt

  • 4.1.4. Shoes

  • 4.1.5. Hair

4.2. Managers

  • 4.2.1. Appearance

  • 4.2.2. Pants/Shirt

  • 4.2.3. Shoes

  • 4.2.4. Hair


  • 5.1 Supervision

  • 5.2. Communication with waitstaff

  • 5.3. Communication with kitchen staff

  • 5.4 Customer contact

  • 5.5. Deameanour

  • 5.6. QSCM effectiveness

  • 5.7. Opening Oganisation

  • 5.8. Changeover Organisation

  • 5.9. Closing Organisation

  • 5.10. General shift running

  • 5.11. Customer awareness


  • Tap to enter information

6.1. Greeting

  • 6.1.1. Awareness/acknowledgement

  • 6.1.2. Smiles

  • 6.1.3. Demeanour

  • 6.1.4. Hand Menu

  • 6.1.5. Drink order

  • 6.1.6. Deliver drinks

  • 6.1.7. Use of tray

  • 6.1.8. Talk to customers

6.2. Take order

  • 1. Greeting

  • 2. Procedures

  • 3. Suggestive selling

  • 4. Follow up

  • 5. Before main course

  • 6. Talk to customer

  • 7. Procedure

6.3. Deliver Meals

  • 1. Deliver Meals correctly

  • 2. Call dishes by name

  • 3. Wishes customer to enjoy meals

6.4. Follow up

  • 1. Clear table

  • 2. Offer dessert

  • 3. Talk to customer

6.5. Table maintenance

  • 1. Clear table

  • 2. Offers additional items

  • 3. Offers bill

  • 4. Delivers bill

6.6. Pay the bill

  • 1. Indicates where/how to pay

  • 2. Customer contact

  • 3. Demeanour

  • 4. Parting phrase


  • Tap to enter information

  • Gfd

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information


  • 10.1. Signs working

  • 10.2. Signs clean

  • 10.3. Awning and canopies clean

  • 10.4. Ground clean

  • 10.5. Plants in good condition

  • 10.6. Windows ledges clean

  • 10.7. Walls in good condition/clean


  • 11.1. Door clean and opening properly

  • 11.2. Floors, walls and ledges clean

  • 11.3. Displays, painting, mirror in good condition

  • 11.4. lighting working/well lit

  • 11.5. Opening hours displayed


  • 12.1 Floor in good repair

  • 12.2. Floor clean and maintained

  • 12.3. Chairs in good condition

  • 12.4. Chairs sit solidly/stable and straight

  • 12.5. Booth seats not excessively worn

  • 12.6. Booth seats clean

  • 12.7. High chairs available and in good order

  • 12.8. High chairs clean

  • 12.9. Table tops in good order

  • 12.10. Tables stable in line and straight

  • 12.11. Table tops clean

  • 12.12. Table bases clean

  • 12.13. Wall/ceiling in good condition

  • 12.14. Walls/ceiling clean

  • 12.15. Painting, mirrors, glass, partitions in good order

  • 12.16. Paintings, mirrors, glass, partitions clean

  • 12.17. All lights working

  • 12.18. All lights/fitting clean

  • 12.19. All ventilations ducts working

  • 12.20. All ventilation ducts clean

  • 12.21. All menus and sub menus in good/clean conditions

  • 12.22. Non smoking signs clear

  • 12.23. Music level Appropriate

  • 12.24. Juke box working correctly

  • 12.25. T.Vs working

  • 12.26. Video Clips appropriate

  • 12.27. All plants in good condition

  • 12.28. No evidence of pest

  • 12.29. Air conditioner working/pleasant temp

  • 12.30. Sufficient cutlery available for the shift

  • 12.31. Sufficient maple syrup jugs filled

  • 12.32. Sufficient maple syrup jug available

  • 12.33. Dust pan and broom available and clean

  • 12.34. Wet floor signs available and clean

  • 12.35. Safe Food stickers available for "doggy bag"

  • 12.36. Bucket availabke for umbrella clearly labelled (not prep bucket)

  • 12.37. Cutlery and napkins set correctly

  • 12.38. Cutlery trays in good condition

  • 12.39. Display cabinet stocked, clean and neat


  • 13.1. Air vents operating and clean

  • 13.2. All doors operating

  • 13.3. All doors cleaned

  • 13.4. All lights working and clean

  • 13.5. Floors clean

  • 13.6. Drains clean

  • 13.7. Walls and ceiling clean

  • 13.8. Mirrors clean and not defaced

  • 13.9. Counters and sinks free of chips and stains

  • 13.10. Counters and sinks clean

  • 13.11. All dispensers operating with sufficient product

  • 13.12. All dispensers clean

  • 13.13. Stalls clean and not defaced

  • 13.14. Doors locks function correctly

  • 13.15. Toilets free of chips/stains functioning correctly

  • 13.16. Toilets clean

  • 13.17. All toilets seats operatins, clean and secured

  • 13.18. Urinals free of stains

  • 13.19. Chemical block in urinal

  • 13.20. Bin empty regularly

  • 13.21. Taps and pipes not leaking


  • 14.1. Counter top in good order

  • 14.2. Counter top clean

  • 14.3. Cupboards and shelves solid

  • 14.4. Properly stocked spare eftpos/micros roll

  • 14.5. Register skimmed

  • 14.6. Sufficient change in register

  • 14.7. Cash up completed safely


  • 15.1. Counter tops in good order

  • 15.2. Counter tops clean

  • 15.3. Cupboards and shelves solid

  • 15.4. Properly stocked (incl crayons and colourings in


  • 16.1. Cleaners storage area clean and organised

  • 16.2. Dry store clean and organised

  • 16.3. All dry goods covered and off the floor

  • 16.4. Operating supplies room clean

  • 16.5. Planners

  • 16.6. Liquor area clean and organised

  • 16.7. No evidence of pests (Check pest control log book)


  • 17.1. Toilets clean

  • 17.2. Floor/walls/ceiling clean

  • 17.3. Lockers in good order

  • 17.4. Lights working

  • 17.5. No build up of unnecessary items

  • 17.6. No working shoes left

  • 17.7. Noticeboard clean-relevant notices

  • 17.8. Copy of policies and NES displayed

  • 17.9. Table clean - no left over drinks/food


  • 18.1. Office neat, tidy and organised

  • 18.2. Safes secure in good working condition and locked

  • 18.3. Logs/service books available

  • 18.4. Cleaner communication book used

  • 18.5. Pest control book up to date

  • 18.6. Kitchen hoods/ducting service log

  • 18.7. Management communication book used

  • 18.8. Shift reports completed correctly

  • 18.9. Invoices/paperwork organised

  • 18.10. Weekly analysis/customer counts completed

  • 18.11. Chubb deposit book filled in correctly

  • 18.12. Camera system working correctly

  • 18.13. Sufficient change in safe

  • 18.14. Safe/Petty cash counted and correct

  • 18.15. Accident/injury book available

  • 18.16. Tips allocated

  • 18.17. Uniforms stored neatly

  • 18.18. RSA folder up to date

  • 18.19. Restaurant contacts book up to date

  • 18.20. N/A book organised

  • 18.21. Booking book available and completed correctly

  • 18.22. Clear booking policy available

  • 18.23. Food safety supervisors certificates available

  • 18.24. Sufficient colouring in for the next 2 days

  • 18.25. Sufficient level of register rolls, kitchen ink and eftpos rolls

  • 18.26. Sufficient level of stationary, par level for ordering.


  • 19.1. Emergency light testing

  • 19.2. Fire extinghuisher checked

  • 19.3. Exit lights functioning

  • 19.4. All panic bars exit doors functioning

  • 19.5. All fire exits and egress clear

  • 19.6. Fire blanket checked

  • 19.7. First aid cabinet correctly stocked

  • 19.8. Fire warden hats available and accessible

  • 19.9. Evacuation plans on display

  • 19.10. Evacuation training completed

  • 19.11. All chemicals labelled

  • 19.12. Chemical MSDS available and accessible for all chemical kept on premises including cleaner

  • 19.13. SWMS created and implemented


  • 20.1. Dock/garbage area clean

  • 20.2. No cigarette butts evident

  • 20.3. Bin is clean/not overfull

  • 20.4. Recycle bins are clean

  • 20.5. Recycle bins are correctly filled

  • 20.6. Back door is clean and functioning correctly

  • 20.7. Post mix unit maintained and clean

  • 20.8. No evidence of pests


  • 21.1. Exhaust hoods clean/working

  • 21.2. Shelving clean and secure

  • 21.3. Floor clean

  • 21.4. Walls clean

  • 21.5. Tiles not broken

  • 21.6. burner clean and operating correctly

  • 21.7. All utensils clean and undamaged

  • 21.8. Slicer clean/operating correctly

  • 21.9. Mixer clean/operating correctly

  • 21.10. Prep manual clean, up to date and complete

  • 21.11. Stocking sheet available and complete correctly

  • 21.12. Prep sheet available and completed correctly

  • 21.13. Sinks clean and functioning correctly

  • 21.14. Drains clean

  • 21.15. No evidence of pest

  • 21.16. Scales clean/working correctly

  • 21.17. Sufficient pots/pans available

  • 21.18. Sufficient buckets available

  • 21.19. Sufficient trays available

  • 21.20. Pots/pans/colanders stored upside down

  • 21.21. Freshness

  • 21.22. Labelled and dated

  • 21.23. Rotation F.I.F.O

  • 21.24. Stored correctly/covered

  • 21.25. Dates on all open containers

  • 21.26. No raw food above cooked food


  • 22.1. Exhaust hoods clean and working

  • 22.2. Shelving clean and secure

  • 22.3. Floor clean

  • 22.4. Tiles not broken

  • 22.5. Walls clean

  • 22.6. Sufficient chemicals connected

  • 22.7. Wash/rinse temps correct

  • 22.8. Sufficient racks available

  • 22.9. Racks clean/not damaged

  • 22.10. Dishwasher clean inside / outside

  • 22.11. Glass washer clean inside / outside

  • 22.12. Spray arm working correctly

  • 22.13. Taps and pipes not leaking

  • 22.14. Soap and paper dispenser clean, stocked and functioning

  • 22.15. Wet floor signs available and clean

  • 22.16. Buckets clean

  • 22.17. Mops clean and stored correctly

  • 22.18. Chemical chart on wall in good condition

  • 22.19. Sufficient chemicals in stock

  • 22.20. Chart for colour coded cutting boards displayed

  • 22.21. Colour coded cutting board used correctly

  • 22.22. Colour coded mop chart displayed and used

  • 22.23. Velcro dots used to display notes not tape

  • 22.24. Metal detector available/working

  • 22.25. Metal detector used when changing dish drop bin

  • 22.26. Bin available for breakages

  • 22.27. Hand bassin free of food scraps

  • 22.28. Sufficient hand towels stocked

  • 22.29. Hand wash chemicals stocked

  • 22.30. Hand wash pump working/clean


  • 23.1. Shelving clean and secure

  • 23.2. Floor clean

  • 23.3. Tiles not broken

  • 23.4. Walls clean

  • 23.5. 2 burner clean/operating correctly

  • 23.6. Fryer clean/operating correctly

  • 23.7. Oil in good condition

  • 23.8. Salamander in good condition / clean

  • 23.9. Hot bain clean/operating correctly

  • 23.10. Hot bain sauces/mixes correct temp (68-74º)

  • 23.11. Hot bain sauces/mixes correct consistency

  • 23.12. Char grill clean/functioning correctly

  • 23.13. Grill exhaust hood clean and working

  • 23.14. Grill fridges correct temp ( 2-5º)

  • 23.15. Grill fridges doors and seals clean

  • 23.16. Grill fridges clean inside/outside

  • 23.17. Stock freshness

  • 23.18. Stock labelled and dated

  • 23.19. Stock rotated F.I.F.O

  • 23.20. Stock stored correctly/covered

  • 23.21. All utensils clean and undamaged

  • 23.22. Microwaves clean/working correctly

  • 23.23. Pizza exhaust hood clean and working correctly

  • 23.24. Pizza fridge correct temp ( 2 - 5º)

  • 23.25. Pizza fridge doors and seals clean

  • 23.26. Pizza fridge clean inside / outside

  • 23.27. Pizza ovens clean / working correctly

  • 23.28. Pizza paddles clean and working correctly

  • 23.29. Pizza dought roller clean and working correctly

  • 23.30. Pizza try clean and not damaged

  • 23.31. Stock freshness

  • 23.32. Stock labelled and dated

  • 23.33. Stock rotated F.I.F.O

  • 23.34. Stock stored correctly / covered

  • 23.35. Hotplate exhaust hood clean and working

  • 23.36. Hotplate clean and functioning correctly

  • 23.37. Spats clean and not damaged

  • 23.38. Topping fridges correct temp ( 2 - 5º )

  • 23.39. Topping fridge doors and seals clean

  • 23.40. Topping fridge clean inside / outside

  • 23.41. Stock freshness

  • 23.42. Stock labelled and dated

  • 23.43. Stock rotated F.I.F.O

  • 23.44. Stock stored correctly / covered

  • 23.45. Runner bench clean and organised

  • 23.46. Cleaning roster visible and completed

  • 23.47. Drains clean

  • 23.48. No evidence of pests

  • 23.49. Printer clean, working correctly and not damaged

  • 23.50. Temperature chart completed and issues acted upon

  • 23.51. Sufficient crockery check par levels

  • 23.52. Only one pizza oven in the morning

  • 23.53. Salamander off in the morning

  • 23.54. Hand basin free of food scraps

  • 23.55. Paper towels stocked and available

  • 23.56. Bains covered until busy

  • 23.57. Spare printer rolls ready

  • 23.58. Stocking sheet filled out and list prepared


  • 24.1. Freshness

  • 24.2. Storage

  • 24.3. F.I.F.O

  • 24.4. Walls and floors not damaged and clean

  • 24.5. Shelving clean and secure

25. BAR

  • 25.1. Shelving clean and secure

  • 25.2. Floor clean

  • 25.3. Tiles not broken

  • 25.4. Walls clean

  • 25.5. Tiles not broken

  • 25.6. Bench tops clean

  • 25.7. Fridges correct temp ( 2 - 5º )

  • 25.8. Fridges doors and seals clean

  • 25.9. Fridges clean inside / outside

  • 25.10. Runners bench clean

  • 25.11. Coffee machine clean and working correctly

  • 25.12. Date for next service of coffee machine listed

  • 25.13. Grinder clean and working correctly

  • 25.14. Blenders clean and working correctly

  • 25.15. Sufficient glassware

  • 25.16. Glassware clean and in good condition

  • 25.17. Sufficient plastic ware

  • 25.18. Plastic ware clean and in good condition

  • 25.19. Sufficient crockery, teaspots and cups

  • 25.20. Cups and tea pots stain free and in good condition

  • 25.21. All food items covered

  • 25.22. Sink clean and working correctly

  • 25.23. Bar stocked correctly

  • 25.24. Cleaning roster visible and completed

  • 25.25. Drains clean

  • 25.26. Light working

  • 25.27. Nip pourers clean and not damaged

  • 25.28. Bins clean and not overfull

  • 25.29. Printer clean, working correctly and not damaged

  • 25.30. Hand bassin free of food scraps

  • 25.31. Paper towels stocked and available

  • 25.32. Spare printer rolls ready

  • 25.33. Liquor licence displayed

  • 25.34. Ice machine clean

  • 25.35. Last cleaned date listed on ice machine

  • 25.36. Ice scoop stored properly

  • 25.37. Chemicals store correctly

  • 25.38. Post mix area clean and tidy

  • 25.39. Gas bottle securely attached

  • 25.40. Correct levels of post mix stock

  • 25.41. Post mix machine services up to date and recorded

  • 25.42. Stock freshness

  • 25.43. stock labelled and dated

  • 25.44. Stock rotated F.I.F.O

  • 25.45. Stock stored correctly / covered

  • 25.46. Trays in good condition

  • 25.47. Drink presentation


  • 26.1. Cool room temp between 2-5º

  • 26.2. All doors close fully and function normally

  • 26.3. Doors seals are not damaged

  • 26.4. Doors shut when not in use

  • 26.5. Floors clean

  • 26.6. Walls ceiling clean

  • 26.7. Shelving secure and clean

  • 26.8. Containers labelled and covered

  • 26.9. Planners in use

  • 26.10. Stock freshness

  • 26.11. Stock labelled and dated

  • 26.12. Stock rotated F.I.F.O

  • 26.13. Stock stored correctly / covered


  • 27.1. Freezer temp between -10 and -18º

  • 27.2. All doors close fully and function normally

  • 27.3. Doors and seals are not damaged

  • 27.4. Doors shut when not in use

  • 27.5. Floors clean

  • 27.6. Walls and ceiling clean

  • 27.7. Shelving secure and clean

  • 27.8. Containers labelled and covered

  • 27.9. Planners in use

  • 27.10. Items stacked neatly and safely

  • 27.11. Stock freshness

  • 27.12. Stock labelled and dated

  • 27.13. Stock rotated F.I.F.O

  • 27.14. Stock stored correctly / covered


  • 28.1. All invoiced checked against the goods

  • 28.2. All invoiced checked against order form

  • 28.3. Temperature checked when receiving goods

  • 28.4. Use by best before dates checked

  • 28.5. Packaging undamaged and clean


  • 29.1. Sign displayed

  • 29.2. Sufficient containers ready and available

  • 29.3. Correct containers used

  • 29.4. Sauces prepared

  • 29.5. Ice cream prepared

  • 29.6. Bags / Cutlery ready and available

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.