Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Security
Is all or part of the site trading?
Is there a security guard appointed and at their post?
Is external access to site controlled by a suitable and sufficient barrier system to prevent public/staff access, separate pedestrians from traffic and allow emergency escape?
Is there accurate and relevant H&S signage at site entry points and each fence or barrier line at perimeter of the site / work area?
Are the Principal Contractors business details on display around the perimeterof the site, including the site contact details?
All materials stored at roof level safe? Stored below handrails and adverse weather conditions considered?
All containers/storage areas well organised and materials stored safely?
Signing In/Induction/Competency
Is the signing in and out procedures enforced?
Complete a random check of 3 people on site to ensure they have signed in on the day of the visit. In Part - Where a couple of people have not signed inNo - Where 3 or more have not signed inPLEASE NOTE: If you find evidence of operatives NOT signing out on previous days but Site Management have evidence that they have addressed this (TBT, briefing, re-induction, yellow card etc.) do not mark them down for this
Where applicable, have FM contractors signed in at the store front end panel?
Have details of the site manger and supervisor been logged on the M+S training portal and are both compliant within their role requriements
Is all relevant information included in the site induction?
An induction should include the following as a minimum: Buildings Asbestos content, Asbestos discovery/emergency procedures, evacuations procedures, traffic management, welfare facilities, site rules, PPE requirements, site rules and a description of works currently being undertaken
Is the induction procedure being enforced
Complete a ramdom check of at least 3 inductions
Are operatives competencies being recorded at the induction
Every operative must be able to prove their basic H&S competence. This can be through the use of CSCS cards CCNSG Cards, SPA Passport or other passport schemes. Specific competence should also be provided for tasks that require it, such as JIB, IPAF, PASMA, SSSTS, asbestos awareness, CISRS etc. Should a specific skills card not be available for the given trade then contractors must be able to demonstrate to the PC that operatives have the individual skills, knowledge, experience and training the role requires.No - two or more card details missing and no other evidence of competencyMake a note of any competencies that expire during the project add them to the notes and discuss with the site manager
External Access
Are all materials stored within the confines of the site/work area and suitably segregated from the public?
Is delivery of materials / equipment or removal of waste being managed effectively?
Can the contractors be identified on site?
H&S Display
Is there a suitable area with relevant health & safety information displayed?
Is a valid 2009 H&S Law poster displayed?
Is a valid copy of the Principal Contractors Civil Liability Insurance Certificate displayed?
Is there a valid F10 Displayed?
Is a copy of the PC' Health and Safety policy displayed
Are Principal Contractors site rules displayed or available for reference?
The Principal Contractor should display their site rules. In Part - Where available but not displayed
Is an up to date copy of the Co-op Code of Conduct displayed or available for reference?
Is there a site layout plan showing, traffic management, fire points and exit routes etc?
Are the Site Hazards for today clearly displayed on site?
Does the Principal Contractor have an organised Site Management Filing System in place?
Is the Pre-construction information pack provided by the client filed on site?
Is the Construction Phase Plan available and updated where necessary including evidence that this has been approve by the CDM-A/PD?
Is a current Project Programme of works available?
Is there evidence that the RAMs have been assessed and evaluated by the site manager/PC?
Have all the operatives involved signed and dated the RAMs or acknowledgement forms to indicate their acceptance and understanding of them?
Are there suitable and sufficient Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMs) on site all works including contractors?
Random check of 2 works RAMS. They must be site specific and reflect the work being undertaken.No - Where RAMs are missing - note contractor/task
Is there evidence of accurate safety monitoring - Daily H&S Checks?
A daily H&S checklist should be available and completed at a random time each day, a minimal of site diary entries stating check have been completedIn Part - Where partially complete I.E. 1 or more days incomplete
Has the Site Manager undertaken and recorded the completion of tool box talks?
The Site Manager must complete at least 1 talk per weekYes - 1 or more Toolbox talk has been completedNo - No Toolbox talks have taken place within the last week
Is there evidence of mandatory training for all people on site
CSCS and asbestos awareness are mandatory for all
Is there evidence of task and trade specific training/competencies on site?
abraisive wheels, face fit tests, hoist user, approved installer cards, etc
Is there a Site Manager or a competent responsible person on site and have evidence of competency
First Aid
Are there a sufficient number of first aiders on sie
Are first aider details displayed in the H&S area?
A green first aiders sign must be displayed with name of first aider(s) on site and contact details. Good Practice would include a photograph
Does the first aider hold a 3 Day - First Aid at Work certificate?
Are the first aid supplies suitable and sufficient for the work taking place?
As a minimum: 1x20 person kit including Eye wash where no water supply and a burns kit where hot works are planned. Ensure no medicines are stored in the box, and that all items are in date.In Part - Where part of kit missing or less than 20 person kitNo - Where items are out of date, none 1st aid items stored in kit
Is there a robust accident reporting process? I.E. accident book, report forms, or online submission form?
Is there an accident book on site
Is there a way of reporting near misses?
Have all accidents/incidents been reported to the client
Has any external authroity visited site (HSE, EA) and has client been informed
Is there a mates in Mind poster displayed
Are adequate toilet and hand washing facilities provided?
No. toilets (T) and washbasins (WB) for mixed use (or women only):1-5 P = 1T 1WB, 6-25P = 2T 2WB, 26-50P = 3T 3WB Toilets and Urinals(U) used by men only:1-15P = 1T 1U, 16-30P = 2T 1UAre they clean, ventilated and lit?Do they have a plentiful supply of toilet paper? Hot water, soap and towels/hand dryer for washing hands?
Is hot and cold running water available in the toilets?
Ensure Hot and Cold running water is provided as per the construction phase plan and as stipulated in CIS 59
Is drinking water available?
Are food storage and preparation appliances available?
Are table(s) and adequate seating available?
Is there means of heating the welfare area?
Is there a suitable designated smoking area, is smoking taking place in the designated point?
Fire and Emergency
Is there a site specific fire risk assessment in place, has it been reviewed and signed by site manager?
Has it been communicated to the client where applicable?
Are all designated fire exit routes (internally and externally) unlocked, clear from obstructions and appropriately signposted?
The route to the fire exit should be at least 750mm wide and clear from any obstructions. Also the escape distances in live stores should not be compromised by contractors work.Also check the external side of the fire exit to ensure it is free from obstructions and a relative place of safety can be reached.Appropriate Escape route signage is in place
Has the Principal Contractor provided an adequate and appropriate number of fire points (Complete with suitable extinguishers and push button sounders)
Ensure that there is an adequate number of fire extinguishers available at each fire point. Push button sounders are to be used when the stores fire alarm system is disabled. Air horns and hand bells are not to be used as someone needs to remain and operate these in an emergency situation instead of evacuating
Is there evidence that these have been tested on a weekly basis?
Have the fire extinguishers been serviced in the last 12 months?
PLEASE NOTE: P50 Fire Extinguishers DO NOT require an annual service by an engineer as they are corrosion proof
Are all temporary protective coverings to a Loss Prevention Certification Board Standard? (LPS 1207 internally or LPS1215 externally)
Are hot works being carried out?
A Has a hot works permit been issued by the PC and accepted by the contractor?
Have all combustible materials been removed from the work area?
Are there 2 appropriate fire extinguishers to hand? (These should not be from the fire points)
Are all Highly Flammable Liquids (HFL's) being used, transported and stored correctly?
Are all gas cylinders being used, transported and stored correctly? (LPG / Oxy-Acetylene / Refrigeration)
LPG, Acetylene and Oxygen can be stored together in small quantities of up to 10 cylinders (total)provided storage is external, secure, ventilated (BGCA CoP 44)
Occupational Health
Are activities that create dust being undertaken? What are they?
Is "On Tool" extraction or "On Tool" water suppression being used to control dust?
Are all extraction units Class M as a minimum standard?
Are all dust masks FFP3 as a minimum standard? (Half mask or disposable mask)
Have face fit certificates been collated and filed on site? (Evidence of certs must be provided. Check relevant operatives wearing masks)
Are noisy operations being carried out?
Where engineering controls are needed, are they in use? (Explain fully in the notes why you feel engineering controls are necessary)
Have clearly marked and signed hearing protection zones been established if necessary?
re all operatives wearing the appropriate PPE as stipulated by their RAMs?
Is plant or equipment that produces Hand Arm Vibration being used on site?
Have vibration levels been provided for each piece of plant and equipment?
Are individuals vibration exposure levels being monitored and recorded?
Do operatives have sufficient knowledge of the risks of Silica dust?
Ask 3 operatives to tell you about the risks of silica dust
House Keeping
Is there adequate lighting in all work areas including task lighting?
Are walkways clear and free from debris and materials?
Are cables run at a high level or managed in a way to prevent trip hazards?
Are all holes / trenches / potholes covered?
Are all materials stored / stacked correctly?
Are all internal and external works clearly segregated from colleagues and the public?
Working at Height
Has a roof permit been issued for the works taking place
Is the potential of falls from height adequately controlled?
Has the heirarchy of working at height been applied?
Is there an uncontroled fall risk greater than 600mm
Parapets or other edges 900mm or greater
Unsafe or incomplete edge protection
Have all roof lights, holes and voids been adequately protected
Is the access to work at height equipment adequately controlled?
Are mobile access toweres being used?
Are MEWPS being used?
Are Step ladders being used?
Are podiums being used?
Are ladders being used to work from (not scaffold access ladders)?
Is fall restraint/arrest equipment being used?
Mobile Access Towers
Are the towers on firm stable ground?
Have all 4 brakes been applied when in use?
Are all handrails and toe boards in place?
Are all hooks on the bracing fully engaged?
Does the person who erected and signed off the tag hold a PASMA qualification
Are operatives using the mobile tower safely?
Has a site specific risk assessment been completed?
Are the MEWPs being used on firm, stable ground free from holes and trenches?
Have all MEWPs been segregated to avoid others entering the work area?
Do all MEWP operators have IPAF cards or equivalent?
Are Cherry Picker operatives wearing certified / checked harnesses?
Does not apply to scissor lifts
s there an emergency rescue plan in place for operatives wearing harnesses?
Are operatives using the MEWP safely?
If operatives are not using the MEWP safely, please explain why and add photographs if possible
Evidence that the pre start checks and weekly inspections are being carried out?
Are the podiums being used on firm, level ground?
Have all the brakes been applied?
Are the gates closed?
Is the podium free from physical damage?
Are operatives using the podium safely?
If operatives are not using the podium steps safely, please explain why and add photographs if possible
evidence that equipment is being formally inspected weekly?
Step Ladders
Are steps the most appropriate means of working at height?
Is there a safe system of work in place to control step ladder use?
Is the ladder free from visible damage?
Do the steps comply to British Standard (BS) Class 1 ‘Industrial’(Max Load 175kg) or BS EN 131 for Commercial Use (Max Load 150 Kg)
Are operatives using the stepladders safely?
If operatives are not using the stepladderer safely, please explain why and add photographs if possible
evidence that equipment is being formally inspected weekly?
Has a permit to use been issues
Unsafe or damaged ladders
Unsafe positioning of ladders?
Ladder not properly secured?
Ladder unsuitable for job (e.g. metal ladder used for electricla work)
evidence that equipment is being formally inspected weekly?
Fall Arrest/Fall Restraint
RAMS reflect the working techniques and detail the safe system of works
Correct type and length of lanyard in use
If working in fall arrest is there an adequate recure plan and has it been briefed to the operatives
evidence that the equipment has been inspected prior to use
Evidence the equipment has been formally inspected every 6 months
evidence that the equipment has been inspected weekly
Temporary Works
Has a temporary Works Co-ordinator been appointed and their details filed on site?
Is the Temporary Works Register up to date and filed on site?
Does the perimeter fencing / hoarding require a design and wind loadings?
Has the design / wind loadings for the perimeter fencing / hoarding been checked and filed on site?
Are formal checks for the perimeter fencing being carried out and up to date. (Every 7 days, after inclement weather, after collision etc)
Have permits to load/strike been issued where requried?
Are Acrow props or similar in use on site?
Is there scaffold erected on site?
Is the Site Manager competent and qualified to formally manage, review and accept the scaffolding on handover
Competent persons erecting scaffold, must hold CISRS cards
If the scaffold design is complex then an advanced scaffolder must be on site to over see and compelte the handover
Is there a design for the scaffold
Unless a scaffold is assembled to a generally recognised standard configuration, eg NASC Technical Guidance TG20 the scaffold should be designed by bespoke calculation, by a competent person, to ensure it will have adequate strength, rigidity and stability while it is erected, used and dismantled. Scaffolds that include the following need designs: Fans, cantilevers, loading bays, rubbish chutes, bridges, ramps, pavement gantries and crash decks. This list is not exhaustive
Has the scaffolding been built to the design?
Has a Hand Over Certificate been produced by the scaffolding contractor and accepted by the Site Manager?
Have formal scaffold inspections taken place- this must detail what has been inspected? (Every 7 days, after inclement weather, after collision etc)
Have pull tests been been carried out and recorded for anchor ties
No gaps greater than 100mm
No unprotected services including gas flues
All guard rails at correct height and toe-boards in place?
Falling materials adequately controlled?
Where a risk of falling materials controls such as brickguards, debris netting, or monoflex must be used
Does the scaffold provide suitable edge protection been installed to prevent contractors falling from height?
Full edge protection is required on all work areas of the scaffold (top rail, toe board, and intermediate protection) whenever the work requires access within 2 m of the roof perimeter. The working area and routes should be marked out with continuous physical barriers.PLEASE NOTE: This question is also asked in the roof work section of "Work at Height". Do not mark the contractor down twice for the same issue
Has the PC taken reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access
Make sure that unauthorised access to the scaffolding is prevented e.g. by blocking or removing of ground level access ladders. Make sure appropriate warning signs are displayed on scaffolding
Are access ladders secured correctly, at the right angle and on firm level ground?
Acrow Props
Is there a propping design and calculations in place
All planned work requires the input of a structural engineer. However, they may be instances where propping is used as an emergency before a structural engineer can attend site or give advice. In these instances this section should be marked as NA
Is the design site specific
Does the design have the necessary sign offs aligned to the TW classification?
Is there a handover or initial inspection which shows that thepropping was installed correctly and built exactly to the design?
Are formal checks of the propping being carried out and up to date
Lifting Operations
Are manual handling related risks controlled in accordance with site-specific risk assessment and regulatory requirements?
Is there evidence of manual handling training on site
Gin Wheels in use and compliant with SG9:15 requirements?
Lifting equipment has thorouhgh examination certificate with id no
This includes Gin wheels
SWL clearly displayed on all lifting equipment
Have exclusion zones been set up under the lift radius and around the base of the lifting equipment?
Lifting plan in place where required
All persons undertkaking lifts are competent?
Has the PC issued a permit to lift or completed a checklist before the lift commences?
Permits to lift / lift checklists must be in place for crane lifts and when excavators are used as lifting equipment. Lorry loaders (Hiabs) are only expected to have been subject to permits / checklists if the lift is complex in terms of the load and environment
10.1A Has the ground stability been checked?
10.1B Have underground / overhead services been taken into account?
Have all staff completed the M+S e-learning asbestos awareness course
Is there a valid Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Survey onsite which covers all works areas in line with the scope of work? Or evidence that the building was constructed post 2000?
There MUST be an Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Survey available onsite if the building is Pre-2000. This document should be available in the Site Management File. Must have appropriate evidence if Post 2000 Build
Is access to the asbestos register available via simple compliance?
The site manager must have their own login and this cannot be through anyone elses
Has asbestos been removed from the building? (State if it was removed during this project or by a developer)
Is a copy of the ASB5 notification and plan of works on site for any notifiable Asbestos removal works? (State if the removal was non licensed work)
Where Asbestos removal has/is been undertaken during this project a copy of the ASB5 HSE notification should be available on site along with the Plan of works until the end of the project. NA if it was removed by the developer
Have clearance certificates or clean air tests and hazardous waste transfer notes been collated and filed on site?
If the building is Pre-2000, have asbestos awareness certificates been collated for relevant operatives? (Check 3 relevant operatives working on site)
Relevant operatives are those who are liable to disturb asbestos during their everyday activities. Trades include but are not limited to: Electricians, plumbers, plasterers, roofers, shop fitters, heating and ventilation engineers, refrigeration engineers, demolition workers, painting and decorators, joiners, telecommunication engineers, fire and burglar alarm installers. Please not that if the ground has been identified as contaminated with asbestos at the Pre Construction stage, then Ground workers should also have asbestos awareness training
If the building is Pre-2000, is there an emergency asbestos "Grab Pack" on site complete with instructions?
As a minimum the grab pack should contain: FFP3 Mask, Paper Overalls, Suitable Wipes, Plastic Bags for Contaminated Clothes and Instructions. The grab pack should be stored in a known, secure location ready to be used and accessible in cases of emergencies
Is there adequate segregation and separation between the asbestos works, contractors and staff?
Are the asbestos waste transit and waste removal routes being adhered to and are these routes demarcated appropriately?
Does the asbestos analyst and asbestos surveyor meet all role requirements on the Marks and Spencer training portal?
13.8 Can the site manager demonstrate that the store has been informed and engaged?
Did the site induction include information about Marks and Spencer asbestos policy and site specific arrangements?
Are there arrangements in place to deal with asbestos related emergencies and do these meet Marks and Spencer asbestos policy requirements?
Are relevant COSHH assessments and material safety data sheets available on site and have they been signed by operatives
Check a minimum of 3
Are substances being used appropriately as per the relevant COSHH assessments?
Are substances being stored appropriately as per the relevant COSHH assessments?
Are suitable and sufficient emergency procedures in place to deal with incidents related to substances classified under COSHH (e.g. spillages, gas escape, and ingestion)?
Traffic Management
Are deliveries suitably managed and co-ordinated by the site manager with the store, landlord or centre management?
Has a site specific delivery route been identified and recorded in the traffic management plan?
Where banksmen are identified in the traffic management plan, is there evidence of this role being discharged appropriately and are banksmen suitably trained and managed?
PPE + Presentation
Are all site managers, operatives and visitors fully compliant with the Marks and Spencer PPE policy requirements detailed in the construction phase plan?
Are operatives on site wearing 5 point PPE? (Hard hats, Hi Vis vests, Safety boots, suitable gloves and eye protection)
The requirement for eye protection is to be risk assessed by the PC. If the assessment finds that eye protection is not required this must be documented and form part of the induction process
Is PPE defined by risk assessments being worn?
Is it suitable and sufficient?
Is there evidence that operatives have been face fit tested
Are the operatives in SRG Branded high vis and hard hats?
Are harnesses in use?
Is the harness/lanyard/rope in good condition with no signs of damage?
Is the right type of equipment being used; fall arrest/fall restraint?
Is the equipment compatible?
All anchor points are safe to use?
Is there evidene that pre user and weekly inspections are being carried out?
Is there evidence of examination certs every 6 months
Are there segregated waste skips on site?
If there are site restrictions and there is only room for one skip, please mark as NA and mention this in the notes
Is there signage identifying the segregated waste?
NA if no segregation taking place
Is the waste stored correctly?
Are skips suitably barriered off and/or locked to prevent unauthorised used?
All Skips should be locked or barriered off from the public.Hazardous waste should be segregated from normal waste, check for any evidence of pollutants being introduced into drainage? Ensure hazardous waste has been segregated from normal waste - Examples of hazardous waste: lead acid batteries, fluorescent tubes, treated timber, concrete additives, asbestos, contaminated soils, preservative, adhesives, paint, varnish, solvents.Skips containing plasterboard should be appropriately covered? Damp plasterboard can leak pollutants into the environment therefore skips must be covered to ensure the boards can not get wet from rain etc
Where waste has been removed from site are Waste Transfer Notes / Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes available and completed in full?
All Waste Transfer Notes / Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes must available on site for inspection. This can be in paper or an electronic format. Please note how many skips have been used, The providers Company Name and the Carrier Licence Number.In Part - Where the WTN's are available, but not completed in full. NA - Where no waste has been collected
Is the waste carriers license certificate filed on site?
Are the details (Name and Address)of the waste transfer station held on site?
Are all fuels and other hazardous liquids stored appropriately?
Are they stored away from drains?Are small fuel containers of the correct type?Are plastic containers less than 10 litres in capacity? Are metal containers less than 20 litres capacity?Are the containers suitably labelled with ""Highly Flammable"" and ""Petrol""? Are they stored in a suitable cabinet away from direct sunlight?
Is there a secondary containment system in place with plant such as generators and compressors to prevent leaks and spillages
Secondary containment systems include double bunding, drip trays, plant nappies etc. If double bunding does not include all the base of the plant then another system may be required to prevent leaks of fuel or oil
Are drains within the site protected?
Are emergency spill kits available?
Are noisy works being carried out at the most appropriate times in liaison with the Co-op project representative and local authority (Especially where abatement notices are in effect)
Is there a requirement for noise monitoring to be taking place? (Explain the circumstances)
Has a temporary electrical certificate been issued for the site cabins / welfare facilities?
Is all electrical equipment in good order and PAT tested
All equipment 110v or battery powered
Any uncontrolled risks of overhead power lines
Is the equipment right for the task?
Equipment being used and stored in accordance with the RAMS
Gas guns in good working order
Hand tools in good working order
Gas Safety
Have gas appliances and flues been surveyed and identified
Is the information on gas appliances and flues recorded ina format that can be easily accessed and understood
Are copies of gas safe engineers competencies on site- checked vis GasSafe website
Have all flues been checked to establish if live or redundant
Have all gas flues been sprayed or labelled
Are sufficient arrangements in place to isolate flues to enable works to take place safely