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  • Site conducted

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Guest Safety

Product Safety - 32 points possible

  • All hot holding product temperatures are 60° C or above (Hot hold unit, front line)

  • All cold product temperatures are 4° C or below (walk in, line coolers, and pop fridge)

  • Over night protein process is correct. 1/3 or smaller skewers shaved fully down, larger than 1/3 quick cooled and held frozen for the next day. Rice and protein re-heating steps followed correctly during opening of restaurant.

  • Is the protein cooking process correct? From Spit to Flat top, and transferred to hot hold when temp reaches 74° C for chicken and 71° C for beef. Separate utensils and knives are used for chicken and beef.

  • Proper procedures are used to safely thaw products.

  • Dates of all products are within Shelby's shelf life.

  • All perishable products are rotated using a consistent FIFO system. All products are labelled with dates received, dates thawed and dates prepared using an approved labelling method or system.

  • Temperature logs completed minimum twice daily (last 30 days are available) - Action plans recorded for all products outside safe range

  • All fridges/freezers have a thermometer present at proper temp

  • All products are purchased from approved vendors (including chemicals)

Cross Contamination Prevention - 23 points possible

  • Hands are properly washed. New gloves are used between food preparation and non-food tasks. All hand washing stations are stocked with soap and paper towels.

  • Proper washing, rinsing, and sanitizing of dishes and equipment using 2 sink or 3 sink method. Chemical system is stocked and functioning.

  • Proper washing , rinsing and sanitizing of all food contact surfaces (utensils, tables, counters etc). All sanitizer buckets are in place as required and measure at least 200ppm. Sanitizer test strips are readily available to all staff. Sanitizer buckets are changed every 2 hours.

  • Plastic wrap, aluminum foil and all similar food prep materials are kept in original packaging to prevent cross-contamination.

  • Location is free of pests including evidence of an infestation such as chew marks or droppings.

  • Hot products not mixed with cold. Old product not mixed with new product.

  • Hair is properly restrained and hair nets/beard nets are worn as necessary to prevent cross-contamination.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.