
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Uplands Personnel

  • Contractors on site

  • Select date

CDM Information

  • Asbestos Survey

  • What type of survey


  • Are the H&S files on site and inline with template?

  • Is the letter of appointed PC on site and in file 1

  • Is the pre construction phase plan on site

  • Is there an asbestos survey on site

  • Has the contents been read by the staff on site


  • Is the CPH&SP approval letter in file 1

  • Is the CPH&SP approved

  • Is the CPH&SP in file 1 and any amendments done


  • Do you want to Audit Welfare Facilities?

  • DRINKING WATER sign displayed.

  • NOT drinking water displayed

  • Is the 'Hot water' sign displayed ?


  • Is the drying room suitable for the works on site?

  • Is the first aiders in place?

  • Is the fire plan in place?

  • Does the heaters work?

  • Are the benches suitable?


  • Is there suitable toilets facility on site

  • Is there suitable washing facilities on site?

  • Are there urinal blocks available ?

  • Is there a DEB board in the toilets?

  • Is the fire plan in place?


  • Is the AWOW Ver 5 in canteen ?

  • Is the fire plan in place?

  • Is the first aiders in place?

  • Asbestos survey displayed?

  • Is the canteen fit for purpose

  • Is there facilities for making a hot drink?

  • Is there facilities for Heating food?

  • Is there facilities for keeping food chilled

  • Is the equipment PAT tested and labels visible ?

  • Is the traffic glove poster displayed?

  • Is there an option to segregate waste. ( plastic, cardboard , general food waste)

  • Are there sufficient tables and chairs?

  • Are the site rules displayed?

  • Is there suitable cleaning equipment so the canteen be kept clean?

  • I have read and understood the asbestos survey for the store


  • Is the site induction folder on site and updated in line with site requirements?

  • Is the fire plan in place?

  • Is the first aiders in place?

  • Are there sufficient induction labels?

  • Is the F10 displayed?

  • Is the induction notice board fully set up?

  • Is the fire plan in place?

  • Is the H&S @ work act displayed, is the correct information entered?

  • Appropriate safety posters displayed?

  • Is the AWOW Ver 5 on site

  • Signed H&S uplands policy on site

  • Is the traffic glove poster displayed?

  • Is the optic fibre route drawing displayed?


  • Is the SWMP setup on smart waste? Identify who set the plan up

  • Is the plan sufficiently developed?

  • Has the SWMP been signed by the client and a copy on site?

  • Are the waste champions displayed

  • Is the companies signed environmental policy displayed?

  • Is Asda's waste target displayed 95%

  • Are the waste licences displayed?


  • Is the contractor notice board install and updated?

  • Is the risk board installs and updated?

  • Is there a key safe installsd ?

  • Is there signing in/out register available and filled in correctly?

  • Are PPE issue forms available ?

  • Are the wrist bands available, various colours ?

  • Has the security guards been inducted and advised what their duties are?

  • I have been inducted and I am aware of my day duties

  • I have been inducted and I am aware of my night duties

  • Are the security guards RAMS on site

  • I have read and understood my RAMS (days)

  • I have read and understood my RAMS (nights)

  • Is there sufficient PPE available to issue?

  • Is the first aiders in place?

  • Is the fire plan in place?


  • Is the first kit available and in date?

  • Is the eye wash kit available and in date?

  • Is there sun cream available ?

  • Are the site files set on site and set up?

  • Is the site diary available?

  • Is the first station sign posted outside the cabin?

  • Is the eye wash station sign posted outside the cabin?

  • Is the permit board and permit holder installed?

  • Is there facilities for Heating food?

  • Is the equipment PAT tested and labels visible ?

  • Is there facilities for keeping food chilled

  • Is there facilities for making a hot drink?

  • Is there an option to segregate waste. ( plastic, cardboard , general food waste)

  • DRINKING WATER sign displayed.

  • NOT drinking water displayed


  • Is the compound hoarding fit for purpose?

  • Is there hoarding calculation on site?

  • Are the site rules displayed across the compound?

  • Is there sufficient spill packs on site?

  • Is the site transformer in a suitable location and in good condition?


  • Site entrance PPE sign ( pedestrian entrance , vehicle entrance)

  • No authorised persons?

  • No children to play on site

  • Site address board?

  • Male/female toilets?

  • Main site office?

  • First aid point?

  • Smoking area?

  • Designated phone point ?

  • Fire plans in various locations

  • Waste segregation signs?

  • Non PPE area, segregated from PPE area?

  • Is there safe access and egress to the site compound ?

  • Is there safe access to the site containers and facilities?

  • Containers identified?

  • Fire escape directional arrows?

  • First aides advertised around site?

  • No access forklift in operation?

  • Fire action notices in various locations. Identify areas


  • Is the COSHH store in place?

  • Is there appropriate signage in place?

  • Is it locked, keys clearly identified x 2?

  • Are there fire extinguishers in place (foam and CO2)?

  • Is the COSHH storage area segregated from the rest of the compound with solid side panels?

  • Site fire plan and fire action sign in place?


  • Are there sufficient cages on site, acetylene segregated from oxygen?

  • Is the bottle securing method fit for purpose?

  • Are the bottles >6M from the nearest building?

  • Are the cages >3M apart ?

  • Are they surrounded by solid hoarding either side?

  • Fire extinguishes in place?

  • Appropriate flammable signage on the cages?


  • Are the fire stands in place?

  • Are the fire extinguishers in place and in date?

  • Site fire plan in place fire action notice in place?

  • Has the fire station been identified for the fire safety inspection?

  • Is the fire bell working and in good condition?

  • Is there a fire bucket and if so is it filled with sand?


  • The site set up is;

  • This audit has been completed and describes the condition of site on the day of audit.

  • Any site issues to be identified here and date of intended rectification.

  • All outstanding issues have been closed out.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.