Title Page

  • Project (site) name

  • Project location/address
  • Date audit conducted

  • Prepared by

  • Site manager / supervisor receiving report

  • Overall inspection result

Actions rectified and closed out from previous inspection/meeting

  • Have issues raised during the previous internal site inspections (H&S - CM) been rectified?

  • Have all issues identified by SSUK during the previous audit been closed out on the WISE app?

Site Documentation

Site Documentation

  • Was the site documentation checked during this visit?

  • Is the site documentation to the required standard and being kept up to date where needed?

  • Pre-Construction information Plan and Construction Phase Plan produced and available on site/office?.

  • F10 in place and displayed - Provide expiry date.

  • Company insurance up to date and displayed - Provide expiry date.

  • H&S Law poster displayed with contact details included?

  • RAMS available - site specific - communicated and signed by operatives. Check a different contractors RAMS on each audit and include contractors name.

  • COSHH assessments available for all hazardous items being used on site.

Site Setup

Overall performance of the site setup.

  • Were all aspects of the site setup to the required Wain Homes standards?

Housekeeping / Storage of Materials

  • Was the housekeeping and the storage of materials checked during this visit?

  • Is the general housekeeping of the working areas in good order and being well managed?

  • Are materials being stored in a safe manner both internally and externally?

Welfare / Office Arrangements

  • Were welfare and office arrangements checked during this visit?

  • Are the welfare facilities suitable for the working environment such as canteen, toilets, drying room, provide hot & cold running water, provision for drinking water and being kept in a clean and tidy condition?

First Aid

  • Were the first aid provisions checked during this visit?

  • Is there an appropriate number of trained first aiders, and are personnel made aware of who the first aiders are and their contact details (first aid poster)?

  • Is there a suitably sized first aid kit, eye wash and burns kit available with the contents in date?

  • It the Defibrillator in good working order and easily accessible?

  • Has there been any accidents reported since the previous visit?

Fire Safety

  • Were the fire safety measures checked during this visit?

  • Has a Fire Risk Assessment been produced for the project (Off-site FRA for Timber Frame construction)?

  • Has a fire action plan been produced and displayed in a prominent location?

  • Are the fire arrangements suitable for the size of the site and have a sufficient number of interlinked fire points positioned in the build areas?

  • Are weekly inspections of the fire equipment being completed and recorded, have fire extinguishers been tested/inspected within the last 12 months, and are all smoke alarms within the compound in good working order?

Environmental Controls

  • Are suitable controls in place for managing Dust, Noise, silt run-off, vibration and the containment of fuel/oil such as bunded fuel tanks, trips trays etc?

  • Are suitable arrangements in place to minimise the spread of mud on the projects roads?

  • Are gully protection methods in place to protect against silt entering the drainage system/water course?

  • Where required, are all TPO's in place and being well managed?

Traffic Management

  • Were the Traffic Management arrangements checked during this visit?

  • Is the TM plan displayed in the signing in area, accurate and up to date?

  • Do traffic management arrangements provide suitable segregation for pedestrians from site traffic (Mortar silos and mobile mixing areas), include gated red hoops to highlight safe crossing points and include sufficient warning / informative signage displayed (Thumbs up signs)

  • Are walkways free of obstruction and situated on firm level ground to enable personnel to safely access/egress their working areas?

  • For works taking place with in the highway, has the traffic management been set up in accordance with the NRSW Act (chapter 8) and permitted by the local authority?

Site Security - Public Protection

  • Were site security and public protection checks carried out during this visit?

  • Is the site perimeter and working areas adequately secured with the required H&S warning signage displayed?

  • Is the site main entrance being secured by a proprietary Heras double gate as a minimum, includes a separate pedestrian access gate and warning / informative signage displayed?

  • Is their CCTV and if so it in good working order?

  • Are sufficient arrangements in place to protect the general public/residents from site activities?


  • Were lighting checks carried out during this visit?

  • Is there sufficient lighting provided both internally and externally (task lighting)?

Temporary Works

  • Were temporary works checks carried out during this visit?

  • Are there sufficient arrangements in place for temporary works?

Training, Inductions & Operative checks

  • Are the training, inductions and operative checks found to be to the required standards?

  • Were Training and Induction checks carried out during this visit?

  • Are site inductions being completed and site rules communicated, with personnel providing evidence of relevant training competencies such as CSCS, CPCS, CISRS etc?

  • Is there evidence of contractor communication taking place such as toolbox talks or Daily/Pre-Task briefings and H&S informative signs?

Operatives Checks

  • Were operative checks completed during this audit?

  • What is the name of the operative and company they work for?

  • Have they signed in, received an induction, signed onto the their RAMS and wearing the correct PPE?

  • Is the operative working under a permit?

  • Has the permit been completed correctly and being adhered to?

  • Is their working area being kept clean and tidy?



  • Were PPE checks carried out during this audit?

  • Are personnel wearing the minimum required PPE (safety boots, hard hat & high visibility clothing) and task specific such as ear and eye protection) of which is in good serviceable condition?

Work at Height (Scaffolds, Ladders etc).

Work at Height

  • Where Working at Height actives checked during this visit?

  • Are Working at Height activities being carried out in a safe and controlled manner and in accordance with the contractors site-specific RAMS ensuring any fall prevention or collective protection measures are installed correctly (including scaffolding)?

  • Where ladders are being used, are they suitable for the task (correct standard), being used safely and correctly setup so to prevent a fall occurring?

  • Where mobile towers are being used, have they been erected correctly in line with the manufactures instruction by a trained competent person (PASMA) and signed off in the working platform register?

  • Where MEWP's and/or SCISSOR lifts are being used, are they being operated in a safe manner, daily safety checks been completed, and have an up to date 6-monthly thorough examination certification. Persons operating are competent and hold a valid IPAF ticket?

  • Have suitable fall prevention methods been installed in open stairwells, being inspected on a weekly basis and being installed in the correct sequence of the build so that operatives are not exposed to an unprotected leading edge?


  • Was the scaffold inspected during this visit?

  • Are designs available for all scaffolds such as TG20 compliance sheets and specific designs for non TG20 compliant scaffolds?

  • Are handover certificates being provided and signed by the installer?

  • Does the scaffold provide the required edge protection such as a double guard rail at the required heights (950mm minimum top rail and intermediate rail(s) at gaps no greater than 470mm)

  • Has the scaffolding been constructed on a firm level base (provided by the ground workers)?

  • Can the scaffold be safely accessed and egressed using ladders or staircases?

  • Are suitable measures being used to prevent unauthorised access to scaffolds during out of hours such as ladder guards?

  • Has the scaffold been inspected within the last 7 days or earlier in the event of an incident or after severe weather conditions?

  • Have suitable measures been installed to help prevent falling debris from working lifts (brick guards)?

  • Are loading bays of the correct design, signage provided of loading capabilities and gates being kept closed whilst unattended?

  • Where waste chutes are being used, have they been installed correctly ?

  • Other than the above questions, does the scaffold conform to the design?

Mobile Plant / Work Equipment / Lifting Operations

  • Where Mobile Plant, Work Equipment and Lifting Operations checked during this visit

  • Were works involving mobile plant, work equipment and lifting operations being carried out in safe manner?

  • Have machines with restricted view been fitted with suitable reversing aids? e.g. side mirrors, rear convex mirrors, CCTV and reversing alarms?

  • Has all plant been fitting with orange and green flashing beacons?

  • Are daily inspections being carried out and recorded by operator(s)?

  • Are seat belts being worn when operating plant?

  • Are ignition keys being removed from plant when not in use or left unattended?

  • Does plant and equipment look to be in good condition and safe for use? (No damaged / missing guards etc.)

  • Do operators hold the relevant training to operate plant (CPCS/NPORS)?

Lifting Operations

  • Where lifting operations taking place during this visit?

  • Where the lifting operations being carried out in a safe manner and sufficiently managed?

  • Has a lift plan been prepared for the works and signed by all involved?

  • Do all persons involved hold the relevant training certification (CPCS/NPORS) for AP's, crane operator, lift supervisor, slinger signaller etc.?

  • Are up to date thorough examination certificates available for the crane and all lifting equipment and accessories?

  • Are all daily and weekly checks being carried out for the crane, lifting equipment and accessories, with records available on site?

Excavations (Ground Works)

  • Were ground works activities checked during this visit?

  • Were ground works operations being carried out in a safe manner?

  • Are ground works actives being carried out in a safe manner with the area segregated from other work activities?

  • Where excavation works are taking place, has a permit to dig been completed confirming the area has been scanned for services and marked accordingly, with operatives suitably trained in the use of cable avoidance tools and equipment (up to date calibrated CAT & Genny) and suitably edge protected?

  • Are insulated tools being used or available for where hand digging is required within close proximity of known services?

  • Are suitable dust suppression measures being adopted for all cutting activities. For example, the use of water bottles/tank attachments?

  • Have the appropriate measures been taken to prevent the collapse of excavations where needed (use of trench boxes/other retention methods and/or stepped or battered to the required angle of repose)?

  • Were all other ground works operations being carried out in a safe manner such as dumpers not accessing spoil heaps, dumper operatives dismounting during loading operations, spoil heaps not excessive in height and correctly formed etc.?

Electrical Equipment & Power tools (HAVS & Dust)

Electrical Equipment

  • Were electrical equipment checks carried out during this visit?

  • Was all electrical equipment and power tools being managed and operated to the required safe standards?

  • Where applicable, are overhead powerlines protected in compliance with relevant COP's/GS6 Guidance?

  • Have all portable and fixed appliances been PA Tested (fixed 6 months and portable 12 months)?

  • Is electrical equipment observed in good condition with no visible damage to cables, leads, etc.?

Power Tools - HAVS/Dust

  • Were power tools checks completed during the visit?

  • Power tools in good working condition and guards fitted where required?

  • Are all mains powered tools being operated using 110v supply?

  • Are the necessary arrangements in place to minimise the impact of HAVS to the user and trigger times being monitored where required?

  • Are suitable dust control measures being adopted to protect personnel from the inhalation of harmful dusts such as the use of water bottle attachments, on tool duct extraction (M-rated) and wearing suitable face fitted FFP3 or forced air masks?

  • Is there a Wainhomes supplied M class vacuum available for use?

High Risk Permitted works

  • Were all high risk permitted works being carried out in a safe manner?

  • Were high-risk works requiring a permit taking place (Confined Space & Hot Works)?

  • Has a suitable set of RAMS been produced for the works being undertaken and signed by all involved?

  • Has the "Confined Space" Permit to Work been completed and being adhered to?

  • Are personnel confined space trained?

  • Is a gas monitor available and being used?

  • Is there a documented rescue plan in place along with rescue equipment such as a tripod and harness configuration?

  • Has a hot works permit been completed and being worked to correctly?

  • Are the works being carried out in a safe manner?

  • Is the PPE adequate for the task?

  • It there a suitable fire extinguisher, with a backup extinguisher available and/or fire blanket available?

  • Do operatives have the required gas safe cards when work is being carried out on gas carrying components?

  • Have the appropriate notifications been made to the relevant authorities?

  • Has a plan for the management of the Asbestos been prepared?

  • Do operatives have the relevant Asbestos training for the works they are undertaking?

  • If Asbestos is being removed from site, is this being removed by a registered competent company and hazardous waste transfer notes provided?

COSHH Compliance

Use of Chemicals

  • Was the management of COSHH checked during the is visit?

  • Are suitable and sufficient controls in place to manage COSHH such as items correctly labelled, stored safely (gas bottles in a metal cage) and accompanied with a COSHH assessment/SDS sheet?


  • Person completing report

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