Audit Title/ Details
Regain Materials Tomago Operations
Inspection conducted by: V Copling
Supervisor/ Manager on shift at the time of the inspection
Conducted on
compliance with AS/NZ 9001,45001,14000 standards and relevant clauses -
/Previous Inspections - Are outstanding issues identified at last inspection completed
Environment - Yard - Is the area clear of litter, equipment, waste and any spilt materials?
Environment - Yard - Is the wash down sprinkler system working effectively?
Environment - Yard - Are storm water outlets clearly marked and free of litter , solid wastes or spilt material ?
H&S - Drag Chains - all guards in place and bolted mesh on all inspection doors?
H&S - Storage Containers - clear of litter, equipment, waste and any spilt materials?
Environment - TTP - Maintenance and Emissions cleaned up daily or as spills occur?
H&S - Below TTP - No surplus materials - any trip hazards identified, all guarding in place?
Maintenance -Plant Maintenance program completed and recorded in Windchill?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
H&S - MCC Panel - MCC panels clean and maintained? (review maintenance records)
H&S - Shed 6 Storage - all Trip, Slip & Fall hazards removed or controlled?
Mobile Equip - Is all mobile equipment operating safely and complying with separation rules ?
Mobile Equip - Loader - Pre-start checks completed on a daily basis? (review maintenance records)
Mobile Equip - FLT - Pre-start checks completed on a daily basis? (review maintenance records)
Mobile Equip - Excavator - Pre-start checks completed on a daily basis? (review maintenance records)
Mobile Equip - New Mobile plant purchased/hired since last inspection?
Mobile Equip - Review risk management docs for new Mobile Equip? (include operating instruction and hazards identified with controls)
Traffic Management - Pedestrians & mobile equipment separation in place?
Traffic Management - Bollards and Barriers - all well maintained. Protection barriers in place?
Traffic Management - Traffic signage in place and visible?
Environmental - Shed 5 - All drains clear. Area clear of trip points. No visible dust emissions from shed?
Environmental – waste water, drains clean. and water recycling working? any incidents recorded?
Environmental – Are all chemical and waste containers labelled correctly?
Environmental – Are spill kits available adequately stocked, easily are accessible and contains a list of contents?
Environmental – Are recycling bins in place and being used?
Environmental – Are general waste bins free of contamination by prescribed / regulated industrial waste or recycling?
Environmental – Prescribed / regulated waste bins have capacity and do not require collection ?
H&S - Laboratory- is Lab clean and tidy no visible uncontrolled hazards?
H&S - Are gas cylinders stored in an appropriate manner (chained and in good order)?
H&S - Are signs including exit , chemical and safety signs clear and in good order. ?
H&S - Is smoking occurring only in authorised areas?
H&S - Are all personnel wearing required PPE ? <br>(Hard Hats, Respirators, Masks, Safety Boots, Safety Glasses, Hi Viz Clothing)
H&S - Airborne Contaminates - Training for Respirators has been completed by all Operational Personnel? (105L067 Airborne Contaminants Training)
H&S - Are all work areas clean and tidy and free of obsolete equipment and materials ?
H&S - Are all walkways / paths free of any obstacles ?
H&S - Are all safety showers / eye washers operating correctly ?
H&S - Are tools fit for purpose, safe and stored correctly ?
H&S - Is all fire fighting equipment in the proper place and in usable condition ?
H&S - Are all exit doors clearly marked and unobstructed ?
H&S - Are meals areas clean and tidy ?
Records - Are all Regain Employee medicals, inductions, licensing, records in date and recorded within Windchill?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Records - Contractors - Are all contractor insurances, medicals, inductions, licensing, records in date and recorded within Windchill?
Records - Are noticeboards tidy and updated with current information ?
Records - Are First Aid Rooms / Facilities clean, Tidy and with a list of contents?
H&S - Safety Alerts, Toolbox minutes, available on notice boards etc?
Records - Does the Toolbox meeting's agenda include a housekeeping to identify issues and corrective actions?
Records - is there a Test &Tag Register & is it up to date, completed and recorded in Windchill
Records - Are all Personnel inducted and records held within Windchill
Records - Incidents reported on time with corrective actions identified and recorded within Windchill?
Records - Are Isolation and Lockout tags completed in full ?
Records - Are Permits completed in full and signed off by all workers?
Records - Are SWC's completed in full and signed off by all workers?
Records - Safety Data Sheets are SDS in date (Check SDS Register and a sample of SDS on site.)
Comments and issues to followup
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