Site conducted
IMIS number
School name
Registered Street Address
Principal Name
Principal Cell Number
Nutrition department contact number
Nutrition contact person
Installer Name & QC number
Conducted on
Approximate number of learners
1. Visual Inspection
1.Cage Area
1.1)Is there a cage?
1.2) Who installed it?
Please add a photo
1.2) What is the condition of the cage?
2. Manifold Installation & exterior pipework
2.1 Is there a Change-over manifold present?
2.2 What is the condition of the changeover manifold?
Please install changeover
2.3 Is the pipework in good condition and according to regulations?
2.4 Are gas pipes sleeved correctly when passing through walls? <br>a) Do Pipes take the shortest possible route through walls?<br>b) Are the pipe sleeves of sound construction? (split sleeves not acceptable)
2.5 Is the Pipework adequately and correctly colour coded?
2.6 Is the general condition of the Pipework satisfactory?
3. Kitchen & Stove
3.1 Is the area neat and tidy?<br>
3.2 How many stoves are present?
What is the condition of stove 1
What is the condition of stove 2
What is the condition of stove 3
What is the condition of stove 4
3.3 Is there an emergency shut off valve in the kitchen?
3.4 Is there an ISOLATION valve per stove if more than one stove?
4. Safety distances
Is the stove at an acceptable distance from the window?
Is the cage more than 30 cm under the window?
Is the cage more than 3 meters away from boundary walls?
Is the gas installation further than 1 meter away from door?
Is the gas installation more than 2 meters away from an air vent or drain?
Is the installation more than 5m away from an electrical source/ ignition point?
5. Firewall/Enclosed cage
What is the kitchen building constructed of?
What is the wall where the cage needs to be mounted on constructed from?
6. Fire Extinguisher
Is there a fire extinguisher on the site?
Has it been serviced?
Next service date?
7. Overall appearance, Health and Safety
Does the school have running water?
Is there sufficient lighting in the kitchen where meals are prepared?
Is there hot water to wash and clean the dishes/ pots/ utensils?
Is there enough fresh air circulating in the kitchen?
Is there sufficient and dedicated areas for the kids to eat their meals?
8. School Logbook
Please take a picture of the logbook entry that you made