Title Page

  • Site Name

  • Date of Inspection

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Names of all site engineers

  • Inspection Report Issued To

Inspection Details

  • Signing in & out register correct and up to date

  • Inductions - are all site personnel / visitors inducted

  • Are induction forms being correctly completed

  • Toolbox talks, are these being carried out weekly and is evidence available

  • Lighting Conditions

  • Is the site neat & tidy

  • Is waste being removed to designated area / skips

  • Is the site secure (gates & doors being closed / locked etc)

  • Are access ways neat & tidy / free from equipment / debris

  • Are passageways & emergency accessways clear

  • Are toilets on site available and clean

  • Are mandatory PPE requirements being complied with

  • Is construction noise being monitored & adequately controlled

  • Are handrails / protective barriers / mesh all in place and suitable

  • Tripping hazards

  • Correct us of ladders

  • Are work activity specific risk assessments in place

  • Is the site specific risk assessment up to date and signed by the site engineers

  • Is the site specific method statement in place and signed by the site engineers

  • Are all sub contractors RAMS on site, site specific and signed by their site engineers

  • Is the first aid kit in place and adequately stocked

  • Is the ambulance / emergency vehicle access adequate

  • Is there an assigned emergency evacuation assembly point

  • Are there any confined spaces, if so are permits and necessary equipment in place

  • Has asbestos been identified on site is/has it been dealt with in the approved manner

  • Is there an asbestos register in place

  • Are Non Conformances being issued appropriately when required

  • Are injuries being registered, reported and investigated

  • Are all necessary permits to work in place

  • Are works on programme

  • Are any delays being documented and the office being notified

  • Are any variations being carried out without documented client instructions

  • Other Observations

  • Add Progress photos of each aspect of the job being carried out (Minimum of 10 Photos)

  • Conclusions and general recomendations

  • Sign Off - On Site Representative

  • Sign Off - Author

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.