Title Page
Inspection Date / Time
Contract / Job Number
Inspection conducted by - State your name
Area Manager
Workplace Location
Additional location details - e.g. Junction No. Northbound carriageway
Weather Conditions
Type of Works (screed, spray, etc.)
Vehicle Registration - List all present and inspected
Crew (state names in full)
Toolbox Talk delivered
Toolbox Title
Operatives QHSE Mental Health & Wellbeing Comments and Feedback
Any comments or feedback provided by Site Operatives regarding general wellbeing or welfare
Are there any items that require immediate notification to the QHSE Manager
Core Elements - NOTE: Any 'fail' MUST be commented on in the 'comments' section
Daily vehicle checks completed and recorded
Stop work if incomplete and rectify
Point Of Work Risk Assessment complete and recorded on the tablet
Stop work if incomplete and rectify
Traffic Management in place where required
Is the work being undertaken in accordance with the stated RAMS?
Stop work if not complied with and rectify
Any additional comments
Site Management including Quality Management
Wilson & Scott works pack available - Job Specification, RAMS, COSHH, Contract Information Sheet, Drawings
Details of the applicable RAMS and random sample of applicable COSHH data safety sheet (state RAMS number)
Emergency preparedness in place - extinguisher, eye wash, burns kit, first aid, procedure - Provide photos
Provide evidence of site personnel competencies - CSCS, NHSS 12D - Card numbers or photos are required
Housekeeping arrangements in place - materials and tools in tidy order, vehicle cab clean and tidy etc.
Stop work if further action required and rectify
Who is the competent First Aider on site?
Any additional comments
Safety Clothing - PPE and RPE
Is the correct PPE being worn (BS EN471) during operational activities - head, ear, eye, face, foot, hand, body
Is the PPE clean and in good condition?
Stop work if there are issues with the PPE and rectify
If required, is dust / fume respiratory equipment worn (put N/A if not required)
Stop work if not being worn and rectify
Add any photo evidence to support this section
Any additional comments
Stacking, position, segregation and security
Fuel storage and labelling - Are all jerry cans stored upright and secured in position?
Minimisation of slip and trip hazards - i.e. on the bed of the truck
Prevention of falling objects and security of load
Are the correct materials being used in accordance with the job specification?
Add any photo evidence to support this section
Any additional comments
Plant, Fleet and Equipment
Suitability and condition of the vehicle, Chapter 8 compliant - Vehicles newer than 2020 must have retroreflective red chevrons
Do rear facing edges of doors and tailgates have red retroreflective stickers?
Lifting equipment LOLER certified, inspection and operation
Is access / egress from the vehicle safe with protection from slips and falls?
Cleanliness of the vehicle, including signage
Runlock / key out system in use at the time of the inspection?
If not in use please explain further
Add any photo evidence to support this section
Any additional comments
Welfare Facilities
Are there welfare facilities in place?
Is there clean, fresh drinking water available and clearly labelled?
COVID 19 Arrangements - Are there hand wipes, sanitiser, masks etc. available?
Add any photo evidence to support this section
Any additional comments
Environmental Considerations - Visual integrity of fuel systems
Hydraulic Oil
Gas / Propane
Are 'O' ring clamps present on gas hoses and secure? Jubilee clips are not compliant and must be referred to the workshop
Spill kit available and full?
What are the waste management procedures?
Add any photo evidence to support this section
Any additional comments
Additional Quality Elements
Contract Information Sheet / written instructions provided to the crew
Drawing / sketch available?
Is the works process being undertaken included in the above documents
Do the documents give a good description of the work to be done
Does the work conform to the specified requirements
Add any photo evidence to support this section
Any additional comments
Inspection Completed By
Name and position of person completing the inspection
Inspected By Signature
Date and Time
Workplace Representative Name
Workplace Representative Signature
Date and Time
Inspection Summary
Inspection Summary / Feedback - Brief description of outcome
Is the report complete? Please check all mandatory fields have been completed and click on the 'complete report' button.
Are there any items that require immediate notification to the QHSE Manager